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OTHER SUPPORT: TIPS, TOOLS & TRICKS Office for Nursing Research Crystal Welliver June 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "OTHER SUPPORT: TIPS, TOOLS & TRICKS Office for Nursing Research Crystal Welliver June 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 OTHER SUPPORT: TIPS, TOOLS & TRICKS Office for Nursing Research Crystal Welliver June 12, 2013

2 Research Timeline & Just-In-Time Prepare & Submit Proposal Proposal reviewed & scored If scored high enough, PI may receive JIT request Just-In- Time Request A JIT request is not a guarantee that an award will be made Route through OSP for concurrence signature Award Do the work & manage the award

3 Just-In-Time Requests JIT refers to the application timeframe requiring applicants to send information to the NIH only if an award is likely. Decreases the administrative burden for the 75-80% of the applications that will not receive funding; Provides NIH with the most current information “just-in-time” for award. Typically, the NIH will require a concurrence letter with the following: Other Support: Extramural funding info for all key persons; IRB: Documentation that IRB has been approved or is in process of being approved; Human Subjects Training: Confirmation that all key persons & any persons working with human subjects have been trained in the treatment of human subjects; IACUC Approvals.

4 When do we respond to JIT? Has an e-mail or other request from NIH come to the PI or OSP requesting JIT information? If yes, prepare and submit JIT info to OSP. Please note, a “JIT” link next to a grant number on the eRA Commons is not a request for JIT information. The appearance of this link signifies that your application has completed the peer review process and has received a rank for which funding may be possible. Wait to submit the JIT response until a specific request from NIH grants management has been received by the PI or OSP.

5 Other Support

6 What is Other Support? NIH does an administrative review before an award is issued. Looks for over-commitment of any key personnel: more than 100% when effort for the proposal is added to effort from other research active support. Checks for possible duplication of scientific goals or financial support of the same project from other sources(s).

7 What MUST be listed in Other Support? All financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or institutional, available in direct support of an individual’s research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards (unless the investigator has committed effort), prizes, or gifts are not included.

8 FORMAT: no official template, just samples

9 Format (continued)  11pt Arial font (preferred)  0.5” margins  Format all entries the same way.  Include all 3 sections for each key personnel (active, pending, overlap).  Do not put Other Support into a table format; use tabs to add space:

10 Do’s & Don’ts  DO include all key personnel including subcontract key persons & consultants.  DO NOT include Other Significant Contributors.  DO include active, pending & overlap info.  DO include $$ and effort based on appointment type.  DO include all research projects funded or pending funding, private and federal.  DO NOT include training grants (unless there is a committed level of effort), fellowships, scholarships, or gifts.

11 Key Personnel “The PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive salaries or compensation under the grant.” Remember to include key personnel from subcontracts & consultants (if they meet the above definition) Other Significant Contributors with 0% effort do not count

12 Active & Pending Active A research project that has been awarded and not yet expired – must be active as of the day the new grant would start Pending A research project that has been submitted but not yet awarded or rejected

13 Overlap Scientific Overlap (1) When substantially the same research is proposed in more than one application or is submitted to two or more different funding sources for review and funding consideration, or (2) When a specific research objective and the research design for accomplishing that objective are the same or closely related in two or more applications or awards, regardless of the funding source. Budgetary Overlap When duplicate or equivalent budgetary items (e.g., equipment, salary) are requested in an application but are already provided for by another source. Commitment When a person's time commitment exceeds 100%, whether or not salary support is requested in the application.

14 REMEMBER… Total effort may not exceed 100% -12 calendar, or 9 academic plus 3 summer months Overlap must be explained and over-commitment must be avoided.

15 Pulling Together Other Support for UW Faculty Who Don’t Know Theirs…

16 Cut & Paste From Recent Biosketch?

17  It’s a good place to start…  But many people forget to update it or add the extra information that’s required. Project #DatesEffortSource$$TitleGoalsRolesOverlap BiosketchYYNYNYYYN Other SupportYYYYYYYNY

18 Supplementing Biosketch Info  Effort: OPUS  Direct Costs: MyFD  Role: eGC1/SAGE  Overlap: Have the investigator evaluate & write about any overlap [scientific, budgetary, commitment] Project #DatesEffortSource$$TitleGoalsRolesOverlap BiosketchYYNYNYYYN Other SupportYYYYYYYNY Remember to have the investigator review ALL Other Support info for accuracy.

19 Effort: OPUS  Example (assuming the grant would start June 10, 2013):  3% on 66-6326  4% on 66-1819  38% on 66-5932  25% on 62-4076  30% on 09-8448 The first four are grant budgets

20 Effort: Person Months  NIH Person Month Calculator:  38% effort = 3.42 academic months (9-month)  38% effort = 4.56 calendar months (12-month)

21 Direct Costs: MyFinancial Desktop

22 Role: SAGE

23 Finding Other Missing Info Info NeededSource Project #GrantTracker, NIH Reporter (if NIH) Project DatesGrantTracker, NIH Reporter (if NIH) Funding SourceGrantTracker Full TitleSAGE/eGC1, NIH Reporter (if NIH) Goals StatementSAGE/eGC1, NIH Reporter (if NIH), or ask the investigator

24 Other Support from Subcontractors If the application was selected for JIT request, the subrecipient would need to provide the standard JIT components in accordance with the request (e.g., Other Support)

25 Investigator Review As always, confirm with the investigator that what you’ve put together accurately reflects their other support and overlap. It is the investigator’s responsibility to submit current and accurate Other Support.

26 Other Resources

27 Other Support Checklist  Data current and accurate for each project?  Include Active AND Pending support (even if “none”) for each key personnel (parent grant, subcontract, consultants but excluding Other Significant Contributors or mentors)? Active support as of the day the new grant would start  Annual direct costs?  Dates of project?  Person months used (rather than percentages)?  Person months add up to greater than 12 calendar, 9 academic or 3 summer months? If so, update/correct effort information.  Expired projects not included under Active?  Denied or funded proposals not included under Pending?  Major goal summaries included for all projects?  Active support complete (i.e. corporate support included, etc.)  Overlap addressed for all key personnel (even if they have no other support)?  If there is overlap, it is indicated how the investigator would address it if the proposal were funded?  Biosketch data updated and supplemented?  Investigator reviewed and approved their own Other Support?

28 ONR Website JIT OverviewTemplates: Concurrence Letter Other Support Format Page & Example Instructions for submitting JIT requests to OSP (if not responding to an email from OSP)  research  grant services  Just-in-Time Instructions

29 New tool on the way…Michelangelo

30 Michelangelo In development A way to access research data & create reports from SAGE and Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) A future update will allow you to search for your investigator’s name in proposals!

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