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Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.  The program is intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts  To.

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Presentation on theme: "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.  The program is intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts  To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

2  The program is intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts  To create a “level playing field” for minority and women owned companies

3  DBE companies must be solicited in every federal aid contract that is funded through FHWA funds  DBE’s are certified in many categories of work

4  Documented solicitation of DBE contact should be completed on the E-91-LPA form  DBE’s should be contacted for any subcontracting opportunities that are available on the project  If there are no opportunities or the contractor is not subcontracting work the “do not intend to subcontract” box should be checked

5  The DBE directories are located on our webpage  They are listed both Alphabetically and by Work Code To get there from the WYDOT home page: Business with WYDOT Contractors Disadvantaged Business Enterprise dot/contractors/Disadvantaged_Business_Enterprise

6  An IntentToCcontract_LPA form must be completed for every DBE selected on the project  This is showing an official commitment to the DBE for the work they will be doing  These forms should be reported to the LPA/DBE office for tracking of DBE Participation

7  When the DBE is on the project the agency will need to verify they are doing the work they were contracted to do  The CUF_LPA form is provided for this documentation and should be housed in the project file for review

8  Payments to DBE’s should be made in a timely fashion  Once final payment is made, total payment information should be forwarded to the LPA/DBE office  The FinalAttainment_LPA form is provided for this documentation

9 Rachel Meeker DBE Program Coordinator (307) 777-4268 More information can be found on our webpage

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