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Dr. nabeel almaa MSc. Degree in Fixed Prosthodontics

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1 Dr. nabeel almaa MSc. Degree in Fixed Prosthodontics 1433 -1434
Clinical fixed prosthodontics I Dr. nabeel almaa MSc. Degree in Fixed Prosthodontics

2 COURSE TITLE : Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics I
COURSE CODE : PSD 533 CREDIT HOURS : 4H(1L+4C) PREREQUISITES: PSD431 +PSD 432 (Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics) Sequence:              Fifth year

3 COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the dental student should: 1. acquire basic concepts necessary for the diagnosis and treatment planning of simple fixed prostheses. 2. bring together the knowledge and skills for a successful management of different clinical fixed prosthetic cases. 3. acquire experience of performing different types of tooth preparations of abutments of fixed prostheses. 4. acquire the knowledge and skills to fabricate a biologically compatible and esthetically and functionally acceptable provisional crown.

4 5. acquire the knowledge and skills to safely manage soft tissues for making impressions of prepared tooth/teeth. 6. acquire an experience in performing some laboratory procedures for fabrication of fixed prostheses. 7. develop a good dentist-laboratory technician relationship. 8. properly deliver fixed prostheses.

5 COURSE TOPICS Introduction and orientation
The dynamics of treatment planning and treatment  sequences. Occlusal examination  Review of various tooth preparation, including the  extensively damaged vital tooth, the RPD abutment, The resin bonded FPD etc. The diagnostic wax-up and provisional restorations Managing abnormal tooth positions

6 COURSE TOPICS Tissue management and definitive impressions
All Ceramic Restorations Developments in esthetics in prosthodontics Esthetics and Shade considerations Luting cements and delivering the final restoration Prosthodontic failures, prevention and management Recall examination procedures

7 Satisfactory completion of this course requires:
1. Attendance in lecture, and clinic. Twenty-five percent (25%) of absence from the lecture or clinical sessions will deprive the student from taking the final examination (University Rules & Regulations). 2. A minimal passing grade of %60 must be achieved for the didactic component as well as the clinical component of the course. 3. A satisfactory completion of the clinical competency exams. 4. A satisfactory completion of the minimum clinical requirements.

Each student is required to: Complete the treatment of a minimum of two fixed prosthodontic cases of a relatively simple nature with a minimum of 6 units (2 single crowns, 1 fixed partial denture, post and core restorations- direct or indirect).

In order to receive a passing grade for the course, the student must pass each of the didactic and clinical components separately. Didactic Total 50 % Mid-term written examination 15 % Final written examination 35 % Clinical Total 50% Final clinical and oral examination  20 % Clinical student work 30%

10 Clinical student work 6 units:
2 single crowns (posterior then anterior) 1 posterior fixed partial denture post and core restorations (direct or indirect).

11 Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD, Jacobi R & Brackett SE
Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD, Jacobi R & Brackett SE. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, 3rd ed. Quintessence PublishingCo, 1997. RosensTIel SF, Land MF & Fujimoto J. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2006.

12 Course protocol The student should be seated on the same location in the laboratory and the clinic and should handle the materials, equipments, instruments and other devices with care and caution. A student is allowed to start the treatment procedure only after a definitive treatment plan is approved and signed in the patient's chart by the clinical instructor supervising the student. A case completion form must be signed by the supervising instructor upon case completion and submitted with the radiographs.

13 Any clinical procedure that is performed by the student should be recorded in the patient's chart at each clinical session. The student should also write clearly his name, university number and signature. This should be followed by the signature of the clinical instructor supervising the student. Improper management of the case, repeated ignorance to instructions, repeated irreversible damage, improper behavior with patients, dental assistants and/or clinical instructors will have a negative impact on the student’s grade.

14 Your evaluation of each step is required; otherwise 1 point will be subtracted from each section lacking. The patient is to arrive minutes prior to the appointed time so that all paperwork can be completed prior to appointment without wasting chair utilization time.

15 Receiving patient with a file
1 Receiving patient with a file 2 Paperworks, documentation steps and informing the patient about treatment cost then having him signed on the consent form




19 3 Take 3 preliminary impressions with alginate:
Two for Upper and lower jaws One impression for the jaw with involved tooth

20 Try-out preparation Cast
Diagnostic casts Try-out preparation Cast

21 4 Take a panoramic radiograph for bridge works or complex oral finidings and a periapical radiograph for simple single unit.

22 5 Have your all completed forms and documents approved and signed by the supervising instructor.

23 Now you can start…

24 All treatment steps are listed on student works card
Do not move on quickly in preparation steps, ask instructors’ assistance for every procedure. At the end of the appointment ask instructor to sign the performed procedures recorded in the patient ‘s card and in your own works card.

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