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The Urinary System.

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1 The Urinary System

2 Urogenital system (male dog)
1. Kidney 2. Ureter 3. Urinary bladder Retractor penis muscle Os penis 15, 16 Prepuce

3 The Female Urogenital System (Bitch)
Figure The urinary and female reproductive organs (bitch). 1, Right kidney; 2, ureter; 3, bladder; 4, ovary; 5, uterine tube; 6, uterine horn; 7, cervix; 8, vagina; 9, urethra; 10, vestibule; 11, clitoris; 12, vulva; 13, vaginal process; 14, rectum.

4 Dolphin Kidney (fyi)

5 Bovine Kidney Note multi-lobed appearance

6 Porcine Kidney

7 Canine Kidney Renal artery, renal vein, ureter

8 Equine Kidney

9 Position of the kidneys
Within the retroperitoneal space

10 Bovine Kidney (plastinated)
Each lobe has a pelvis of its own

11 Sectioned Pig Kidney Figure Sectioned kidney. Notice that the complexity of the renal pelvis decreases from cow to horse. Pig (B).

12 Canine kidney Capsule, cortex, medulla, pelvis, renal vein, renal artery, ureter

13 Feline Kidney (sectioned)
Figure Sectioned kidney. Notice that the complexity of the renal pelvis decreases from cow to horse. Cat (D).

14 Equine Kidney (sectioned)
Figure Sectioned kidney. Notice that the complexity of the renal pelvis decreases from cow to horse. Horse (E).

15 Bovine kidney (corrosion cast)
Note multiple papillary ducts

16 Canine Kidney (corrosion cast)
Single renal pelvis; ridges between renal papillae

17 Canine Kidney (corrosion cast)
Yellow=renal pelvis and ureter Red = branching of renal artery Note renal cortex and medulla

18 Corrosion Cast: Goat Kidney
Figure Corrosion cast of renal pelvis, renal artery, and renal veins of a goat. The depressions of the ridges of the renal papillae are clearly visible.

19 Schematic drawing: Lobe of Kidney
1. Glomerulus 1’ Renal corpuscle Proximal tubule 4. Distal tubule 6. Papillary duct 7. Renal artery

20 Glomerulus of a rat (SEM)

21 Renal Pelvis (canine) Contrast radiograph (Intravenous pylogram IVP)

22 Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder
Canine IVP

23 Urogram (canine) Figure Urogram of a dog. 1, Gas in stomach; 2, 2′, right and left kidneys; 3, ureters; 4, bladder.

24 Ureterovesical junction
1. Ureter 2. Bladder lumen 3. Bladder wall 4. Bladder neck. The ureter is compressed as the intravesical pressure rises

25 Urinary Bladder (interior)
1. Scar of urachus 2. bladder 3. Ureter 3’ ureteric orifice 4 Trigone of the bladder 6 Urethra

26 Canine Urinary Organs Figure The canine urinary organs and adjacent blood vessels in situ. 1, Aorta; 2, celiac a.; 3, cranial mesenteric a.; 4, caudal vena cava; 5, phrenicoabdominal vessels; 6, 6′, right and left kidneys; 7, 7′, right and left adrenal glands; 8, left renal vessels; 9, ovarian vv.; 9′, ovarian aa.; 10, caudal mesenteric a.; 11, ureters; 12, deep circumflex iliac vessels; 13, external iliac vessels; 14, bladder.

27 The Equine Abdominal Organs
Figure Position of the large intestine and the kidneys, dorsal view. 1, Base of cecum; 2, body of cecum; 3, left ventral colon; 4, pelvic flexure; 5, left dorsal colon; 6, dorsal diaphragmatic flexure; 7, right dorsal colon; 8, transverse colon; 9, proximal part of descending colon, cut; 10, left kidney; 11, right kidney.

28 Equine Kidneys (schematic)
Figure Kidneys and adrenal glands in situ, ventral view. 1, Right kidney; 1′, liver; 2, left kidney; 3, ureter; 4, renal artery; 5, renal vein; 6, aorta; 7, caudal vena cava; 8, cranial mesenteric artery; 9, celiac artery; 10, caudal mesenteric and testicular arteries; 11, testicular veins; 12, adrenal glands.

29 Bovine Kidney (schematic)
Figure Ventral views of the right (A) and left (B) bovine kidneys. 1, Ureter; 2, renal vein; 3, renal artery; 4, renal sinus.

30 Bovine Kidney (sectioned)
Figure Bovine kidney dissected to show its interior, semischematic. 1, Principal branches of ureter; 2, calyx; 3, renal papillae; 4, renal cortex; 5, interlobular artery.

31 Porcine Urinary System
Figure The lymph nodes of the sublumbar area, ventral view. 1, Kidneys; 2, aorta; 3, caudal vena cava; 4, external iliac artery; 5, internal iliac artery; 6, cisterna chyli; 7, lumbar trunks and lumbar aortic nodes; 8, intestinal trunk; 9, thoracic duct; 10, medial iliac nodes; 11, lateral iliac node

32 Porcine Kidney (sectioned)
Figure Kidney sectioned through poles and hilus. 1, Cortex; 2, medulla; 3, papilla; 4, pelvis; 5, ureter; 6, renal artery; 7, renal vein.

33 Avian Urinary System (schematic)
Figure Ventral view of the kidneys and vessels and nerves in their vicinity, schematic. The right kidney shows the branches of the ureter; the left, the renal vessels. Cranial (A), middle (B), and caudal (C) divisions of kidney. 1, Aorta; 2, celiac a.; 3, cranial mesenteric a.; 4, caudal vena cava; 5, cranial renal a.; 6, cranial renal portal v.; 6′, anastomosis with vertebral venous sinus; 7, cranial renal v.; 8, primary branch of ureter; 9, secondary branch of ureter; 10, femoral n.; 11, external iliac v.; 12, external iliac a.; 13, common iliac v.; 14, portal valve; 15, caudal renal v.; 16, caudal renal portal v.; 17, sciatic n.; 18, ischial a.; 19, ischial v.; 20, ureter; 21, internal iliac v.; 22, caudal mesenteric v.; 23, 23′, middle and caudal renal aa.

34 Avian Cloaca Figure Median section of the cloaca, semischematic. 1, Colon; 2, coprodeum; 2′, coprourodeal fold; 3, urodeum; 3′, uroproctodeal fold; 4, proctodeum; 5, vent; 6, ureteric orifice; 7, papilla of deferent duct; 8, position of oviduct orifice (only on left side); 9, cloacal bursa; 9′, dorsal proctodeal gland; 10, skin; 11, tail feather; 12, uropygial gland; 12′, papilla of uropygial gland; 13, muscles surrounding caudal vertebrae.

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