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Welcome to the Blackett Laboratory World leading Physics in the heart of London.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Blackett Laboratory World leading Physics in the heart of London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Blackett Laboratory World leading Physics in the heart of London.

2 Department of Physics – Blackett Laboratory © Imperial College LondonPage 2 9 one-year Masters programmes Shock Physics Optics and Photonics Quantum Fields & Fundamental Forces Physics Theory and Simulation of Materials Controlled Quantum Dynamics Photonics Plastic Electronics Plasmonics and Metamaterials Outreach to London’s global community fostering of science communication skills from undergraduates to faculty embedding of top-level science with the arts: Royal College of Music joint degree programme, Royal College of Arts projects, artist in residence cultural diversity and championing of women in science and engineering ~ 800 undergraduate, 120 Masters, and 270 PhD students 2009: 34% female intake 33% of undergraduates continue with further studies (mostly PhD) highly trained analytical minds for the financial sector 115 academic staff Student Statistics

3 Academic Research: 120 staff and 220 RAs ☼Astrophysics: Steve Warren + 6 staff Far Infrared/sub-mm, X-ray, Gravitational Lensing, Cosmology, Galactic, Solar, …. ☼Condensed Matter Theory: Matthew Faulkes + 9 staff Materials Modelling, Metamaterials, Complexity Science, Nanotechnology, Quantum Phases ☼Experimental Solid State Physics: Lesley Cohen + 15 staff Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Functional Magnetism, Nanotechnology, Molecular Materials and Devices, Quantum Optics, Photovoltaics, Spintronics, Plasmonics, Superconductivity, …. ☼High Energy Physics: Jordan Nash + 21 staff Beyond the Standard Model, CMS/LHCb/D0/BaBar, Neutrino Factory, T2K, Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves, Grid Computing, …. ☼Photonics: Paul French + 11 staff Fibre and solid state lasers, Sculpted thin films, Data storage, Imaging, Adaptive optics, Nonlinear optics, ☼Plasma Physics: Steve Rose + 7 staff Laser-solid interactions, Particle acceleration, Magnetic Confinement Fusion, Wire array Z-pinch, Astrophysical Jets, Dusty Plasmas, Laser-Plasma theory, …. ☼Quantum Optics and Laser Science: Mungshik Kim + 11 staff Attosecond science, Quantum coherence, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Atom chips, Trapping and Cold matter, EDM measurement, Non-linear …. ☼Space and Atmospheric Physics: Steve Schwartz + 13 staff Heliospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Planetary Physics, Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans, Earth Observation, Climate change, Instrumentation, …. ☼Theoretical Physics: Jerome Gauntlett + 14 staff Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity/Foundations of QM, String Theory & M-Theory, Cosmology, Page 3

4 Astrophysics: Milestone in cosmology Seen when the age of the Universe was 770 Myr (6% of current age). Reveals for the first time a cosmos predominantly neutral i.e. reached back to the epoch of cosmic reionisation. Mortlock et al. Nature, June 2011 Discovery of first quasar with redshift >7

5 Low-voltage ZnO thin-film transistors Anthopoulos and team ADV MATER 2011, Vol:23 ADV FUNC MATER 2011 Experimental Solid State Physics NanoPlasmonics Maier, Pendry and team Nano Lett, 2011, Vol:11 Phys Rev Lett, 2010, Vol:105 Magnetic Monopole Defects Branford team: Nature Physics 2010 Science 2012 Organic Photovoltaics Kim, Nelson and Bradley MACROMOL 44 2011

6 High Energy Physics: Search for SUSY particles at CERN Most stringent limits in the world on the masses of supersymmetric particles - led by Imperial physicists (Phys.Lett. B 698, 196-218, 2011).

7 Nature 473, 493–496 (26 May 2011) Measuring the shape of the electron Quantum Optics and Laser Science

8 10  m Photonics: Fluorescence lifetime imaging 1  m 3ns 0ns 3.5ns 0ns 2ns 1 mm to read out biomolecular interactions – interdisciplinary frontiers

9 Plasma Physics: Laser wakefield driven x-ray source Stefan Kneip et al., Nature Physics, 6 980, 2010 Radiograph of damsel-fly Phase contrast image of same damsel-fly Experimental set-up Image of x- ray beam High imaging resolution demonstrates small source size X-ray beam has: small divergence ultrashort duration (<30 fs) high resolving ability spatial coherence ➜ high peak brightness Laser wakefield is bright source of x- rays with spatial coherence: potential for phase-contrast imaging

10 Space and Atmospheric Physics Climate predictability from the oceans (with Grantham Institute) The oceans in mid-latitudes experience frequent convective events “communicating” sea surface temperature to a deep atmospheric layer. A large number of these convective events are not currently represented in climate models.  Predictability might be underestimated in the current generation of climate/weather forecast models. Percentage of days with deep convection (ERAint data) Included in climate models (“upright” convection) Not included in climate models (“slantwise” convection) Czaja, A. and N. Blunt: A new mechanism for ocean atmosphere coupling in midlatitudes, QJRMS, 2011

11 Space and Atmospheric Physics Discovery of dynamic atmosphere at Saturn’s moon Enceladus by the Cassini magnetometer team

12 Theoretical Physics: Maths of string theory and black holes finding applications in condensed matter physics AdS/CFT and Condensed Matter International meeting at Imperial Jan 2011 e.g. quantum phase transition in ‘unconventional’ superconductors

13 Postgraduate Programmes: PhD students (2012) 350 MSc taught courses: 135 Optics & Photonics: 25 Quantum Fields & Fundamental Forces:40 General Physics:23 Shock Physics 5 MResPhotonics: 4 Plasmonics and Metamaterials 4 EPSRC DTCs Integrated Masters plus PhD: Controlled Quantum Dynamics: 13 Theory and Simulation of Materials: 15 Plastic Electronic Materials: 12 Page 13

14 MSc in Physics MSc course outline: Wide choice of advanced courses in most areas of physics Training in key mathematical and computational skills Major project element Entry criteria: GPA of 3.2+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Programme aimed at preparing students for a PhD or research in industry. Most graduates win PhD places – some in US Highlights: Able to tailor course to match your interests Offers specialist courses from other masters programmes Opportunity for project work in most areas of physics Projects with international research facilities Two year course with extended research project soon available

15 Plastic Electronic Materials MRes course outline: Multidisciplinary covering chemistry, physics and materials Courses span both academic and hands-on practical training in industry Major research project Entry criteria: GPA of 3.15+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Key technology for solar energy, displays and thin film electronics $1B/year global industry and growing. Demand for skilled researchers – materials to device systems Opportunities in large multi-nationals to start-up companies Highlights: Imperial in World’s top 3 for Materials research Strong industrial engagement Research Project selected from the outset Focus on employability and research leadership Major transferable skills programme, including IP and entrepreneurship

16 Controlled Quantum Dynamics MRes course outline: Programme focus on preparation for PhD career Courses cover Quantum Information, Quantum Optics and control of single/few quantum systems Choice of theoretical or experimental projects Entry criteria: GPA of 3.2+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Basis for new science and technology including: o Quantum computing o Quantum metrology o Quantum communications New companies and technologies – Toshiba, NTT, Oxford Instrument and idQuantique. Highlights: Research projects with leading UK/European groups and international companies Direct transfer to PhD Focus on employability and research leadership Outreach activities Lectures by leading researchers

17 Theory & Simulation of Materials MSc course outline: Multidisciplinary Six core courses: advanced math, equilibrium, kinetics, elasticity, electronic structure, multiscale simulation methods Choice of two options Major research project Entry criteria: GPA of 3.2+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Materials underpin all modern technology e.g.: o Energy o Transport o Security o IT & communication Links (including funding) with Argonne National Lab, Baker Hughes, US Air Force, Johnson Matthey etc. Highlights: Cohort-based Direct transfer to PhD Residential professional skills training (PhD): o Team-working o Career planning o Science communication (BBC) Outreach activities Master classes with senior figures

18 MSc in Optics and Photonics/MRes in Photonics MSc/MRes course outline: Either stand-alone (MSc) or part of PhD programme (MRes) Covers classical and modern optics and applications Substantial practical element Entry criteria: GPA of 3.15+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Proven route for careers in photonics and for PhD research Key science behind imaging, displays, telecommunications and computing Many new exciting photonic technologies reaching marketplace Highlights: Both include a major research project Imperial has nearly 100 years of teaching and research in optics Substantial research activity in Department, over $10M/year (GUESS!) Projects in both industry and academia /

19 MRes in Plasmonics and Metamaterials MRes course outline: Compulsory courses on nanophotonics, optical materials at the nanoscale, metamaterials and computational photonics Nine month research project Entry criteria: GPA of 3.15+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Highlights: Imperial in World’s top 3 for materials research Major international centre for research (negative refractive index media, cloaking) Centre research income of $15M Career options: Ideal preparation for a PhD in Plasmonics and Metamaterials Provides key skills for burgeoning industries exploiting these technologies (healthcare, computing)

20 MSc in Shock Physics MSc course outline: Compulsory courses cover fundamental physics, chemistry and mechanics of shocks Option course extend subject to area of interest Five month research project Entry criteria: GPA of 3.15+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Highlights: Collaborations with many research and industrial partners in UK and US Projects with worldwide research facilities Guest lectures with international speakers Train on experimental facilities (static pressure, explosives) Career options: Key science in many areas of physics (astrophysics, plasmas) and engineering (aerospace, mining) Careers in physics and engineering, research and industry

21 MSc in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces MSc course outline: Compulsory courses cover the Standard Model, Quantum Field Theory and QED Options include string theory, supersymmetry and particle cosmology Guest lectures by leading physicists Entry criteria: GPA of 3.2+/4 or 4+/5 (MIT) Career options: Programme aimed at preparing students for a PhD in theoretical physics Mathematical skills gained in great demand in other areas of physics, mathematics and business Highlights: Theoretical physics group established by Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam Over 30 years of teaching theoretical physics Two week research seminar series

22 tudentinfo/internationalstudents

23 Educational and Research Links Undergraduates UG - student exchange agreement UG - study abroad program UG -Extra-curricular summer projects (undergraduate research opportunity scheme UROP or IROP) Post Graduates 12M stand alone Masters qualifications Students can take 3M, 6M components receiving a certificate or diploma respectively. Potential for formal student exchange schemes for post graduate students who may want to take reciprocal courses within collaborative institutions. Study Leave: PhD students taking time to pursue complementary research activities. Benefits Closer ties institutionally at discipline specific level Widening opportunities for the student educational experience Recruiting highest calibre students Seeding research interactions for the development of new scientific programmes and potentially for joint funding platforms.

24 © Imperial College LondonPage 24 World Leading Physics in the Heart of London

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