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The Company has been founded by a group of engineering professionals from the oil and gas industry in Oman. It acquired its engineering license from the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Company has been founded by a group of engineering professionals from the oil and gas industry in Oman. It acquired its engineering license from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Company has been founded by a group of engineering professionals from the oil and gas industry in Oman. It acquired its engineering license from the relevant authorities in Oman in 2008. The cumulative oil and gas experience is over 100 years. The experience ranges from process engineering, mechanical engineering, control and automation engineering, electrical engineering, project management and commissioning as well as operations experience. The Company has tie-ups with engineering houses in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy and India. India Italy Portugal United Kingdom

2 Grow organically, by developing Core Competencies over a period of time in chosen areas and through Strategic Alliances with Companies having technological expertise to undertake and execute Oil Field Services projects, all the while augmenting the Intellectual Capital, and maintaining high levels of Ethical Standards, to enhance Client and Stakeholder Value Client satisfaction and expectations is always our priority. We have brought our broad-minds from a wide range of disciplines and have encouraged ourselves to look beyond the constraints of our own specialism. Hence take this approach a step further by ensuring our client relationships are kept simple and direct. Our Philosophy is to be a well-diversified company and would like to significantly strengthen our market presence and unreservedly enhance our obligations to nation building in the O&G and other sectors through innovative commitments.

3 Project Management Process Solutions Technical Safety Asset Integrity Engineering Services Process Mechanical Electrical CAA Piping Topographical Laser Scan (Survey) Electrical Power System Engineering

4 Project Management  Value Assurance Reviews & Project Implementation Reviews  Design Quality Reviews; Design Reviews, HAZOP’s, IPF’s, SAFOP’s, Constructability Reviews, etc  Operations Readiness and Flawless Start-up studies  Environmental Studies  Commissioning support  Risked based schedule and cost planning & Management  Contract Strategies Development  Benchmarking, business development and market intelligence  Opportunity and Risk Management  Contracts and specifications write-up  Tendering and enquiries  Technical and commercial evaluation of tenders and recommendations  Project supervision on technical and commercial  Progress Assessments Process Solutions  Conceptual Design and Studies  Preparation of Basis for Design  Design of field gathering system including wells, remote manifolds, flow -lines and bulk-lines.  TEG Regeneration Package, Flare Package & System, & Pressure Reduction Terminals Design  Plants debottlenecking, Material Selection, Energy Conservation, Pumps and Compressors Systems Optimization, & Field Production Optimization Studies  Compression stations design, GT driven or VFD driven  Process Engineering studies and reports for oil/gas, water treatment and steam generation facilities. This includes simulations/hydraulics, line sizing, Heat and Material balances, PFS/PEFS/UFS/UEFS, data sheets and technical specifications.  Power Flow Analysis  Power System Optimization and Planning  Energy Efficiency  Dynamic Behaviour Simulation  Generation Expansion Planning Asset Integrity  Design and Detailed Engineering for Piping and Pipeline systems, Pressure Vessels and Tanks, Design and detailed Engineering for Electrical system and Cathodic Protection, Design and detailed Engineering for sub-stations, Design and detailed Engineering systems for control & automation, & Design for various Civil Systems and buildings  As-built services  Laser scanning service

5 Technical Safety  Qualitative & Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies  Physical Effects & CFD Dispersion & Explosion Modelling  Study Facilitation (HAZOP, HAZID, ENVID, BOWTIE etc.)  Active & Passive Fire Protection Design  Firewater System Design  Fire & Gas Mapping  Hazardous Area Classification  Safety Case & COMAH Report Development  Hazard Identification (HAZID)  Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies  Environmental Impact Identification (ENVID)  Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)  Asset Management studies  Blowdown / Flare, Dropped Object & Ship Impact Studies  Fire & Explosion Risk, Escape, Evacuation & Rescue, TR Impairment, Smoke & Gas Ingress, Building Risk, Emergency Systems Survivability, Process Hazard and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessments. Engineering Services  Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM)  Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)  Risk Based Inspection (RBI)  Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessments  Logistics & Transportation Studies Topographical laser Scan  Generation of a 3D model from an existing installation  Virtual 3D inspection of an installation  Conformity control of a new installation  Generation of an "as-built" or "as-existing" base plan  Feasibility analysis  Generation of a plot plan, layout, plan view or isometric Electrical Power System Eng.  MV Network planning and expansions  Power Flow Analysis  Protection Coordination  Dynamic Behavior Simulation  Power Quality Analysis and Mitigation  Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA)  Sparing Optimisation  Life Cycle Costing  Updating of existing plans (upgrade)  Rapid production of crop sections  Rapid production of three-dimensional measurements (length, width, height)  Pipe connection on an existing system (tie-in)  Survey of piping systems  Kinematics for the movement of equipment in situ  Pipeline alignment sheet  Power Systems Optimization  Power Systems Planning  Load Forecasting  Generation Expansion Engineering  EHV & HV Networks Engineering  Technical Studies  Operation Studies  Electromagnetic interference effects and Mitigations.  Economic Studies

6  Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)  Miscellaneous Risk Assessments (e.g. Temporary Buildings, Transportation, etc.)  Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Risk Assessment  ALARP Assessment  Offshore HSE/Safety Case Development  Onshore COMAH/CIMAH Report Development  HSE/Safety Case Updates/Revisions and Bridging Documents  HSE MS Audits and Reviews  Hazard and Risk Register Preparation  Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Development  Procedures for General Safety, Operations and Maintenance (SOP) Development  Performance Standards (PS) Development for Safety Critical Elements (SCES)  Working Environment Risk Assessment (WERA)  Human Error and Human Factor Study  Job/Task Hazard Analysis (JHA)  Study of Human Behavior during MAE  Ergonomics Study  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  EIA Scoping  Availability Studies  Markov State Modeling  Logistics and Transportation Using "Real Time" Simulation Modeling  Debottlenecking and Performance Improvement Studies  Whole Life Cycle Costing Evaluation  CAPEX and OPEX Economic Calculations Act Care Think


8 Rock is managed by highly experienced group of managers

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