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The Takatuf Scholars Programme © Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C 7 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Takatuf Scholars Programme © Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C 7 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Takatuf Scholars Programme © Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C 7 October 2013

2 Outline Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C Programme Goals Programme Overview Programme Benefits Application Criteria Application Process Key Dates Programme Stages Distribution Criteria Programme Requirements Parents’ Commitment How to Contact Us

3 Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C Wholly owned by the Omani government Invests in energy and energy-related sectors locally and internationally to supports diversification as well as local and foreign investment promotion efforts Wholly owned by the Omani government Invests in energy and energy-related sectors locally and internationally to supports diversification as well as local and foreign investment promotion efforts Develop and invest in profitable businesses within Oman and internationally Maximise value from Oman’s resources Create meaningful employment within Oman Grow talent – business leaders and professionals

4 Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C Investments

5 Programme Goals Prepare young Omanis for leadership roles in the Sultanate’s future development Support bright, motivated students – Diverse interests – Noteworthy academic and personal accomplishments

6 Programme Overview 60 Scholars named each year, followed through their undergraduate careers Rigorous selection process International group of faculty members and academic support staff – Introduce them to different ways of learning – Hone their intellectual skills – Broaden their practical abilities – Build their confidence and personal skills – Ready them for university life 10 International Scholars each year

7 Programme Benefits – All Scholars Accommodations and full tuition for the Summer Programme Hone language and critical thinking skills A laptop computer and the e-Portfolio system Formal and preparatory tests of academic preparation for higher education Guidance as to selection of course of study and universities of preference Advising services of the Takatuf Scholars Programme Directorate Support from the Takatuf Scholars Programme Directorate for summer internships, sponsorship for further study and career opportunities

8 Programme Benefits – International Scholars Full scholarship for two years at an international boarding/preparatory school and four years of university education Fully paid, including visa and all other related expenses Monthly allowance Tickets to spend long holidays at home Financing for extra-curricular activities

9 Application Criteria A citizen of the Sultanate of Oman when the application is made Registered in the second semester of Grade 10 or 11 when the application is made Achieved the minimum academic standard in the first semester of Grade 10 or 11 Parent or legal guardian consent

10 Application Process Online via Loading the following documents: 1.Academic transcript for the first semester with the percentage score for each subject clearly indicated 2.Parnet’s/Guardian’s signed consent form 3.A recent e-photo 4.A scan of the passport or photo ID

11 Key Dates DateEvent March 2014 Submitting applications April – June 2014 Testing and selection of top 60 applicants to join the Programme August 2014Takatuf Scholars Summer Residential Programme 2014

12 G10 student March-June Application and Selection of 60 Scholars August Summer Residential Programme Sep-Feb Independent Learning: back to school Feb-March Selecting 10 International Scholars 2 years Boarding/Prep Schools for High School Completion 4 years University leading to completion of first degree Takatuf Alumnus 10 International Scholars 50 Continuing Scholars Programme Stages

13 Distribution Criteria An equal number of male and female Scholars in each intake No more than 50% of any distribution group of candidates should come from a single governorate A majority of the annual allocation of seats for the Scholars Programme and the International Scholarships shall be awarded to students in the public system

14 Programme Requirements Summer Residential Programme Safe, supervised, separate male/female accommodations Co-educational work Integrates multiple competencies Formal testing of English language proficiency and other competencies Problem solving and project based Research, analysis, presenting results, and communicating The Independent Learning Phase During semester 1 of the next academic year e-Portfolio English language proficiency Leadership/community service project Self-reflection and evaluation Formal testing

15 Parents’ Commitment Consent Filling out some forms English only Programme Summer Residential Programme Organised excursions Some required tasks parallel to academic studies in next academic year Studying abroad, if the student secures an international scholarhsip Supporting your student through the Programme

16 Contact us Programme Phone:24529074 © Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C


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