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Published byCaden McCann Modified over 10 years ago
Nuclear Data Project at McMaster University Status Report: April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013 Balraj Singh McMaster University IAEA-NSDD-2013 KFAS, Kuwait, January 27-31, 2013
Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Balraj Singh, Jun Chen, John Cameron, Michael Birch, Ervin Thiagalingam ENSDF evaluations; training workshops XUNDL (includes papers on Atomic masses) NSR (includes papers on nuclear reactions) Topical Evaluations: B(E2) for first 2+ states; Beta-delayed neutron (BD-N) emitters: %Pn, T 1/2 Collaborative research projects Does not include Alan Chen’s active experimental Nuclear Astrophysics program, and data evaluation of relevant reaction rates
ENSDF: NSDD: Permanent Responsibility A=31 (1998, update at galley stage) A=32 (2011) A=33 (2011) A=34 (2012) A=35 (2011) A=36 (2011) A=37 (2012) A=38 (2008) A=39 (2006) A=40 (2004) A=41 (2001) A=42 (2001, updated: pre-rev stage) A=43 (2001, updated: post-rev stage) A=44 (2011) During 2011-13, work was also done on several other A-chains and nuclides, which are outside McMaster’s A-chain responsibility A=1 (2005) A=64 (2007) A=89 (2013) A=98 (2003) A=100 (2008) A=149 (2004) A=151 (2009) A=164 (2001, updated: pre-rev stage) A=188 (2002; update at other center) A=190 (2003); update in progress) A=194 (2006)
ENSDF: A-chain Evaluations Published in NDS (April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013) A=33: J. Chen and B. Singh, NDS 112, 1393-1511 (2011) A=32: C. Ouellet and B. Singh, NDS 112, 2199-2355 (2011) A=44: J. Chen, B. Singh and J.A. Cameron, NDS 112, 2357-2495 (2011) A=35: J. Chen, J. Cameron and B. Singh, NDS 112, 2715-2850 (2011) A=36: N. Nica, J. Cameron and B. Singh, NDS 113, 1-155 (2012) A=37: J. Cameron, J. Chen, B. Singh, N. Nica, NDS 113, 365-514 (2012) A=62: A.L. Nichols, B. Singh and J.K. Tuli, NDS 113, 973-1114 (2012) A=77: B. Singh and N. Nica, NDS 113, 1115-1314 (2012) A=34: N. Nica and B. Singh, NDS 113, 1563-1733 (2012) A=89: B. Singh, NDS 114, 1-208 (2013)
ENSDF: A-chain Evaluations Submitted for NDS April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013 A=44 and 62: submitted May 2011 and Sept 2011; published in 2012. A=75: A. Negret and B. Singh (submitted July 2011) (post-review stage) A=43: B. Singh and J. Chen (submitted Sept 2011) (post-review stage) A=42: J. Chen and B. Singh (submitted Sept 2012) (pre-review stage) A=164: B. Singh and J. Chen (submitted Sept 2012) (pre-review stage) A=211: IAEA-ICTP-2012 workshop (submitted Sept 2012) (post-review stage). (This work is being coordinated by B. Singh)
ENSDF: A-chain Evaluations in pipeline for NDS April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013 A=31: C. Ouellet and B. Singh (submitted Sept 2009) (galley stage) (*) A=85: B. Singh and J. Chen (submitted Sept 2009) (post-review stage) (*) A=61: K. Zuber and B. Singh (submitted Sept 2010) (review stage) (*) A=129: J. Timar, Z. Elekes and B. Singh (submitted Sept 2010) (post-review) (*)
ENSDF: Nuclide Evaluations of Nuclides for ENSDF April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013 80 nuclides updated in ENSDF Mostly far-off the stability New Nuclides and/or nuclides for which excited state and/or gamma-ray data became available for the first time. A table of half-lives of bare and/or highly-charged ionic nuclei, together with complete reference list was prepared by Yuri Litvinov (GSI) and B. Singh, and published as an appendix in 2011 Nuclear Wallet Cards. Data files for 56 (+4?) new nuclides from 2012Ku26 : Phys. Lett. B 717, 371 (Oct 2012) have been prepared. Will be submitted in Feb 2013. These updates are based on regular scanning of literature for XUNDL compilations. XUNDL work also leads to corrections in current datasets in ENSDF. Is a review of this policy/procedure needed?
ENSDF: A-chain evaluations: in progress A=57: with K. Zuber (Krakow). (previous: 1999) ?? A=76: with A. Farhan (Kuwait U). (previous: 1994) A=86: with A. Negret (Bucharest). (previous: 1999) A=130: with A. Rodionov, Yu. Khazov (PNPI, Russia) A=139: with P. Joshi (TIFR, Mumbai), A.K. Jain (IIT,Roorkee), J.K. Tuli (NNDC,BNL). S. Singh (Ambala, India) (previous: 2001) A=189, 190: with T. Johnson (NNDC, BNL) (previous: 2003)
ENSDF database Corrections for γ -ray branching ratio for ‘single- γ levels’. October 2012: Roberto Capote from IAEA-NDS sent a file retrieved from ENSDF database with 10260 gamma rays with no relative photon branching ratio listed in Adopted datasets. This omission produced problems with their calculation of yields in some reactions. November 2012: on my request, received another more relevant and filtered file from R. Capote which contained 2438 such gamma- ray records. Nov 12 to present: I have gone through 21 nuclides and sent corrections (i.e. enter 100 where justified) to Jagdish Tuli. Most of these have been edited in ENSDF. I will continue with the rest.
ENSDF: related codes A working version of JAVA-NDS code developed primarily at McMaster handed over to NNDC in Oct 2011. For several years it has been used routinely to produce ‘band drawings in color’ for NDS publication. In August 2012, on request this code was sent to Dr. Marco Verpelli at IAEA. He plans using this code for his LIVECHART to produce drawings for decay schemes from ENSDF, and perhaps also from XUNDL datasets. M. Birch has developed a general purpose code which has a library of different averaging procedures, including outliers. This code also handles asymmetric uncertainties, not handled by AVETOOLS. He has proposed a new method as well. Code is now available on NNDC webpage.
ENSDF: training workshops Dr. Alexandru Negret from Bucharest visited McMaster in July 2011 for two weeks to work on evaluation of A=75 nuclides. IAEA-ICTP Workshop: August 6-17, 2012: I participated as a lecturer, and coordinated evaluation of A=211 mass chain. This work is at post-review stage, and close to publication. ENSDF workshop Nov 26-29, 2012 at Variable Energy Cyclotron Center (VECC) in Kolkata, India. I participated as a lecturer and coordinated A=215 evaluation. About 40 researchers from various labs and universities in India attended. The work on A=215 is still continuing. First draft is expected to be completed by the end of this month.
Collaborations related to ENSDF work 1. NNDC, Brookhaven National Lab.: B. Pritychenko, T. Johnson, J.K. Tuli 2. Physics Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait: A. Farhan 3. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina: A.A. Rodionov, Y. Khazov 4. Nuclear Research Institute, Debrecen: J. Timar, Z. Elekes 5. Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ-PAN), Krakow: K. Zuber 6. National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest: A. Negret 7. Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M, USA: N. Nica 8. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India: P.K. Joshi 9. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India: A.K. Jain. 10. Department of Physics, University of Surrey, UK: A.L. Nichols 11. IAEA-NDS: D. Abriola
XUNDL: compilations April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013 796 compiled datasets and 25 updated (for new papers from the same groups) datasets from about 280 recent (from April 2011 onwards) publications. 42 datasets were compiled with David Kulp, contactor with NNDC. 116 datasets from TUNL; 48 from ANL were reviewed, and edited when needed. Continued correspondence with the original authors to resolve data- related problems, and obtain additional data. Training of a new undergraduate student each year. Compilation new mass measurements papers since AME-2003: Nov 2010 –Oct 2012: 41 primary papers (~ 325 data points); These data are made available on ORNL webpage:
NSR: key-wording of PRC articles ( April 1, 2011 to Jan 31, 2013) PRC issues: March 2011 to Sept 2012 (19 months): Keyword abstracts prepared for about 1220 articles from a total of about 1880 articles. Undergraduate students prepared first drafts: J. Choquette, M. Birch and E. Thiagalingam I provided training for the key-wording process. Draft of keywords were checked and edited for technical content, wording, and run through NSR-PREP code to resolve formatting errors, prior to sending to NNDC Reference paper for NSR database published : B. Pritychenko, E. Betak, M.A. Kellett, B. Singh and J. Totans: Nuclear Instr. & Methods A 640, 213 (2011)
Topical evaluations: B(E2) for first 2+ states Update of Raman’s 2001 evaluation B. Pritychenko, M. Birch, J. Choquette, M. Horai, B. Singh B. Pritychenko, J. Choquette, M. Horoi, B. Karamy and B. Singh, An update of B(E2) evaluation for 0 1 + to 2 1 + transitions in even-even nuclei near N~Z~28, ADNDT 98, 798-811 (2012). Significant number of new measurements have been published in the last 2-3 years with the availability of radioactive ion beams. B(E2) data for Z=2-22, Z>30 have been compiled and evaluated, and first drafts of tables are complete. Article for Z=2-22 region is being prepared for submission to ADNDT. Hopefully this project can be wrapped up in about a year.
Topical evaluations : Beta-delayed neutron decays In early 2011, initial suggestion for this topic came from Iris Dillmann at GSI, in context of my communications with C. Sheidenberger. June 2011: I visited IAEA-NDS and GSI; suggested to D. Abriola to consider project of reference database for evaluated beta-delayed neutron data for an IAEA-CRP. In October 2011, Consultants’ meeting at IAEA for a reference database of %P(n) values for beta-delayed neutron emitters was organized by D. Abriola. A Summary report was published by D. Abriola, B. Singh and I. Dillmann: INDC(NDS)-0599 (Dec 2011) In May 2012, McMaster hosted a follow-up meeting with 15 participants from IAEA, GSI, Valencia, BNL, ORNL, RIKEN, LLNL, Guelph (TRIUMF) with interest in experimental and evaluation work of beta-delayed neutron emitters. Next meeting is planned at ORNL May 2-3, 2013. A first draft of evaluation of %P(n) and T 1/2 for non-fission region (A<72) nuclei has been prepared. McMaster + IAEA + NNDC + GSI collaboration. NNDC has published a systematics paper on the topic: E.A.McCutchan, A.A.Sonzogni, T.D.Johnson, D.Abriola, M.Birch, B.Singh: Phys. Rev. C 86, 041305(R) (2012)
Collaborative Research projects
Zr-94 structure experiment at TRIUMF Phonon-Coupled Excitations and Mixed-Symmetry States in Zr-94. Through the study of Y-94 decay to Zr-94 at TRIUMF-ISAC facility: using radioactive ion beam and 8π gamma-detector array Steve Yates et al.; one week experiment run in Sept 2011 at TRIUMF. I participated in the experiment run. A. Chakraborty, E.E. Peters, B.P. Crider, C. Andreoiu, P.C. Bender, D.S. Cross, G.A. Demand, A.B. Garnsworthy, P.E. Garrett, G. Hackman, B. Hadinia, S. Ketelhut, A. Kumar, K.G. Leach, M.T. McEllistrem, J. Pore, F.M. Prados-Este´vez, E.T. Rand, B. Singh, E.R. Tardiff, Z.-M. Wang, J. L. Wood, S.W. Yates: Collective Structure in 94 Zr and Subshell Effects in Shape Coexistence. PRL 110, 022504 (2013). (Use of RULER code) Previous publication on Y-94 to Zr-94 decay (Data in ENSDF): B. Singh, H.W. Taylor, and P.J. Tivin, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 2, 397 (1976) : 54 gamma rays in this work with lowest intensity of 0.010, relative to 100 for most intense γ In current work, ~450 gamma rays. A. Chakraborty is visiting McMaster in May-June 2013 for 3 weeks to extend the analysis further, and preparation of a full paper. Steve Yates may visit McMaster also. Use of NNDC codes for analysis. Experiment on 98 Zr structure is also approved at TRIUMF. Run is expected in 2013.
Structure studies of N=Z nuclide 30 P 28 Si( 3 He, pγ) 30 P at University of Tsukuba Tandem Accelerator. By product of experiment on 30 S for nuclear astrophysics. The spectra had a large contribution from 30 P. Dr. Kiana Setoodehnia studied 30 S for her thesis. I encouraged her to analyze data for 30 P as well. This has been done. Results will be presented at ND-2013. It is McMaster + Tsukuba + CNS, Tokyo + RIKEN + JAEA collaboration: E. Mcneice, K. Setoodehnia, B. Singh, Y. Abe, D. N. Binh, A. A. Chen, J. Chen, S. Cherubini, S. Fukuoka, T. Hashimoto, T. Hayakawa, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Ito, D. Kahl, T. Komatsubara, S. Kubono, T. Moriguchi, D. Nagae, R. Nishikiori, T. Niwa, A. Ozawa, T. Shizuma, H. Suzuki, H. Yamaguchi, and T. Yuasa. We have used ENSDF code GTOL for deducing level energies in a complex level scheme.
Other collaborative studies Evaluation of half-life of 198 Au: J. Chen, S. D. Geraedts, C. Ouellet, B. Singh : Applied Rad. & Iso. 69, 1064 (2011) Decay scheme and half-life of 139 Ba: (in context of A=139 ongoing evaluation): experimental work done at BARC, India using CIRUS and Dhruva reactors, clover Ge detectors. This work is now published. L.S. Danu, P.K. Joshi, D.C. Biswas, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Goswami, P.N. Prashanth, L.A. Kinage, R.K. Choudhury, B. Singh: Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 186 (Dec 2012) We believe that half-life (discrepant) issue of 139 Ba is now settled. Our results are in excellent agreement with a 2012 publication in PRC by Ken Krane. Level structures in 156 Pm from 156 Nd β− decay: interpretation and theory: P.C. Sood, M. Sainath, R. Gowrishankar, B. Singh: Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 136 (Oct 2012)
Personnel and Funding Alan Chen: Assoc. Professor, PI of the Project Jim Waddington: Co-PI of the project. John Cameron: Emeritus Professor (volunteer for ENSDF eval.1999-2011) Balraj Singh: Senior Research Scientist Jun Chen: Post-doctoral fellow: until March 2012 Undergraduate Students (part-time): Jeremie Choquette: until November 2011 Michael Birch: Since March 2011 Ervin Thiagalingam: Since March 2012 Main support from Office of Science, DOE, USA
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