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Cameron Meadows Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-66) Julia Wall, E.I. Engineering Division May 6, 2014 committed to our coast Coastal Protection and Restoration.

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Presentation on theme: "Cameron Meadows Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-66) Julia Wall, E.I. Engineering Division May 6, 2014 committed to our coast Coastal Protection and Restoration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cameron Meadows Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-66) Julia Wall, E.I. Engineering Division May 6, 2014 committed to our coast Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana 1

2 V ICINITY M AP Location: Calcasieu – Sabine Basin Cameron Parish 5 mi. NE of Johnson’s Bayou 5 mi. N of the Gulf of Mexico 2

3 CWPPRA PPL 22 Federal Sponsor: NMFS Avg. water elevation: 1.5 feet Landloss rate: -0.94%/yr. (USGS, 1984-2010 ) Create/restore over 350 acres of coastal marsh habitat Create approximately 35,000 LF of earthen terraces Re-establish hydrologic connectivity Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana P ROJECT B ACKGROUND 3

4 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana P ROJECT M AP 4

5 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana C AUSES Rapid fluid and gas extraction Hurricanes Saltwater intrusion Subsidence Hydrologic alterations 5

6 M ARSH C REATION Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana 6 Restore 352 acres Borrow from the Gulf of Mexico Pump via pipeline, ~6 mi. Target marsh elevation +1.5 ft. 20,000 ft. containment dike Planted 8.222 ft. shoreline 5,191 ft. shoreline 15,300 ft. shoreline 7,920 ft. subline

7 T ERRACING Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana 7 Construct 35,000 LF of earthen terraces +2.5 ft. NAVD 88 15 ft. crown width Planted

8 R E - ESTABLISH H YDROLOGIC C ONNECTIVITY Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana 8 Clean out 30,000 LF of canals Drainage canals filled in with debris due to hurricanes B1 Canal

9 P ROJECT F UTURE Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana Engineering and Design: 2014-2015 Hydrodynamic modeling Topographic, bathymetric, and magnetometer survey Geotechnical investigation Offshore borrow site investigation Compete for CWPRRA Phase II Funding: December 2015 9

10 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana QUESTIONS 10

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