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Going Bovine By: Libba Bray Genre: Fiction/Young Readers 14 & UP.

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Presentation on theme: "Going Bovine By: Libba Bray Genre: Fiction/Young Readers 14 & UP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Bovine By: Libba Bray Genre: Fiction/Young Readers 14 & UP

2 Summary Cameron is a 16 year old pothead who just wants to get through school and life in generally with the lest amount of work but is constantly being shown by his twin sister Jenna who's a cheerleader and dating the football star. He’s just been told he is sick and going to die. He goes on the mother of all road trips in search of a cure. With the help of Gonzo a death obsessed video gaming dwarf and a yard gnome.

3 Point of View  First Person – From Cameron’s point of view.  My Point of View – It was a really good book. It makes you wonder what Cameron's going to do to find a cure.

4 Cameron (Cam)  Indirect Characterization  The author tells you how he smokes and that he’s and outsider in school.

5 Jenna  Direct-  She tells you about her relationship with Cameron and what she’s like.

6 Mom & Dad  Indirect-  She doesn’t tell you everything about them but she talks about how they’re dealing with Cameron.

7 Conflicts  Cameron’s going to die.  He has to go on a really long road trip to find a cure.

8 Literary Devices  Foreshadowing  The Author hints that something is wrong with Cameron and that he’s really sick.

9 Like & Dislikes  Likes  Cameron’s determination to find a cure  Jenna stands up for Cameron when Chet messes with him  Dislikes  It was a really long book. (:

10 Recommendations I would recommend this book to people who really like to read and like mystery books.

11 Resources     

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