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UTSU STRUCTURE. What is the UTSU? Mandate: –Advocating for the rights of students and to improve the quality of and access to education –Organizing events.

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Presentation on theme: "UTSU STRUCTURE. What is the UTSU? Mandate: –Advocating for the rights of students and to improve the quality of and access to education –Organizing events."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the UTSU? Mandate: –Advocating for the rights of students and to improve the quality of and access to education –Organizing events to build school spirit and an inclusive community –Providing services to save students money Represents over 50,000 full-time undergraduate students 7 Colleges, 12 faculties, 2 campuses (St. George/UTM) We provide services, run events and advocate for students Local 98, Canadian Federation of Students Registered under Canada’s Corporations Act  changing to Canada not-for-profit Corporations Act

3 Decision-making

4 Annual General Meeting – October 30, 6pm Executive Committee: 7 Executives Board of Directors: currently comprised of 39 Directors –1-3 reps for each of seven Arts and Science colleges, based on size (15) –1-3 reps for each of eleven professional faculties (13) –2 reps for Arts & Science at-large; 2 reps for Professional Faculties at-large (4) –UTM reps, based on size (7) 10 Committees 5 Commissions

5 Want to change/propose something? Order of precedence for governing documents: Canadian law  by- laws  policies To change a by-law: –Submit to Cameron Wathey, chair of Policy and Procedures Committee at –PPC makes recommendation to Board of Directors –¾ of Board of Directors must approve to send to Annual General Meeting –2/3 of membership must vote to approve at Annual General Meeting –Deadline: September 21, 11:59 PM, to be included on this year’s AGM agenda To change a policy: –Submit to –PPC makes recommendation to Board of Directors –Board of Directors must vote ¾ in favour for procedural policy; 2/3 in favour for operational policy; simple majority for issues policy

6 Changes to UTSU Structure New Canada not-for-profit Act comes into effect on October 17, must be compliant within a year We’ve been working for over two years and changing various by-laws and policies to become compliant Structure of Board of Directors is no longer possible under new legislation – “Constituencies” aren’t possible in the same way – every student must be able to vote for each candidate – Advised against implementing classes – legal counsel says this is unfeasible

7 Proposed Board Structure 12 Constituency Directors –International Students’ Director; –LGBTQ Director; –Women’s Director; –Racialized Students' Director; – Indigenous Students' Director; –Mature Students' Director; –Women's Director; – Students with Disabilities' Director; – Residence Directors; –Commuter Directors (2); – Athletics Director; First-year Director 7 Executives TYP Director 3 Arts and Science at-large 3 Professional Faculties at-large

8 New Committees Proposal to create an Arts and Science Committee and Professional Faculties Committee Arts and Science: – 1 representative from each college student society, ASSU and TYP (9) – UTSU President, VP Internal and Services, VP University Affairs (3) Can discuss and vote on items within purview and send to Board of Directors for approval Mandate – To address issues related to students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science – To provide representation for the undergraduate college student societies and facilitate their direct input on matters affecting students enrolled at their respective colleges and in the Faculty of Arts and Science at large – To recommend to the Board specific actions to enhance delivery of services to students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science – To recommend to the Board specific actions to increase participation of students in the Faculty of Arts and Science in the events, campaigns, and democratic processes of the Union; – To liase with the undergraduate college student societies and the Arts and Science Students’ Union

9 Feedback Mandate: advocate for student rights, provide services and run events What structure do you think best supports this mandate? How can Board members help contribute to this mandate? Which types of constituencies should be represented and how? How can we best represent students at your college? How can we work with your student society? How large should the Board of Directors be? What else?


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