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The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing Our Mission To develop, preserve, own and advocate for quality affordable housing in Arlington, and to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing Our Mission To develop, preserve, own and advocate for quality affordable housing in Arlington, and to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing Our Mission To develop, preserve, own and advocate for quality affordable housing in Arlington, and to promote opportunity for our residents through partnerships and programs. HAND – Feb 2015 1

2 Nonprofit founded in 1989 APAH works exclusively in Arlington Owns 1,218 rental homes at 14 properties in Arlington APAH touched the lives of nearly 500 residents providing services valued at $450,000 last year 300 households receive rental subsidy and/or supportive services APAH provides resident services at 5 properties Ten properties funded with Low Income Housing Tax Credits; eight with HOME loans and thirteen with Arlington County Investment Fund Who is APAH?

3 APAH’s Permanent Supportive Housing Model APAH provides housing; partners provide supportive services Scattered site model Accommodates a variety of supportive models –Housing First Model – Marbella Apartments –Supportive Studio – Arlington Mill –Accessible Units – Buchanan Gardens 3

4 4 Scattered Site Supportive Housing at All APAH Properties

5 Partners 5 PartnerSupportive servicesName Arlington CountyFinancialSection 8, Housing Grants, Tenant Assistance Fund Arlington County and Fellowship Health Resources Mental health servicesProject Hope Doorways for Women and Families For women and families recovering from domestic abuse and homelessness Homestretch A-SPAN and Arlington County For homeless, “Housing First” Ten Homes for Marbella, Arlington Mill Supportive Studios Community Residences Inc. For individuals with intellectual disabilities High Needs Residences

6 6 300 APAH Households Receive Financial Subsidies and/or Supportive Services Unsupported Households Supported Households 921297 Section 8 Housing Grant Project Hope FHRDHS100 HomesDoorways Tenant Assistance Fund A-SPAN Community Residences 1327555339118135

7 Lessons Learned All PSH residents handled on a case by case basis Quarterly meetings with partners and property management are very important to review problems and agree on solutions Overcoming leasing barriers – embraces the spirit of fair housing to be inclusive – reviews credit history and criminal background Lease violations are reviewed with partners 7

8 Funding – Program or Property specific 8 Housing Grants Project Hope Arlington County Property specific Homestretch Housing First Doorways and A-SPAN Resident/program specific 10 Homes for Marbella Public/Private Partnership Property Specific

9 Our Vision An inclusive, caring and economically diverse Arlington. Our Role Marry best practices in affordable housing finance and development with a deep commitment to the local community to advocate, preserve and build affordable housing. Linda Kelleher, Director, Community and Resident Relations,

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