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UP, UP, AND AWAY! CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW Ty Bailey, Soo Park, Cameron Coupe, Trevor Arrasmith, Carolyn Mason, Sam Frakes, Brandon Harris, Peter VanderKley.

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Presentation on theme: "UP, UP, AND AWAY! CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW Ty Bailey, Soo Park, Cameron Coupe, Trevor Arrasmith, Carolyn Mason, Sam Frakes, Brandon Harris, Peter VanderKley."— Presentation transcript:

1 UP, UP, AND AWAY! CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW Ty Bailey, Soo Park, Cameron Coupe, Trevor Arrasmith, Carolyn Mason, Sam Frakes, Brandon Harris, Peter VanderKley

2 MISSION OVERVIEW  The objective of team Up Up and Away is to prove the possibility and efficacy of a balloon mounted mechanism for cloud seeding  Cloud seeding has never been attempted from a balloon mounted device  Could prove the feasibility and possible cost effectiveness  Given the ability to use enough of the correct substance for cloud seeding, a balloon mounted mechanism will be feasible and economic  Cloud seeding can lift droughts and increase precipitation. A cheaper alternative to traditional methods can reveal further opportunities

3 REQUIREMENTS FLOW-DOWN CHART  Mission Requirements Level 0 Requirement Number RequirementDerived from Objective 1.0 Team Up Up and Away will prove the possibility and efficiency of a balloon-mounted mechanism for cloud seeding. Mission Objective Objective 2.0 Team Up Up and away will test the effectiveness and reliability of the funnel dispersing system of the BalloonSat. Mission Objective Objective 3.0 B.O.S.S will collect the data of outside, inside temperature, humidity, pressure, and the speed of wind during the flight. Objective 4.0 The integrated GoPro camera in B.O.S.S will record the flight and also the cloud seeding process.

4  Mission Requirements Level 1 Requirement Number Requirement Derived from Objective 1.1 Team Up Up and away will prove that given the ability to use enough of the correct substance for cloud seeding, a balloon mounted mechanism will be feasible and economic. Objective 1.0 Objective 2.1 Using the two integrated funnels and servos, the BalloonSat will disperse Sodium Chloride at two different altitudes. Objective 2.0 Objective 2.2 The mechanism to release the powder will consist of an oscillating triangular aluminum plate controlled by a Servo, which will block the flow of salt out of the container except when prompted to move. Objective 2.0 Objective 2.3 The base plate on which the oscillating plate will rest will also be made out of a 3mm thick aluminum sheet and will assure that the triangular piece can oscillate smoothly against its surface. Objective 2.0 Objective 2.4 The funnel will be supported by cross wires so that it does not fall over or get shaken or broken in flight. We will make sure that the salt will not fall out of the cone by securing a lid on the top of it. Objective 2.0 Objective 3.1 With the GoPro facing down, it will attempt to capture the process of cloud seeding. Objective 3.0 Objective 4.1 Using the arduino and the sensors, the BalloonSat will record the data for temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed during the duration of the flight. Objective 4.0



7 Heater Arduino Camera Go ProSD Memory Accelerometer SD Memory Thermometer Thermometer (outside) Pressure (3) 9 volts 3 volts LED (w/ resistor) Switch Humidity Arduino Anemometer Servo 2 Servo 1 3 volts LED (w/ resistor) Switch ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM

8 STRUCTURES TESTING  Prototype Powder Release (10/18)  Powder Release Complete Simulation (10/29)  Drop Test (11/4)  Whip Test (11/4)  Stair Test (11/4)

9 ELECTRONICS TESTING  Accelerometer (10/16)  Heater (10/18)  Camera(s) (10/20)  Humidity Sensor (10/20)  Temperature Sensors (10/24)  Anemometer (10/24)

10 SYSTEMS TEST  Heater Test (10/29)  Cooler Test (10/29)  Complete Systems Test (11/ 8)  Demo Mission Test (11/13)

11 EXPECTED RESULTS  We Expect To:  Record accurate information from all sensors  Confirm the proper functioning of mechanisms (namely the servos)  Observe the powder as it is released  We Hope To:  Observe (with GoPro and from ground) a red cloud forming after powder is released  This observation would confirm both function and effectiveness of our release system

12 ORDERED PARTS  2 Funnels (Acquired)  2 servos (Ordered)  Wind Sensor (Acquired)  NaCl (Not Yet Purchased)  Reflective Glitter (Not Yet Purchased)

13 MONEY BUDGETS Dry Ice, 9v Batteries, Glue, NaCl, and Reflective Glitter will be purchased by team locally instead of ordered. ItemCost 2 Servos$42.97 2 Funnels $8.62 Wind Sensor$25.20 Total$76.79

14 MASS BUDGET ItemQuantityWeight 9v Batteries4152 g Aluminum Plates420 g Servos262 g Sodium Chloride79 g Tin Funnels261.9 g Mathmos Wind Light111.5 g GoPro1150 g Cannon Camera1130 g Heater1100 g Foam Core and Structure1200 g Arduino2158 g Total1,124.4 g

15 Team Organization Project manager Cameron Coupe Vice: Peter Vanderkley Structures Sam, Brandon, Peter Electrical Carolyn, Soo, Cameron Programing Ty, Soo Peter Science and Documentation, Brandon, Trevor Budgeter Ty Foreman Carolyn Videographer Trevor

16 CONCERNS AND WORRIES Failure of the power All the powder releasing at once Powder jamming the mechanism Failure of the Mechanism Failure to record data Failure to retrieve data How to observe our results? How to quantify our results?

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