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Sustainable Consumption: time for action Consumers International World Congress 2011 4 May 2011, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, HONG KONG Ms.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Consumption: time for action Consumers International World Congress 2011 4 May 2011, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, HONG KONG Ms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Consumption: time for action Consumers International World Congress 2011 4 May 2011, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, HONG KONG Ms PREMILA KUMAR Chief Executive Officer CONSUMER COUNCIL OF FIJI

2 Presentation Features of SCP that is important to Fiji being an island nation What is Consumer Council doing to encourage SCP in Fiji Will SCP continue being an issue in the Asia Pacific region? Will SCP continue being an issue in the Asia Pacific region? SCP Concept is a challenge in it self.

3 satisfying basic human needs (not the desire for ‘wants’ and luxuries); economic and social progress but within the Earth’s carrying capacity minimising resource use, waste and pollution; taking a life-cycle perspective in consumer decision-making; acting with concern for future generations. Features of Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP)

4 Features of SCP that is important to Fiji being an island nation ? Fiji needs economic growth (1.3%), social progress (31% living below poverty line) and environmental protection from. Climate Change is the biggest threat for Fiji. Annual Emission of Carbon dioxide in Fiji is less than 0.1% Three biggest impact of climate change:  Damage to infrastructure  Food / water Security  Relocation of villages

5 Damage to infrastructure and accelerated coastal erosion

6 Naicabecabe Village, Moturiki Island, Fiji – at low tide Water storage facility at Viwa Island where the only source of water is rain water. Viwa Island: only source of water is rain water Village at low tide

7 Is SCP an issue for my organisation? SCP – is recognised in the Council’s Strategic Plan SCP promoted at two levels to change consumer behaviour : CONSUMERS (information and awareness) GOVERNMENT (Behavioural change through policy intervention)

8 What is 1 Degree? How many of us know enough about climate change to start making a real difference to the fate of our planet? It was this that spurred The Fiji Times - the biggest newspaper in the South Pacific Island region - to throw its resources behind the 1 Degree initiative Goal is to help empower individuals, our staff, families, and communities to take charge of the climate change issue – and by doing so, change our collective future. One wash A dishwasher can use up to 35 litres of water per load INFORMATION & AWARENESS INITIATIVE

9 Change your Energy Consumption Habits Switch to Energy Efficient Bulbs INFORMATION & AWARENESS Call for ban on light bulbs Friday, June 20, 2008 The Consumer Council of Fiji is calling on the interim Government to place a ban on future use of incandescent light bulbs in Fiji.

10 EU Diary

11 Government (Policy Intervention) Submission to the National Budget Consultative Process In 2007/2008/2009 budget: ban the sale of incandescent light bulbs. Second Hand vehicles (age to be imposed and duty on fuel efficient vehicle to be reduced)

12 RESULT 2010 National Budget Fiscal duty on 1500 CC new vehicle was reduced from 32% to 15%. The age limit for used & reconditioned motor vehicles imports reduced from 8 to 5 years. 2009 National Budget Fiscal Duty of incandescent light Bulbs increased from 5% to 32%

13 Will SCP continue being an issue in the region? Will SCP continue being an issue in the Asia Pacific region? Home to more than half of the global population ie 3.9 billion people. (UNESCAP)  Asia’s middle class has increased rapidly in size and purchasing power. Asia Pacific Region has already exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity by 70%. WWF 2005: The Ecological Footprint and Natural Wealth.  Fast growing economy. Of the top 5 global economies three economies: China, India, and Japan are in Asia (ADB Report)

14 925 million hungry people in the world 2010 578 million hungry people in Asia and the Pacific

15 SCP: A complex and contested Concept Means different Things? What are basic needs? Should they reflect the needs of citizen in the Rich industrialised nation or from Tuvalu? How far the living standards of rich nations have to be readjusted to achieve SCP? Different answers to these questions produce conflicting interpretations of SCP. Challenges to SCP

16 SCP promises something for everyone. Universal appeal is enhanced by the apparent ideological neutrality of SCP. SCP does not mean consume less but consume smarter. It offers no clear vision of an end state. No set of political or economic arrangements No global targets with timeline to achieve

17 Challenges to SCP Mistrust: There is little point in one state changing its behaviour without the assurance that others will do too.

18 ADB Report: Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2010 HIGHLIGHTS

19 Challenges to SCP People are constantly told to consume more Global Financial Crises – Stimulus package Research on consumer behaviour for marketing purpose Advertising and Promotions to encourage consumption run in billions

20 Challenges to SCP  Lack of enabling environment for consumers to choose and lead sustainable lifestyle  Eco-products are expensive as compared to other similar products  too many logos and controversial claims

21 The earth has enough to meet our needs but not enough to meet our greed……. Mahatma Gandhi

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