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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI COMPAIGN - 2013-14 Dated 24-25 Sep. 2013 At PUSA Complex, ICAR, New Delhi PRESENTED BY Sh. Suresh Kumar, IAS,"— Presentation transcript:


2 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI COMPAIGN - 2013-14 Dated 24-25 Sep. 2013 At PUSA Complex, ICAR, New Delhi PRESENTED BY Sh. Suresh Kumar, IAS, PRESENTED BY Sh. Suresh Kumar, IAS, Financial Commissioner Development, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh.

3 About Punjab: About Punjab:  Area (geographical) : 5.04 m ha  Net sow area: 4.2 m ha  Total cropped area: 7.9 m ha  Net Irrigated area: 4.07 m ha(97.9%) Tubewells irrigated: 2.95 m ha (73%) through 13.81 lakh tubewells Canals irrigated : 1.12 m ha (27%)  Cropping intensity: 189.6%  Major Cropping Systems : Rice-Wheat; Cotton-Wheat; and Maize-Wheat.


5 Estimated Area and Production (Kharif 2013) State achieved record production of rice in kharif 2009 Estimated Area and Production (Kharif 2013) State achieved record production of rice in kharif 2009 Area 000 hect. Production ‘000 M.T./Bales S. No. Crop2012-132013-14(Targets)2013-14 (Estimated) AreaProductionAreaProduction AreaProduction 1. Rice 284511374275011000237310815 2.Maize129475150540152562 3.Bajra335555 4.K.Pulses9923191511 Kharif Food grains298611861292811564294511393 5.Ground Nuts333535 6.Sesamum2210462 7.Sugarcane835919956840966720 8.Cotton481162752019585051635


7 ESTIMATES OF AREA & PRODUCTION (Rabi Crops) S. No. CROP2012-132013-14(Target) Area ‘000’ Hect. Production ‘000’ M.T. Area ‘000’ Hect. Production ‘000’ M.T. 1.Wheat351216591347016300 2.Barley13472070 3.Pulses*54458575 Rabi Foodgrains357916683357516445 4.Rabi Oilseeds32415065 5.Sunflower (P)13242545 Including Summer Moong. State achieved 179.82 lac M.Tonnes record production of wheat during 2011-12

8 AREA, YIELD AND PRODUCTION OF WHEAT S. No. YearArea ( ‘000’hact.) Yield (Kg./hact.) Production (‘000’M.T) 1.2001-023420453215499 2.2005-063469417914497 3.2006-073467421014596 4.2007-083488450715720 5.2008-093526446215733 6.2009-103520430715161 7.2010-113510469316472 8.2011-123528509717982 9.2012-133512472416591 10.2013-14(T)3470470016300 State surpassed all previous records of wheat production during 2011-12.

9 AREA & PRODUCTION OF FOOD GRAIN S.No.YearArea (‘000’ hect.) Production (‘000’ M.T.) 1.1980-81485311921 2.1990-91567319223 3.2005-06632625215 4.2008-09645827328 5.2009-10650126946 6.2010-11658727928 7.2011-12 *655029131 8.2012-13*656528544 9.2013-14 (T)*6503 28009 * Including Summer Moong.

10 Area, Av.Yield & Production of Pulses in Punjab. YearKharif PulsesRabi PulsesTotal Pulses Area (000 hect.) Production (000 Tonnes) Area (000 hect.) Production (000 M.T) Area (000 hect.) Production (000 M.T) 2001-02372117155436 2005-06231809073225 2006-07231909083227 2007-08231707083025 2008-09181507 2522 2009-10161305 2118 2010-11161382689881 2011-12*130950466355 2012-13*100854456453 2013-14*2319807610395 * Including summer moong

11 Area, Av.Yield & Production of Oilseed Crops in Punjab. YearKharif OilseedsRabi OilseedsTotal Oilseeds Area (000 hect.) Production (000 Tonnes) Area (000 hect.) Production (000 M.T) Area (000 hect.) Production (000 M.T) 2001-02251258717383 2004-051408779391101 2005-06120664797685 2006-0714075771 78 2007-08100549725977 2008-09110651736279 2009-10090554806385 2010-11090746655572 2011-12070543635068 2012-13070545655270 2013-14(T)13097511088119

12 Micro Irrigation 2013-14 Physical and Financial progress of Micro Irrigation 2013-14. S. No. YearFinancial (Rs. In lac) Physical (Hect.) NABARD (Rs. In lac) No. of benefici- aries TargetAch.Targe t Ach.TargetAch. 1. 2011-122399.581462.4 6 700049091065.3 5 7.521674 2. 2012-131977.331207.0 7 263527902015.7 6 1758.2 5 2707 3. 2013-14 (upto August 2013) 2500.00-5000-257.51-- 50 % Financial assistance on Drip/Sprinkler irrigation & UGPS on 24000 hectares area by providing subsidy. Treatment shall be carried out in Catchment area of Flood Prone River-Ghaggar; Supplementary irrigation shall be generated in 4000 hectares; Soil & water conservation works shall be carried out on 1000 hectares. Awareness Camps and demonstrations shall be carried out for promoting Efficient use of irrigation water.

13 Strengthening of Agriculture Machinery under Macro Management Scheme 2013-14. Annual Plan of Rs. 263.75 lac during FY 2012-13 but due to non release of funds by State Govt. utilized Rs. 242.53 lac. Annual Plan of Rs. 5163.00 lac FY 2013-14 under Crop Diversification Plan. Sr.No.Name of Machinery/Implement Achievement 2012- 13 (No. of Imps.) Proposal/Target 2013-14 (No. of Imps.) 1.Self Propelled Reaper Blinder 1050 2.Potato digger125152 3.Straw Reaper369200 4.Maize Thresher2126 5.Zero Till Drill107380 6.Multi Crop Planter60 7.Rotavator5912500 8.Happy Seeder8170 9.Automatic/Semi Potato planter 121150 10.Self Propeller Fodder350 There are some other implements to provide on subsidy under this scheme

14 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Wheat) Punjab (in lacs) Sl. No. Inrerventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement 2012-13 Approved Action Plan 2013-14 PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 12345678 1Cluster DemonstrationRs. 12500/-per ha.nos.3000375.000120001500.000 2Distribution of Certified Seeds of improved varieties. Rs. 500/-per qtl.qtl.2129001064.5003000001500.000 3Need based Plant/Soil Management a) MicronutrientsRs. 500/- per ha.ha.120000600.000150000750.000 b) GypsumRs. 500/- per ha.ha.960048.00020000100.000 c) Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio-agents Rs. 500/- per ha.ha.1000050.00040000200.000 Sub Total 698.000 1050.000 4Resource Conservations Machineries/Energy Management a) Knap Sack SpryersRs. 3000 per machineNos.70618.00070021.000 b) Zero Til Seed DrillsRs. 15000 per machineNos.35352.95050075.000 c) Multi Crop PlantersRs. 15000 per machineNos.446.600 d) Seed DrillsRs. 15000 per machineNos.558.25030045.000 e) Zero Til Multi Crop PlantersRs. 15000 per machineNos.446.600 f) Ridge Furrow PlantersRs. 15000 per machineNos.446.600 g) RotavatorsRs. 30000 per machineNos.450135.0001250375.000 h) Laser Land LevellerRs.150000 per machineNos.2537.50070105.000 Sub Total 271.500 621.000

15 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Wheat) Punjab (in lacs) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement 2012-13 Approved Action Plan 2013-14 PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 5 Cropying System based trainingsRs.14000/- Training Nos.20028.00020028.000 6 Miscellaneous Expenses a) Project Management Team & Other Miscellaneous Expenses at District level Rs. 6.38 lakh per Distt. No. of distt. 1063.800 b) Project Management Team & Other Miscellaneous Expenses at State level Rs.13.87 l akh per State. No. of state 13.100113.870 Sub Total 77.670 7 Local initiatives 0.000 100.000 TOTAL FINANCIAL (1-7) 2450.10 0 4876.67 0

16 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Pulses) Punjab (in lac.) Sl. No. Inrerventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement 2012-13 Approved Action Plan 2013-14 Physic al FinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Distribution of Certified Seeds a) For varieties less than 10 yearsRs. 2200/- Qtl.qtl.00.00050011.000 b) For varieties more than 10 years old Rs. 1200/- Qtl.qtl.00.000500060.000 Sub Total 71.000 2 Demonstration on improved Technologies a) Cluster DemonstrationRs. 5000 per ha.ha. 00.00070035.000 3 Integrated Nutrient Management: a) Micro Nutrients Rs. 500 per ha.ha. 1000050.00020000100.000 b) Rizobium culture/ PSB Rs. 100 per ha.ha. 1.10020002.000 b) Lime/Gypsum 80 % wg saulphar 960072.000 Sub Total 51.100 174.000 4 Integrated Pest Management IPM a) IPM package Rs. 750 per ha.ha. 1000.750400030.000 b) Distribution of NPY Rs.250 per ha.ha. 00.0005001.250 C) Distribution of PP Chemicala Rs. 500 per ha.ha. 1250.630400020.000 d) Weedicides Rs. 500 per ha.ha. 200010.0001000050.000 Sub Total 11.380 101.250

17 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Pulses) Punjab (in lac.) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement 2012- 13 Approved Action Plan 2013-14 PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 5 Source Conservation Technology Tools a) Knap Sack Sprayers Rs. 3000 per Machinenos 58815.00050015.000 b) Zero Til Seed Drills Rs. 15000 per Machinenos 26339.45050075.000 c) Multi Crop Planters Rs. 15000 per Machinenos 162.400 d) Seed Drills Rs. 15000 per Machinenos 6810.20020030.000 e) Zero Til Multi Crop Planters Rs. 15000 per Machinenos 71.050 f) Ridge Furrow Planters Rs. 15000 per Machinenos 60.900 g) Rotavators Rs. 30000 per Machinenos 350105.000700210.000 h) Laser Land Leveller Rs.150000 per Machinenos 2030.0004060.000 Sub Total 204.000 390.000 6Cropping System based trainings Rs 14000/- Traingnos101.400101.400 7 Miscllaneous Expenses 21.200 a) District Level Rs 4.47 lakh per Distt. No. of distt. 731.290 b) State LevelRs. 6.28 lakh per State.No. of state 16.280 c) state for other districts ( District of ISOPOM) Rs. 1.00 lakh per distt. No. of distt. 1313.000 Sub Total 21.200 50.570 8Local initiatives 0 200.00 TOTAL FINANCIAL (1-8) 289.080 1023.22

18 Accelerated Pulse Production Program (A3P) Punjab-2013-14 S. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement 2012-13 Approved Action Plan 2013-14 PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1Summer Moong (Zaid 2013-14) 4.80 Lakh per unit 100 hac each unit 100 432.0025120.00

19 SEED-VILLAGE SCHEME (Wheat) YearNo. of adopted villages No. of FarmersQuantity of Wheat Seed Distributed (Qtl.) Area Covered (Hac.) Seed Produced (Qtl.) 2011-12154615465030930 927900 2012-13160016385032770 983100 2013-14*161016450033000 1000000

20 SEED AVAILABILITY AND REPLACEMENT S. No.Crop 2012-132013-14 Seed Replacement Rate (%age) Requirement Of seed (Qtl) Availability Of seed (Qtl) Likely Seed Replacement Rate (%) 1.Wheat 361156600125590636 2.Barley 70100001338089 3.Rabi Pulses 682225379595 4.Rapeseed & Mustard 81695165588

21 SEEDS TESTING Type of Sample 2011-12 2012-13 (Upto 31-3-2013) Samples Analyzed (Nos.) Failed Sample (Nos.) Samples Analyzed (Nos.) Failed Sample (Nos.) Certification12112171392711576 Service Samples4033105948751057 Seed Law Enforcement 39302504445170 Bunt Samples4411467960 Total205163036192702863

22 ( Qty-M.T.) FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION & REQUIREMENT RABI 2013-14 (In terms of nutrients) ( Qty-M.T.) S. NO FERTILIZERCONSUMPTION RABI 2012-13 REQUIREMENT RABI 2013-14 1.NITROGENUS793643771486 2.POSPHATIC267861270000 3.POTASIC653746000 TOTAL10680411087486

23 REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF FERTILIZERS Kharif 2013-14 ( M.T.) FertilizerRequirement Kharif 2013 Availability Kharif 2013 (upto 16.9.2012) Urea13250001284629 DAP550000445516 (DAP+MAP+TSP) SSP250002452 MOP4000024424 CAN300000 NPK Complexes5000012280 A/S10000113 TOTAL19530001769414

24 REQUIREMENT OF DAP AND UREA RABI : 2013-14 (Qty. in M.T.) S.NO.MONTHDAPUREA 1.OCTOBER-13315000300000 2. NOVEMBER-1360000300000 3.DECEMBER-1310000300000 4.JANUARY-1410000275000 5.FEBRUARY-141000070000 6.MARCH-141000070000 TOTAL4150001315000

25 PROMOTION OF INM AND IPM  Balanced use of nutrients for improving factor productivity.  Distribution of Zinc Sulphate and Manganese Sulphate on 50% subsidy.  Supply of bio fertilizers on pulses crop.  Campaign for Termites control.  Timely availability of Micronutrients and gypsum.

26 CONSUMPTION AND PROJECTED DEMAND OF PESTICIDES (Qty MT Tech. Grade) PesticidesConsumption (Rabi 2012-13) Projected Demand (Rabi 2013-14) Insecticides584600 Weedicides11161200 Fungicides155350 Total18552150

27 Control of yellow rust  Promotion of Yellow Rust Resistant Varieties like PBW-550, PBW-621, HD2967 and PBW-502.  Replacement of PBW-343 in semi-hilly areas to arrest the incidence of yellow rust.  Supply of fungicide at 50 % cost for the Control of yellow rust.  Monitoring Teams are being constituted at State as well as District Level

28 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Main Objectives –To maintain at least 4% growth in Agriculture sector –To reduce yield gaps in important crops –To increase public investment in Agriculture & Allied sectors –To maximize returns to the farmers. Allied Sectors involved Crop husbandry, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy development, Fisheries, agriculture marketing, Soil & water conservation, Agriculture Research and Education etc. Status of funds under RKVY:- (Rs. in crore) YearTotal Budget Allocated Fund releasedExpenditure 2011-12 145.87 136.60 2012-13 156.8386.8326.83 2013-14 (August 2013)206.94117.19-

29 EXTENTION – NETWORK Farmer training camp  District level training camp –40 (One each in Kharif & Rabi)  Block level training camp - (Minimum 282)  No. of Village level training camp –(Minimum 4600)  Free Agriculture literature being distributed in these camps  Free Agri.Clinics have been opened in the State.  Mass media TV & Radio support to Agriculture Extension Programme Kissan Call center  Total No. of 5.77 lakh calls of the farmers have been responded from 2005 to August 2013 and further average 20000 farmer calls are responded per month.

30 Agriculture Credit Position in Punjab. S. No. Season2011-122012-132013-14 ( Projected ) 1.Kharif (Total)4589.465412.695910.00 Cash3823.974446.234137.00 Kind765.49966.461773.00 2.Rabi (Total)4870.295307.825910.00 Cash3970.924212.054137.00 Kind899.371095.771773.00 3.Total Credit (Kharif + Rabi) 9459.751072.5111820.00 Cash7794.898658.288274.00 Kind1664.862062.233546.00 (Amount in Crores) Registrar Cooperative Societies Pb.

31 ISSUES AND PROBLEMS  Under NFSM,percentage share of SC component.  Non –procurement of other alternate crops i.e oil seed and pulses at MSP.  Climate change.  Degradation and over exploitation of natural resources i.e soil and water.  Lack of storage facilities for food grains.  Water logging and salinity in south- western districts.  Declining arable land area.  Technology fatigue.  Insufficient Migratory labour in Agriculture sector.  Environmental Pollution

32 Suggestions Provision of adequate funds for research and development in crop improvement,natural resource management and climate change adaptation. Strengthening of scientific storage facilities and cold chain infrastructure. Establishment of Agro- processing units in Rural Sector. Assured procurement of diversified crops at MSP to promote diversification.


34 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Promoting use of bio-fertilizers to reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers Promotion of crop residue based mulches - enhance water use efficiency and weed management Promotion of conjunctive use of brackish and good quality water and for management of brackish water in S-W Punjab

35 RATIONAL USE SALINE AND SODIC WATER About 42% underground waters are of poor irrigation quality  Soil test based gypsum application  Use technology for use of poor quality water and organic manures  Incorporation of crop residue

36 MANAGEMENT OF RAIN WATER IN KANDI TRACT - Recharging Leveling the undulating fields Proper bunding of the fields Short duration crops/varieties cultivation Early sowing of crops Mulching with locally available biomass Rain water harvesting in small ponds

37 Wheat  Use Happy Seeder machine for sowing of wheat in combine harvested paddy fields without any straw burning or removal.  In heavy soils, sow wheat on beds with bed planter.  Use of leaf colour chart (LCC) for need based fertilizer nitrogen application.  For efficient use of irrigation water, make 8 plots per acre in heavy textured soils and 16 plots peer acre in light textured soils.

38 SPRING MAIZE Ridge and bed planting give significantly higher grain yield and water use efficiency than flat sown. Drip irrigation saves about 40% irrigation water as compared to flood irrigation. Application of straw mulch @ 6 t/ha results in saving of 18-20 cm of irrigation water. Use of leaf colour chart (LCC) for need based fertilizer nitrogen application.

39 PULSES  Sow two rows of gram on raised beds, after rice particularly on heavy soils.  Inoculate the seed of gram with Mesorhizobium culture / Mesorhizobium and Rhizobacterium cultures at the time of sowing for getting higher productivity of gram..  Treat the lentil seed before sowing with the recommended Rhizobium culture


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