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Anthony Catalano.  Any device that analyzes a biological compound into a measurable signal  Composed of a bioreceptor, transducer, and an electronic.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony Catalano.  Any device that analyzes a biological compound into a measurable signal  Composed of a bioreceptor, transducer, and an electronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony Catalano

2  Any device that analyzes a biological compound into a measurable signal  Composed of a bioreceptor, transducer, and an electronic peripheral

3  Bioreceptor: Part of device that interacts with a biological material to identify and interact with a target molecule  Transducer: Part of the device that turns the target molecule into a measured signal  Electronic Peripheral: Turns the measured signal into a graphical user interface (GUI) utilizing microprocessors  Enzymes, Antibodies, or nucleic acids.  Piezoelectric, Thermal, Electrochemical, and Optical  LED Display

4  Piezoelectric: crystal detector uses the change of frequency to calculate change in mass  Thermal: measures change in heat (exothermic, endothermic)  Electrochemical: (Amperometric, or potentiometric) uses electrodes to measure current  Optical: uses Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), or reflectance to identify various biological molecules  Measures Mass  Measures heat, requires large sample size, complicated devices  Amperometric are among the most common transducers for biosensors  Great for identifying antigens, or cancerous cells in a solution

5 Current Applications  Lab-on-a-chip  Pollutant Control  Patient Diagnosis  Detection of harmful pathogens, bacteria, toxic compounds Future  Disposable  Low Cost  Increased Sensitivity  Improved Microprocessors  Multipurpose  Environmental friendly

6 1. Pohanka, Miroslave. "Electrochemical Biosensors – Principles and Applications." Journal of Applied Biomedicine (2008): 58-62. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. 2. Mutharasan, Raj. "Biosensors." Engineering Biotechnology. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. < n/sensr/ch1/1_1f.htm>. 3. Kumar, Ashok. "Biosensors Based on Piezoelectric Crystal Detectors: Theory and Application." Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Microelectronics Research (2010): 1-6. Web. Kumar/Kumar-0010.html 4. Dey, D., and T. Goswami. "Optical Biosensors: A Revolution Towards Quantum Nanoscale Electronics Device Fabrication." Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2011.348218 (2011): 0-7. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <http:// /2011/348218/>.

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