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Fall election: 2012-2014. Election of Officers: Who can vote IEEE SSCS Constitution Article V Section 7. Ex-officio members with vote are entitled to.

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1 Fall election: 2012-2014

2 Election of Officers: Who can vote IEEE SSCS Constitution Article V Section 7. Ex-officio members with vote are entitled to vote on all administrative matters except with respect to changes in the Constitution and Bylaws, the election of the Society President and Vice President, and filling in-term vacancies. Elected members-at-large, and the officers, shall have full voting privileges except the President shall have no vote on the AdCom except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless his or her vote can change the outcome of the vote. Full voting privileges include the allowance to vote for administrative matters of the Society, Constitution and Bylaw changes, the election of the Society President and Vice-President, and filling in-term vacancies. Jake Baker Kerry Bernstein Bernhard Boser John J. Corcoran Franz Dielacher Tohru Furuyama Paul Hurst Peter Kinget Rakesh Kumar Harry Lee Kenneth O Stefan Rusu Willy Sansen Trudy Stetzler

3 Dr. Rakesh Kumar is President & CEO of TCX, a services company which provides management, business and technical ‘bridging the gaps’ consulting in advanced semiconductor technology and virtual operations areas. Since its inception TCX has provided services to over 20 client companies ranging from emerging fabless IC companies, to mid size and large, Fortune 500 IC companies, as well as leading research organizations. Dr. Kumar has authored the book “Fabless Semiconductor Implementation”, published by McGraw Hill in 2008. He has also authored numerous publications and patents. Dr. Kumar is a Fellow of the IEEE, and is the VP of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. Dr. Kumar is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits Societies. Candidate for SSCS President 2012-2013 Rakesh Kumar  During 37 years in the semiconductor industry Dr. Kumar has held various technical and executive positions. Prior to being the VP & GM of the worldwide Silicon Technology Services business unit at Cadence Design Systems, he was at Unisys and Motorola.  Rakesh received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester in 1974 and 1971 respectively. He received his B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 1969. He received an Executive MBA from UC San Diego in 1989.

4 Mr. Bidermann brings more than a quarter-century of engineering experience to bear on the management and technical issues confronting startup and established companies in the semiconductor industry. His career has been marked by successful engagements at some of the biggest names in the technology arena, as well as stints with aggressive young firms poised to deliver new innovations to the marketplace. Mr. Bidermann served in executive positions with a variety of Silicon Valley companies, including Pixim, Chromatic Research and Tripath Technology. He was Sr. VP of Engineering at S3 Inc., a leading PC graphics company and VP of engineering for HaL Computer Systems where he led IC development teams in a landmark design of the first SparcV9 processor. Between 1984 and 1994, Mr. Bidermann worked for Digital Equipment Corporation, where he led a wide range of engineering and research initiatives including the 21064, the first Alpha microprocessor. Mr. Bidermann began his career designing DRAMs and CCDs at the HP Labs and TI’s Central Research Lab. He has served several times on the ISSCC technical program committee, the Executive Committee of the VLSI Symposia, as an elected member of the SSCS Adcom and currently serves as the Meetings Chair for the Solid State Circuits Society. Mr. Bidermann holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and has been awarded 15 patents. Candidate for SSCS Vice-President 2012-2013 Bill Bidermann

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