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CSoI Center Update– March 1, 2011 Bob Brown, Managing Director Center for Science of Information Center Staffing We are pleased to announce.

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Presentation on theme: "CSoI Center Update– March 1, 2011 Bob Brown, Managing Director Center for Science of Information Center Staffing We are pleased to announce."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSoI Center Update– March 1, 2011 Bob Brown, Managing Director Center for Science of Information Center Staffing We are pleased to announce that the Center is now staffed, and working on all fronts to advance the Center’s strategic plan. Feel free to contact them. Bob Brown, Managing Director, Brent Ladd, Director of Education, Mari-Ellyn Brock, Administrative Assistant Mike Atwell, Multimedia Specialist, Rhonda Hughes, Director of Diversity Opportunistic Workshops The Center has held two “Opportunistic Workshops” to discuss Center research and collaboration opportunities – one at Stanford University and the other at UC San Diego. Our next meeting will be held at Princeton University and we will be announcing that date very soon – please keep a look out for this important meeting. Industry Roundtable A CSoI Industry Roundtable will be held on April 5 th and 6 th on the campus of Purdue University. The Roundtable on April 5-6 will provide industry representatives an opportunity to hear about our plans in more detail, provide critical feedback, and discuss potential partnerships and collaboration going forward. Please forward any suggested industry participants to Bob Brown, Web Site – Mike Atwell, starting March 7, will be developing and launching a new site in early April Con’t next slide

2 CSoI Education Activities Update– March 1, 2011 Brent T. Ladd, Director of Education Center for Science of Information Inaugural CSoI Summer School Intensive May 24-27 linklink 13 speakers, covering research areas of the Center, professional development, and diversity Engage CSoI graduate students, and invited guests from underserved audiences Outcomes expected: will establish base of knowledge among center students, and develop materials to inform the first SOI course for Fall 2011 Opened discussions with IT society summer school to host it at the Center in 2013 CSoI Student Fellows Co-hort Purdue (14 graduate students, 2 post-docs), and Bryn Mawr (5 undergrad fellows) Monthly “Tea at the STC” student collaboration meetings established Listserv to communicate with students center-wide (initial communications have gone out to all students) New web site will serve communication, collaboration, and opportunities for all students & faculty Assessment of student progress/achievement for evaluation & reporting CSoI Seminar Series Purdue – 12 graduate students registered for 1 credit, Spring semester (averaging 20 attendees @week) Seven speakers Fall semester, 12 speakers Spring semester linklink Seminars video taped for eventual use as topic modules through Campus Diversity Film Event, Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII linkink March 2, 2011, Bryn Mawr April 14, 2011, Purdue, co-organizing with Computer Science Women’s Network Con’t next slide

3 CSoI Education Activities Update– March 1, 2011 Brent T. Ladd, Director of Education Center for Science of Information Science of Information Course Purdue – Fall 2011, Honors level course, Lead Instructor: Mark D. Ward Bryn Mawr – Spring 2012, Lead Instructor: Deepak Kumar Piloted course and lessons learned will become available to partners online, and in adaptable formats National Science & Engineering Expo Two demonstrations for K-12 audiences presented by fellow STC’s in Washington, D.C., October 23-24, 2010 Available at the NSF Things to Try Link (simulating a robot; coin tossing patterns and probability)Link Education-Diversity Committee Monthly core member meetings : Deepak Kumar (Bryn Mawr), Mark D. Ward, (Purdue), Rhonda Hughes, (Bryn Mawr), Brent Ladd, (Purdue), Todd P. Coleman (U of Illinois). Other Partner faculty representatives: Andrea Goldsmith, (Stanford), Legand Burg, (Howard), Tsachy Weissman, (Stanford), Sanjeev Kulkarni, (Princeton), Cari Kaufman, (UC Berkeley) Met with two current STC’s to discuss proposal collaborations (waterCampus at Illinois, EBICS at M.I.T.) Pursuing a NSF TUES, and REU grants Center Support Strategic plan (Nov) and annual report for NSF (Dec) Budget development and approvals (Nov – Feb) Hiring of managing director (Dec/Jan) and multimedia specialist (Feb) Web site planning (Dec – Feb) Industry and Education brochures developed (Jan/Feb) Leadership and general meetings Faculty member Claudio Aguilar with REU Student and CSoI graduate stduent

4 CSoI Diversity Activities Update– March 1, 2011 Rhonda Hughes, Director of Diversity Center for Science of Information

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