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Development of ISE Interoperability Modules

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1 Development of ISE Interoperability Modules
ISE3 - HVAC Project Development of ISE Interoperability Modules Final Demonstration Washington, D.C. October 21, 2004

2 Agenda ISE Project Overview Interoperability and Integration
Common Parts Catalog (CPC) Navy Vision Highlights of ISE2 Demo - April 10, 2003 Overview of TWR841 Test Ship ISE3 - HVAC Demo Return on Investment

3 ISE3 Team Participants Gulf Coast Region University of
Maritime Technology Center New Orleans

4 Other Team Members from ISE2 Project
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Altarum Anteon Corporation (Proteus) Marine Machinery Association (MMA) Naptheon Northrop Grumman Ship Systems - Avondale Operations Northrop Grumman Newport News University of Connecticut

5 ISE Builds tools to Support 2nd Generation IPDE
Digital MOCKUP Collaborative Design-Build 3D Design Electronic DRAWING Virtual Product & Process Digital Ship Design Process Evolution Enhanced Product Model Lean Design Rule Based Design Internet Technologies Remote Collaboration Intensive Simulations High-end Integrated Analysis Desktop Visualization Business Process Modeling Integrated Design/Build Process Sophisticated Eng.Analysis Simulation Based Design Computer-Aided Drafting Data Config. Mgmt. 3D Visualization (Polygonal) Interactive Walkthrough Anthropomorphic Modeling 3D Wireframe/Solids Rudimentary Data Mgmt First Generation Integrated Product Development Environment (IPDE) 2nd Generation IPDE

6 ISE Background First NSRP major systems technology project
Phase 1: Requirements definition and architecture for shipbuilding systems interoperability March 1999 to December 1999 Phase 2: Deployment for Structure & Piping March 2000 to December 2003 Phase 3: Deployment for HVAC & CPC Interfaces October 2003 to October 2004

7 ISE Project Approach Develop and demonstrate tools that are low cost
can be selectively used by shipyards to support interoperability capitalize on XML and related Internet technologies Flexibility is critical allow shipyards to transform their data to/from common information model Drive development of shipbuilding product data standards (e.g. STEP, PLIB) Construct a single Shipbuilding Information Model Demonstrate and educate U.S. shipbuilding community

8 ISE Architecture Accessible to large and small shipyards
ISE architecture represents an innovative, practical solution to the information interoperability challenge Accessible to large and small shipyards Only system dependency is Web infrastructure Utilizes open standards Innovative integration of STEP and XML technologies Supports sharing of geometric & geometric product models Permissive (mediation) architecture Lets each enterprise choose its own tool set Incorporated into CAD platforms used by U.S. shipbuilders

9 Levels of Interoperability
INTOP Inter-business system domain Shipyard A Shipyard B Inter-System Inter- component IDE Parts Library PDM/CAD ERP/CAM

10 Collaboration among Shipyards is Required in Today’s Environment
Almost every major recent U.S. Navy ship design and/or construction contract has involved collaboration among multiple shipyards For example: CVNX (NGNN & EB) DDX (NGSS - Ingalls & Bath) Initial LPD Award (NGSS - Avondale & Bath) VIRGINIA (EB & NGNN) This trend will continue Navy views system interoperability as enabling multiple yards to be viewed as “One Shipyard”

11 NAVSEA Vision of “One Shipyard”
11 NAVSEA Vision of “One Shipyard” 11

12 Goals of Integration Better analysis through simulation
Re-use of data instead of redundant data increased accuracy eliminates unnecessary checking speed of data entry (already entered) Facilitates partnering with other firms Reduce overhead costs

13 Integration Strategy STEP (Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data) Is a good common language for CAD Product Models XML (Extensible Markup Language) Is good for CAE applications Therefore, combine the two, and embed small strings of STEP into XML, based on industry agreements, such as ISE

14 Leverages development of interfaces
XML + STEP = Ideal Combo XML brings: Accepted format/schema method Web-enabled STEP brings: Standards for data expression Standards for geometric exchange Leverages development of interfaces

15 XML and STEP Transactions of Data Packaged in Standards Virtual Ship
part(s) Standards XML = Industry Standard Container for Data Company A Company B STEP = ISO Standard Language for Data* Data XSLT - map data to another XML schema

16 Shipbuilding Product Data in STEP
Shipbuilder Parts : PLIB Structural Analysis : AP209 Structural Analysis : AP209 HVAC : AP227 ed.2 Cable harness design : AP212 Product Configuration : AP203 System Engineering : AP233 Ship Arrangement : AP215 Ship Arrangement : AP Technical Data Package : AP232 Ship Moulded Forms : AP216 Ship Moulded Forms : AP Ship Structures : AP218 Ship Structures : AP Ship Machinery: AP227 ed.2 Ship Machinery: AP Process Plant Piping: AP227 Process Plant Piping: AP Delivery Results and System Product Definition Analysis / Simulation

17 DONXML The Department of Navy (DON) vision for Extensible Markup Language (XML) is to fully exploit XML as an enabling technology to achieve interoperability in support of maritime superiority For cataloging product data in XML format, the DONXML working group has agreed to allow the STEP Schemas developed under the ISE Project to be registered in the DONXML repository

18 Endorsement from Northrop Grumman
"The development and testing of international standards for product data is important to the Shipbuilding industry for interoperablility and data archiving which will enable NAVSEA's "One Shipyard" Concept." Dave Whiddon VP Research, Development & Design Northrop Grumman Ship Systems

19 Endorsement from Electric Boat
"Electric Boat endorses the development of interoperability tools and the use of international standards for product model exchange in the shipbuilding industry. We feel that these efforts (undertaken under the NSRP ASE Program) will enhance collaboration among U.S. shipyards and foster the Navy's goal of "One Shipyard". Millard Firebaugh VP-Innovation and Chief Engineer Electric Boat Corporation

20 The Navy and Shipbuilders Are Using Product Model Data Technology
When you move from 2-d data to 3d data in assemblies the difference is even more dramatic. Product Model Data = 3-D CAD + definitions + other documentation Continued investment is key indication of value

21 ISE Tools Tools developed by the ISE Project are made available on the Web at: These include: Formal information requirements published Ship Piping Ship Structures Ship HVAC CPC Interfaces Translator generators for custom representations XML schema generators ISO ed 2 Automated test frameworks for conformance testing

22 NAVY Ships are a Highly Complex Product
ISE NAVY Ships are a Highly Complex Product SSBN 12,000,000 HRS 1,000,000 PARTS 18,750 TONS SSN 8,000,000 HRS 950,000 PARTS 6,900 TONS BOEING 777 50,000 HRS 103,000 PARTS 254 TONS LAND VEHICLE 5,500 HRS 14,000 PARTS 65 TONS FIGHTER AIRCRAFT 57,000 HRS 30,000 PARTS 10 TONS MISSILE 1,700 HRS 5,000 PARTS 1.6 TONS AUTOMOBILES 23 HRS 3,000 PARTS 1.9 TONS INCREASING COMPLEXITY Labor Hours Parts Weight 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 MANUFACTURING TIME (MONTHS) 22

23 Roadmap - Past Ship Structural Envelope Distribution Systems
Equipment/Subsystems Miscellaneous Ship Arrangement ISO AP 215:2004 Ship Moulded Forms ISO AP 216:2003 Ship Structures ISO AP 218:2004 Piping (Plant Spatial Configuration) ISO AP 227:2001 Cable Trays ISO AP 227 Edition 2 Parts Library ISO 13584 Reference Data Libraries ISO 15926 AP 233 Systems Engineering Data Representation AP 239 Product Life-cycle Support Ship Product Model Data Exchange ISO TC 184/SC 4/WG 3 Computational Fluid Dynamics ISO AP 237 Ship Structural Envelope (hull form, arrangements, structure) Distributed Systems (piping, electrical, HVAC, cable trays, mechanical) Mechanical Systems HVAC Logistics/Spares ISO AP 232:2002 Electrical (Electrotechnical Design & Install) ISO AP 212:2001 Finite Element Analysis ISO AP 209:2001 Automotive ISO AP 214:2001

24 Roadmap - Present Ship Structural Envelope Distribution Systems
Equipment/Subsystems Miscellaneous Ship Arrangement ISO AP 215:2004 Ship Moulded Forms ISO AP 216:2003 Ship Structures ISO AP 218:2004 Piping (Plant Spatial Configuration) ISO AP 227:2001 Cable Trays ISO AP 227 Edition 2 Parts Library ISO 13584 Reference Data Libraries ISO 15926 AP 233 Systems Engineering Data Representation AP 239 Product Life-cycle Support Ship Product Model Data Exchange ISO TC 184/SC 4/WG 3 Computational Fluid Dynamics ISO AP 237 Ship Structural Envelope (hull form, arrangements, structure) Distributed Systems (piping, electrical, HVAC, cable trays, mechanical) Mechanical Systems HVAC Logistics/Spares ISO AP 232:2002 Electrical (Electrotechnical Design & Install) ISO AP 212:2001 Finite Element Analysis ISO AP 209:2001 Automotive ISO AP 214:2001

25 Roadmap - Future Ship Structural Envelope Distribution Systems
Equipment/Subsystems Miscellaneous Ship Arrangement ISO AP 215:2004 Ship Moulded Forms ISO AP 216:2003 Ship Structures ISO AP 218:2004 Piping (Plant Spatial Configuration) ISO AP 227:2001 Cable Trays ISO AP 227 Edition 2 Parts Library ISO 13584 Reference Data Libraries ISO 15926 AP 233 Systems Engineering Data Representation AP 239 Product Life-cycle Support Ship Product Model Data Exchange ISO TC 184/SC 4/WG 3 Computational Fluid Dynamics ISO AP 237 Ship Structural Envelope (hull form, arrangements, structure) Distributed Systems (piping, electrical, HVAC, cable trays, mechanical) Mechanical Systems HVAC Logistics/Spares ISO AP 232:2002 Electrical (Electrotechnical Design & Install) ISO AP 212:2001 Finite Element Analysis ISO AP 209:2001 Automotive ISO AP 214:2001

26 ISE2 Demo Storyboard April 10, 2003
Structural Functional Design Structural Detailed Design SafeHull 7a FlagShip 2 7b 1 IntelliShip 5 Foran 8 CAE 9 3 LEAPS 6 CAM 4 APP Advanced Product Portal Database Deliverables 19 ST-Viewer 17 15 13 Pipe Stress Piping Functional Design Tribon 16 Tribon SIMSMART 18 12 Parts Lib Supplier 14 10 11 Piping Detailed Design CATIA CAM (IPT) CATIA AutoCAD

27 ISE Process - Detail Piping Design Demonstration on April 10, 2003
CATIA V5 Tribon M2 ISE

28 ISE Process for Feeding Analysis Programs from Structural Design
Atlantec TRIBON Intergraph ISDP Intergraph IntelliShip

29 Common Parts Catalog (CPC) Interfaces
Developed formal information for CPC parts data CPC documents Basis for sharing parts data outside the CPC community Specification of parts information requirements between Navy and shipbuilders DONXML repository (in progress)

30 HVAC Demonstration Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Simsmart
Washington DC • October 21, 2004 HVAC Demonstration Simsmart

31 The ISE Test Ship - TWR 841 This ship is used to locate and retrieve torpedoes and missile drones. It has a maximum payload capacity of 42 long tons which includes the deck cargo plus full liquids, full complement, and normal stores. This ship was selected because it is in-service, has a complete set of drawings available for distribution, and is: Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited. 21 Oct. ‘04 3131

32 TWR Walkthrough myShipVi Selective HVAC STEP Export
Utilize ship CAD geometry data where possible Access ship data in multiple systems Technology leverages ISE XML schemas Technology will be deployed on LPD 17-20 TWR IDE

33 Business Case Concept Design Analysis Initial Design Parts
Contract Design Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design Manufacturing

34 ISE3 Demo Overview Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™)
Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

35 Initial Design – Part 1 CPC CPC Initial HVAC Design (ISDP)
Analysis (Simsmart ™) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) CPC Parts (CPC) CPC Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Analysis Order Material Order Material CPC Parts (CPC) Manufacturing Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Parts Catalog Analysis Tool Analysis Tool CAD Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing Manufacturing

36 Initial Design - Part 1 ISDP Analysis (Simsmart ™)
Selective HVAC STEP Export STEP file Analysis (Simsmart ™) ISDP ISE HVAC Translator ISE XML

37 Initial Design Analysis
Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

38 HVAC Design & Performance Analysis

39 Common Parts Catalog Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™)
(CPC) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

40 Common Parts Catalog

41 Initial Design – Part 2 Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Initial HVAC Design
Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

42 Initial Design - Part 2 ISDP Detailed Design (TRIBON)
Selective HVAC STEP Export Updated Plenum STEP file Detailed Design (TRIBON) ISDP ISE HVAC Translator ISE XML

43 Importing into Tribon (Atlantec)
Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

44 Export to Foran (Atlantec)
Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

45 Teaming Yard Detailed Design
Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

46 Teaming Shipyard Returns Part
FORAN FORAN TWR’s Preliminary Design (ISE2) FORAN TWR’s Structural Detailed Design (ISE2) TWR’s HVAC Detailed Design ISE3 Selective HVAC STEP Export FORAN HVAC STEP Export Translator P21 STEP file OUTPUT ISE3

47 Teaming Shipyard Returns Part
FORAN Database FORAN HVAC STEP Import Translator ISE3 FORAN HVAC STEP Export Translator P21 STEP file INPUT ISE3 OUTPUT P21 STEP file

48 Import into Tribon Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™)
Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

49 Transfer to Manufacturing
Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts (CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

50 Manufacturing Initial HVAC Design (ISDP) Analysis (Simsmart ™) Parts
(CPC) Parts (CPC) Detailed Design Tool 2 (CATIA) Teaming Shipyard Detailed Design (FORAN) Detailed Design Tool 1 (TRIBON) Analysis Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Order Material Parts (CPC) Manufacturing (EB Sheet Metal) Legend demonstrated discussed Parts Catalog Analysis Tool CAD Tool Manufacturing

51 Electric Boat HVAC Demo Scenario
CATIA V5 STEP FILE Generate Manufacturing Parameters Common Parts Catalog CATIA V4 / CDM Manufacturing Process Manufacture Part

52 EB Manufactures Test Case 4
Revised Duct for Demo H = 4” W = 6” L =12” ELBOW H = 4” W = 6” Rin = 4” Rout = 12” DUCT H = 4” W = 6” L = 86”” TRANSITION H1 = 4” W1 = 6” H2 = 3” W2 = 12” L = 12”

53 Return on Investment (ROI)
Professor Alley Butler of the Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Center (GCRMTC) and the University of New Orleans is conducting a Return on Investment Analysis as part of the ISE3 Project Although his study has not yet been completed, the following slides give some early results from his analysis

54 HVAC Data Exchange ROI Current estimates point to substantial savings in engineering manhours by employing the AP 227 neutral format for porting information to Simsmart Estimates are incomplete, but analysis is in progress Part 1 : Flow Analysis Part 2 : Manufacturing Additional cost savings are anticipated from manufacturing implementation

55 Estimating Savings from an ISE-3 Implementation
The ISE-3 deliverables for HVAC permit porting of information from most commonly used CAD systems to the Simsmart analysis tool This capability should save manhours of engineering and designer time It avoids re-entering data to create the Simsmart models Time is money. So, how much time and money is saved?

56 HVAC Data Exchange ROI The Cruiser/Destroyer/Frigate Case
Potential Savings are estimated to be 6,903 manhours $414,162 for one ship design

57 HVAC Data Exchange ROI This preliminary analysis can be extended to:
Other classes of ships (e.g. submarines, carriers) Additional systems i.e. for auxiliary systems that are not specifically HVAC, such as engine/generator uptakes Additional exchange scenarios (such as Manufacturing) should also be included in calculating ROI

58 NIST: Economic Impact Assessment - Product Data Sharing -
The Shipbuilding Industry has the opportunity to realize $147.1M in annual benefits by sharing product data : $76.4M in cost avoidance Elimination of redundant design, analysis, and manufacturing systems Training IT support Productivity loss $70.7M in risk mitigation Model rework Manual data re-entry Delays Currently, the Shipbuilding Industry is only realizing $25.7M in annual benefits. Source : Planning Report December 2002

59 Goal : Implement in Production
The ISE Project has developed tools and demonstrated interoperability between shipyards in the areas of: Structure Piping HVAC Common Parts Catalog Interfaces The goal of current and future efforts is to make these techniques and tools available in production and to all U.S. shipyards STEP Shipbuilding Translators XML Tools A Website has been established to contain the relevant software tools, schemas, etc. as provided by the ISE Project

60 Summary ISE3 has successfully demonstrated the potential of standards based data exchange to LEAN design and construction processes for HVAC as ISE1 and ISE2 had done for molded forms, structures and piping. Two major challenges lie ahead of us: Commercialization of this technology Continuing to prototype standards based data exchange in other application areas such as ships arrangements, ships electrical systems, and system engineering

61 Conclusions In order to increase the availability and lower the price of production ready tools: The ship owner / operator needs to insist that data be delivered in a system neutral format The shipbuilder needs to insist that STEP functionality be an integral part of product The next challenge is to move this technology into the mainstream and that the technology is mature enough to transition into commercial CAD and Product Modeling products

62 Endorsements The technology works and it is supported by upper management in major U.S. shipyards "The development and testing of international standards for product data is important to the Shipbuilding industry for interoperablility and data archiving which will enable NAVSEA's "One Shipyard" Concept.” Dave Whiddon VP Research, Development & Design Northrop Grumman Ship Systems "Electric Boat endorses the development of interoperability tools and the use of international standards for product model exchange in the shipbuilding industry. We feel that these efforts (undertaken under the NSRP ASE Program) will enhance collaboration among U.S. shipyards and foster the Navy's goal of "One Shipyard". Millard Firebaugh VP-Innovation and Chief Engineer Electric Boat Corporation

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