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Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013

2 Outline Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013 (MECB)
Adoption Amendments by Part Compliance Part 9.36 – Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings Proposed amendments – General discussion OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

3 Outline Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013 (MECB)
Adoption Amendments by Part Compliance Part 9.36 – Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings Proposed amendments – General discussion OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

4 Adoption In November 2011 the National Energy Code for Buildings was published by NRC. The code was adopted in Manitoba by Regulation 213/2013 which created the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB). Date of adoption : December 20, 2013 Date of enforcement: December 1, 2014 Anything in red in a MB Amendment. 9.36 has not been adopted in MB, so anything that falls under Part 9 and would boot you into NECB is not yet in force OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

5 MECB PARTS Division A : Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements Division B: Acceptable Solutions Division C: Administrative Solutions OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER

6 MECB Division B Part 1 General: Referenced Documents, Terms & Abbreviations etc. Part 2: Reserved Part 3: Building Envelope Part 4: Lighting Part 5: HVAC Part 6: Service Water Heating Systems Part 7: Electrical Power Systems & Motors Part 8: Building Energy Performance Compliance path OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER

7 MECB Part 1 - Application
The NECB 2011 applies to all buildings covered by Sentence (1) of the MBC and also includes additions. It does not cover Farm Buildings, temporary buildings or construction camps. Generally , it does not cover small Part 9 buildings or single family dwellings. NOTE: Once adopted the application of Part 9.36 will refer designers back to NECB for compliance with Energy codes. See article A Compliance options. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

8 Building Location Zones
Based on Heating Degree Days (HDD) of Building Location As presented in Appendix C , Climatic and Seismic Information NBCC Manitoba is split into 3 Zones Southern MB is 7A (5000 to 5999 HDD) Central MB is 7B (6000 to 6999 HDD) Northern MB is 8 (≥ 7000 HDD) Northern border for 7A is roughly North of Dauphin, between Eriksdale & Ashern, and North of Pine Falls Northern border for 7B is North of Flin Flon, Cross Lake, and Island Lake OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER

9 MECB Definitions (Div A -
There are new 47 definitions, page 1-3, for example: Addition means any conditioned space that is added to an existing building that increased the buildings floor surface are by more than 10m². As well as 3 new Manitoba specific definitions. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

10 MECB Definitions (Div A -
Back-up System means a system installed for the sole purpose of operating if the primary system is out of service. Temporary building means a building placed at a particular location for the period authorized by the authority having jurisdiction. If the building is not removed on or before the end of the authorized period, it is considered to be a new building for the purposes of this Code. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

11 MECB Definitions (Div A -
Fenestration means all building envelope assemblies, including their frames, that transfer visible light, such as windows, clerestories, skylights, translucent wall panels, glass block, transoms, sidelights, spandrels, overhead or swinging glass doors and glazed inserts in doors etc. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

12 MECB Part 3 – Building Envelope
– Thermal Characteristics of Fenestration Requirements for Windows to be 2.0 in Zones 7A & B and 1.6 in Zone 8. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

13 MECB Part 5 – HVAC – Required Dampers
Air intakes and outlets serving HVAC systems required to operate continuously under an enactment need not comply with Sentence 1. Sentence 1 requires - Every duct or opening required to discharge air from a conditioned space and every air intake duct must have motorized damper. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

14 MECB Part 5 – HVAC – Heat Recovery in Ice Arenas and Curling Rinks Slight modification of the requirement for heat recovery in these areas to state when an area of an ice rink or curling arena “is heated”, rather than “has a heating requirement”. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

15 MECB Part 5 – HVAC 5.2.12 – Equipment Efficiency
This section consists of a table that covers the efficiencies for packaged HVAC equipment. For example it requires a AFUE of 84% for oil fired boilers. The efficiency levels in these tables must also be cross referenced with the Canadian Energy Efficiency Act, because the Act may specify higher rates than the NECB as the update cycles are different. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Unit

16 MECB Part 6 – SWH 6.2.2 – Equipment Efficiency
This section consists of a table that covers the efficiencies for SWH equipment. Equipment not listed in the table shall be insulated to a max U value of 0.45W/(m²·K) MB Amendments have included a table to clarify the standards which fixed the inputs, capacities and correct the standards listed for Gas Fired appliances. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

17 MECB Part 6 – SWH 6.2.6 – Hot Service Water
Primary showerheads 6.6 L/min Lavatories 5.7 L/min OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Unit

18 MECB Part 7 – Electrical Power Systems and Part 8 Performance Path
No amendments OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

19 MECB Compliance Regardless of the compliance path chosen, compliance forms will have to be filled out by the design professional and then submitted to the AHJ. Part 2 is reserved OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

20 MECB Compliance Three main options: Prescriptive path Trade off path
Alternative solutions are also acceptable Within Parts 3 to 7 Trade off path Within Parts 3 to 6 Simple Trade off or Detailed Trade off Performance Path Part 8 Prescriptive path Similar to MBC Alternative solutions are also acceptable Trade off path Within Parts 3 to 6 Part 3 permits Simple Trade off or Detailed Trade off Each section specifies limitations to what can be traded off No trade offs between Parts. I.e., in Part 3 you may trade horizontal for horizontal or vertical for vertical. Can’t use for additions or semi heated Can’t use for assemblies in contact with the ground. Performance path Part 8 of the MECB Requires energy modeling Reference building must be compared to the proposed building and calculations done to show that the energy used by the proposed house is not more than the reference house. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

21 MECB Compliance The OFCs stance on enforcing the MECB is that the design professional will take full responsibility for the design and certification that the energy efficiency of the building meets the design. Our staff will receive compliance forms and Assurance and Summaries of professional design forms. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

22 MECB Compliance Prior to occupancy: Post Construction Certificate
Links to all forms and our fee calculator can be found at: Part 2 is reserved OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

23 Switch to Compliance Tool

24 Outline Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings 2013 (MECB)
Adoption Amendments by Part Compliance Part 9.36 – Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings Proposed amendments – General discussion OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

25 Section 9.36 – Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings
This Section was released in December 2012 as a Revisions and Errata package to the 2010 NBC. It includes all of the energy efficiency requirements for Part 9 Houses and Small buildings. Was created by working towards an EnerGuide target of 78. Adoption is expected by the end of this year. Enforcement is expected by the Fall of 2015. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Unit

26 Section 9.36 – Compliance 1. Prescriptive Path/Alternative Solutions
2. Simple Trade Off Make slight modifications using the Simple Trade-Off Method (e.g. trading reduced wall insulation for increased attic insulation) 3. Performance • Model the building and verify that its predicted energy use is equal to or less than that of the same house designed to the prescriptive requirements OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Unit

27 Section 9.36 – Enforcement and Training
To be developed…. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Unit

28 Q & A Province has updated the Guidebook for Manitoba Amendments with intent and Rationale information for all MECB amendments. Will be updated to include 9.36 as well. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section

29 Training and Education
Red River College Training Sessions on MECB and CANQUEST in mid-October 2014. OFC will offer a session similar to the one recently offered on Sept 17, 2014 for Section 9.36. OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER Building Safety Section


31 OFC Contact Information Manitoba Office of the Fire Commissioner 508 – 401 York Avenue Winnipeg MB R3C 0P8 Telephone: Web: OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER

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