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Published byAldo Sirmans Modified over 10 years ago
DEER2013 Codes and Standards Update for the 2013-14 Cycle 17 July 2013
The DEER2013 update augments the current DEER2011 and includes required Codes and Standards (C&S) changes that become effective in 2014 and will be applied to the 2013-14 portfolio cycle. The relevant codes are: 2013 Title 24 Building Codes 2013 Title 20 Appliance Standards EISA 2007 (Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007) DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013 2
Schedule The 2013 update will create a new set of Energy Impacts for all existing DEER measures. The new simulations are wrapping up now; The data will be processed, QC'd and a draft version will be added to the DEER database within the next few weeks; A new version of READI will provide access to the draft version as well as the final version of the new data; The final version will be available in September of this year. 3 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
Changes in the DEER2013 compared to DEER2011 fall under these Topics: 1.Weather Data Effects all weather-sensitive measures 2.HVAC Measures Efficiency level changes Additional requirements (e.g. 2-speed fan) Corrections to Code level (where DEER2011 was incorrect) 3.Appliance Measures Dishwasher & Refrigerator 4.Commercial and Residential Lighting Systems New HVACI nteractive Effects Tables New Lighting Technologies 5.Non-Measure related changes (new Vintage only) Shell, Motor efficiency improvements applied to the "new" vintage DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013 4
Topic 1: Weather Data The CEC adopted new weather data for the 2013 Title-24; The last update was in 1992; New weather data coordinated across entire state; "Typical" month based on analysis of all (88) weather sites, as opposed to each individual site. The new weather data will affect the energy impacts of all weather-sensitive measures. In addition, the use of new weather data will result in: New Peak Demand Periods New HVAC Interactive Effects Tables DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013 5 Some data regarding new weather data taken from: 16_workshop/presentations/06-Huang-Weather_Data.pdf 16_workshop/presentations/06-Huang-Weather_Data.pdf
The new weather data is entirely new, based on data from 1998- 2005. The reference city has changed for half of the sites: 6 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
The average annual temperature for the 16 sites differ from the previous weather data by a couple degrees at most. Maximum temperatures have increased by as much as 12 degrees. 7 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
Daily temperature profiles vary more than the annual average values, leading to the potential for significant changes in cooling and heating loads. The degree hours shown here are the annual sum of the deviation of the outdoor temperature above (for cooling) or below (for heating) a reference temperature of 65 F. 8 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
The average daily temperature profile for San Diego based on the previous (CTZ2) and new (2010) weather data. While the average temperature has not changed significantly, heating and cooling requirements may be quite different. 9 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop A workbook that allows for a detailed comparison of the weather data sets can be found on the FTP site (under “DEER2013”).
This table shows the typical change in base cooling and heating energy due to the new weather files. These values generally follow the trend seen in the cooling and heating degree days. As expected, based on the previous figures, both the heating and cooling energy decrease in CZ07. 10 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop Chart based on packaged DX cooling with gas furnace across all commercial building types, building vintage 2007.
Peak Period Definitions To determine the electric demand impacts of measures, DEER uses the average kWh reduction over a 9-hour window. The nine-hour window is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. over a three-day “heat wave” that is determined for each climate zone. The three-day demand periods for the new weather data were chosen based on these criteria: occurs between June 1 st and September 30 th, does not include weekdays or holidays (based on 2009), has the highest value for o average temperature over the three-day period + o the average temperature from noon to 6 p.m. over the three-day period + o the peak temperature over the three-day period. 11 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
Peak Period Definitions The peak periods based on the new weather data are shown below, along with the peak periods based on the previous weather data: 12 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
Peak Period Definitions The outdoor temperature during the new peak demand periods are significantly higher for many of the climate zones: 13 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop
Overall Impact of new weather data on Energy Impacts 14 1: Weather DataDEER2013 Update Workshop The new weather data affects HVAC sizing as well as total savings, for example: The total savings decreased in CZ04 while the savings per ton increased. The total savings for CZ11 increased, while the savings per ton stayed the same.
Topic 2: HVAC Measures This topic will cover the following HVAC categories: Economizers & two-speed fan controls Commercial packaged Heat Pump equipment Chillers for space cooling Hot water and Steam Boilers for space heating Electric Small storage and Instantaneous water heaters 15 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
Economizers and two-speed fan controls All single-zone direct-expansion cooling systems with a cooling capacity over 54 kBTUh require economizers; this threshold capacity has been lowered from 75 kBTUh. All packaged single-zone systems with a rated cooling capacity greater than 75 kBTUh (6.25 tons) must have two- speed fans. Two-speed fans are also required on all systems that have an economizer. Single-zone DX cooling system specifications for economizer and fan speed Note 1: 2008 Title-24 requires two-speed fans for systems larger than 110 kBTUh after 1/1/2012. However, two- speed fans were not included with these cooling systems in DEER2011. 16 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Economizers and two-speed fan controls Example of Energy Impacts Compared to the DEER2011 impacts, the DEER2013 above-code savings decreases since both the measure and code technologies have 2-speed fans. Compared to the DEER2011 impacts, the DEER2013 above Pre-existing savings increases due to the measure technology having 2-speed fans and the pre-existing technology having single-speed fans. Single-zone DX cooling system specifications for economizer and fan speed The DEER2011 impacts are the same for Above-Code and Above-PreExisting cases since the 2011 vintage building equipment matches the DEER2011 code requirement. The DEER2013 impacts are different for Above-Code and Above-PreExisting because the 2013 code requires 2-speed fans for this size unit, but the 2011- vintage code did not require 2- speed fans. 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Commercial Packaged Heat Pump equipment The 2013 Title-24 minimum efficiency requirements for packaged heat pumps have dropped by 0.2 EER. Above-code energy savings have increased by as much as 40% due to this change. Efficiency levels for single-zone package heat pump equipment 18 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Chillers for space cooling 2013 Title-24 has new minimum efficiency levels as well as new size ranges for water-cooled chillers. If useful for IOU workpapers, "scaleable" energy impacts can be developed for these measures so that alternative measure efficiency levels can be created via READI or in workpapers. Title-24 and DEER specifications for water-cooled Chillers 19 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Hot water and Steam Boilers for space heating Efficiency levels for large hot-water and steam boilers for space heating across the full range of boiler types and sizes. AFUE of boilers rated at less than 300 kBTUh are specified based on the EISA 2007 code levels, which increased as of 9/1/2012 Hot Water and Steam Boiler efficiency specifications 20 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Electric Small Storage and Instantaneous Water Heaters The code-level Energy Factor (EF) as specified in EISA 2007 for small electric and instantaneous water heaters was incorrectly specified in DEER2011. The correction removes 1/2 to 2/3 of the energy savings. Comparison of electric water heater Efficiency Factors 21 2: HVAC MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Topic 3: Appliance Measures This topic will cover: Residential Dishwashers Residential refrigerator/freezers and freezers 22 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
Residential Dishwashers New code requirements for residential dishwashers were phased-in on 5/30/2013 under EISA 2007. The new metric for energy efficiency is the EAEU, or estimated annual energy use. DEER2013 can augment or modify these measure efficiency levels based on expected IOU offerings Proposed dishwasher specifications based on EISA 2007 code requirements 23 3: Appliance MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Residential Refrigerator/Freezers and Freezers The next phase-in date for residential refrigerator efficiency improvements is 9/15/2014. The exact specifications for measure efficiency levels have not yet been determined. New "scaleable" energy impacts will be added to DEER2013 so that IOUs can define new refrigerator and freezer measures using READI or as part of IOU workpapers. 24 3: Appliance MeasuresDEER2013 Update Workshop
Topic 4: Commercial Lighting Measures New HVAC Interactive Effects for Lighting Code impacts on Lighting Measures New lighting technologies 25 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
HVAC Interactive Effects Factors for Lighting Use of the new weather data affects the HVAC interaction of all indoor lighting measures. The Lighting HVAC Interactive Effects table, published with DEER2011, will change due to the new cooling and heating profiles. Lighting EFLH and CDF values will not change. 26 4: Lighting SystemsDEER2013 Update Workshop
HVAC Interactive Effects Factors for Lighting Below are draft results for Lighting HVAC Interactive Effects for a filtered set of data (Non-CFL, Existing vintage, Education buildings, IOU territory), DEER2013 compared to DEER2011 27 4: Lighting SystemsDEER2013 Update Workshop A draft HVAC interactive effects workbook can be found on the FTP site (under “DEER2013”).
Commercial Lighting Measures In general, there are very few changes with regard to lighting system requirements in the latest Title-24. The DEER approach of assigning code fixtures based on the measure technology has not changed. The lighting technologies in DEER2013 have been greatly expanded to include lighting technologies included in IOU workpapers and tools. The list of code technologies associated with measure lighting fixtures will be expanded to cover as many of the new lighting technologies as possible. The code technologies associated with existing DEER2011 lighting measures (and that are carried over to DEER2013) are not expected to change. 28 4: Lighting SystemsDEER2013 Update Workshop
Topic 5: Non-Measure Related Code changes In DEER2013, the “new” vintage represents buildings permitted under the new Title-24, but not yet built. The “2014-2015” vintage represents buildings built under the new Title-24. For these building vintages, specifications have improved for a number of categories that are not directly related to existing DEER measures. 29 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
Topic 5: Non-Measure Related Code changes This table summarizes the changes for the “new” and “2014-2015” vintage building prototypes: 30 5: Non-Measure Code ChangesDEER2013 Update Workshop Details of these code changes can be found in the workbook “SummaryOfCodeChanges.xlsx” on the FTP site, under “DEER2013”.
DEER2013 Update: Summary New weather data causes all energy impacts to change to some degree. New Lighting HVAC Interactive Effects table will be published along with DEER2013. Opportunity to define IOU program Residential Dishwasher and Refrigerator efficiency levels. Additional lighting technologies can be used to define new measures using DEER methodoloy. 31 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
DEER2013 Update: Summary HVAC measures directly affected by the code change: Packaged single-zone equipment (due to two- speed fans and economizer). Packaged HP code-level efficiency lowered. Code-level efficiency of chillers and boilers increased. Electric water heater code-level efficiency fixed. 32 DEER2013 Update Workshop17 July 2013
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