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Interoperability and Solibri Jan Karlshøj Associate Professor

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1 Interoperability and Solibri Jan Karlshøj Associate Professor

2 09/11/2009Course 110332DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Agenda 13:00 – 13:30Exercise FV 13:30 – 14:00Interoperability 14:00 - 14:15Break 14:15 – 15:00Solibri 15:00 - Exercise JK Lecture, 16 November –Rambøll –Solibri Rule Manager

3 09/11/2009Course 110333DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – inaccurate communication I need a better solution ? – be specific Material? Colour? Geometry Better illumination 500 Lux

4 09/11/2009Course 110334DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – inaccurate communication I need a better solution ? – be specific Material? Colour? Geometry Better illumination 500 Lux Not possible with ordinary SW today

5 09/11/2009Course 110335DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – “my point of view” –Is this a good building? No (Difficult to measure) Surveyor No (Difficult to maintain) FM No (Strange building) Tourist Yes (Interesting structural syst. Structural engineer Yes (Expensive to measure) Surveyor Yes (Masterpiece) Architect

6 09/11/2009Course 110336DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – “my point of view” –Is this a good building? No (Strange building) No (Difficult to maintain) Yes (Interesting structural syst. No (Difficult to measure) Surveyor FM Tourist Structural engineer Yes (Expensive to measure) Surveyor Yes (Masterpiece) Architect Interpretation is not useful in a digital communication

7 09/11/2009Course 110337DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – “my point of view” –Width of door Opening Purchase Hole in the wall With or without the join With or without the door frame.... You have to be specific

8 09/11/2009Course 110338DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – program specific databases/data files

9 09/11/2009Course 110339DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – program specific databases/data files App. 1 Windows HW standards App. 2 Windows HW standards - Image Loss of material, properties, topology etc.

10 09/11/2009Course 1103310DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – program specific databases/data files App. 1 Windows HW standards App. 2 Windows HW standards Image - Loss of material, properties, topology etc. Not possible with ordinary SW today

11 09/11/2009Course 1103311DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem Exchange of information – program specific databases/data files Solution: Retype information

12 09/11/2009Course 1103312DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Problem – finding a solution Options –One stop shopping –Many interfaces/several vendors –Neutral interface/several vendors Or one neutral interface?

13 Industry Foundation Classes My preferred solution: A neutral exchange format Funct. descr. -Functions -Calculation -Requirements -Constraints Knowledge databases -Byggforskserien -Company knowledge db’s SIMULATION -Comfort -Air, heating -Lifecycle costr -Light and sound -Insulation -Use -Fire -Environmenteal impact -Life expectancy Description -Specifications -NS 3420, -BOM -cost estimates Sourcing -Product databases -Price databases 4D -Schedule -Logistics FM -Renting, sale and use -Maintenance -Warranty Demolishing, re- use -Renovation -Demolishing -Reconstruct VRML -Visualisation -3D models Pictures from: Selvaagbygg, DDS, Byggforsk, NBLN University of California, CIFE Stanford, Pythagoras and Oluf Granlund Yo, buildingSMART Norway BIM software -Drawings -Arch, HVAC, EL, CivEng Rules and regulations -Plan and building law -Regulations IFC

14 09/11/2009Course 1103314DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Real world concepts –Physical Building Wall Column Boiler Valve –Organisation Company Actor –Processes –Control

15 09/11/2009Course 1103315DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Wall –Identification –Geometry –Properties –Relationship to other elements –Relationship to spatial structure

16 09/11/2009Course 1103316DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

17 09/11/2009Course 1103317DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Object Wall Object Property set Property set eg. Fire rating Acoustic rating Cost Relation Building

18 09/11/2009Course 1103318DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Model View Definition (MVD) Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Software development Certification

19 09/11/2009Course 1103319DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Certification Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Certification Model View Definition (MVD)

20 09/11/2009Course 1103320DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Information Delivery Manuals (IDM)

21 09/11/2009Course 1103321DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Model View Definitions (MVD)

22 09/11/2009Course 1103322DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Software Certification App 1IFCApp 2

23 09/11/2009Course 1103323DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) GUID: 3vHRQ8oT0Hsm00051Mm008

24 09/11/2009Course 1103324DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Principles Links –Information Delivery Manuals (IDM) –Model View Definitions (MVD) –Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) –International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) –Software Certification

25 09/11/2009Course 1103325DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Samples An wall –CAD/BIM –Viewer –Excel bips Live BIM event

26 09/11/2009Course 1103326DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Challenges User Extract data Modelling Software Export IFC (mapping to IFC) Export IFC (mapping to IFC) Import IFC (mapping from IFC) Import IFC (mapping from IFC) Receiving user’s needs

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