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Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting Ultrasonic Washer and HPR device for 9-cell 1.3GHz Cavity Zhongquan.Li, Jiyuan Zhai,

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Presentation on theme: "Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting Ultrasonic Washer and HPR device for 9-cell 1.3GHz Cavity Zhongquan.Li, Jiyuan Zhai,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting Ultrasonic Washer and HPR device for 9-cell 1.3GHz Cavity Zhongquan.Li, Jiyuan Zhai, Tongxian Zhao, Jie Gao 2010.12.07

2 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting Ultrasonic Washer Requirements 1. The ultrasonic cleaner should serve for ILC 9-cell 1.3 GHz, BEPCII single-cell 500 MHz and ADS 5-cell 650 MHz medium- beta SC cavity. 1. The ultrasonic cleaner should serve for ILC 9-cell 1.3 GHz, BEPCII single-cell 500 MHz and ADS 5-cell 650 MHz medium- beta SC cavity. 2. A motor drive the hanging arm to move cavity up and down, same time, the hanging arm can rotate around guiding rail, that’s convenient for moving cavity.

3 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting Ultrasonic Cleaner Design Parameters 1.Inside dimension of container is W650*L850*H1500. Effective space except four oscillator box is W650*L650*H1500. 2.We choose 40kHz as ultrasonic freq. 3.Ultrasonic power is 4*2kW=8kW, four 2kW generator to supply 4 oscillator. 4.Heater powper 4*3kW=12kW , four 3kW heater, it’s need about 3 hours to heat bath water from room temp(25°) to 50°. 5.Water is cycling at 30L/min by a magnet drived pump during washing time, two filter of 50 and 10 micron which located at pumping down-stream line to clean up the bath water 。 6.Two temp sensor mount on side surface of container to controll heater power.

4 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR Device HPR Device initial design Requirements 1. The Ultrasonic cleaner should used for ILC 9- cell 1.3 GHz, BEPCII single-cell 500MHz and ADS 5-cell 650MHz medium-beta SC cavity. 1. The Ultrasonic cleaner should used for ILC 9- cell 1.3 GHz, BEPCII single-cell 500MHz and ADS 5-cell 650MHz medium-beta SC cavity. 2. Four motor are required, two are used to drive the hanging arm to move cavity and nozzel pipe line, another used to rotate cavity and nozzel pipe line separately. 3. An offset distance of 450mm from nozzel center to guiding rail is needed in order to be compatible with 500MHz SC cavity application. Effective moving distance in vertical is about 1400mm required for 1.3 GHz 9-cell cavity.

5 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR Device second version 1. to solve the puzzle on how to hang cavity on to the top plate during mounting stage, we design two guiding rail strucure 。 2. but another problem is appeared, how to keep cacity center parallel with nozzel guiding rail during rinsing stage, maybe every time, we need align the cavity with nozzel rail 。

6 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR Device final design 1. final,we design a compact structure, that is two slider share same guiding rail as shown in bottom. 2. two motor drive cavity and nozzel moving along same guiding rail individually, two motor rotate cavity and nozzel around same center separately.

7 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR Device Procedure 1.rotate nozzel support plate to side about 45º; 2.mount cavity with fixing dress onto cavity support plate; 3.Top motor drives cavity plate to top along rail; 4.rotate nozzel support plate back; 5.adjust nozzel line and cavity axis along vertical direction 6.fix cavity support plate, move nozzel pipe line up and down in vertical and same time rotate cavity to rinse cavity inner surface.

8 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR Device

9 Ultrasonic washer and HPR The 3nd IHEP-KEK SC collaboration meeting HPR is still not finished, mechanic part is completed and tested, we should prepare controll pannel to operate all of motor according different requirements. Next plan Thanks for Your Care!

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