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Laboratory Animal Facility Equipment LAT Chapter 6.

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1 Laboratory Animal Facility Equipment LAT Chapter 6

2 Chapter 6 LAT Presentations Study Tips If viewing this in PowerPoint, use the icon to run the show.  Mac users go to “Slide Show > View Show” in menu bar Click on the Audio icon: when it appears on the left of the slide to hear the narration. From “File > Print” in the menu bar, choose “notes pages”, “slides 3 per page” or “outline view” for taking notes as you listen and watch the presentation.  Start your own notebook with a 3 ring binder, for later study!

3 Chapter 6 Facility Equipment Animal rooms Mechanical areas Cage wash area Diet preparation Surgery suites Necropsy Incinerator facilities Equipment for unique research needs

4 Chapter 6 Small Animal Room Set-up

5 Chapter 6 Water Treatment Area

6 Chapter 6 Rack Washer & Cage Washer

7 Chapter 6 Prep, Surgery, Recovery

8 Chapter 6 Lab, Necropsy

9 Chapter 6 Animal Facility Designs Non-husbandry-related functions  About 25 percent of the total floor space  Legal requirements must be taken into account. waste disposal, noise, odor control, and facility security Design determined by the nature of the research.  safety of its employees, the animals, and the surrounding community Space requirements and traffic flow Protection of the animals from common diseases

10 Chapter 6 Animal Facility

11 Chapter 6 Conventional Facilities A conventional facility has no special design provisions for “clean/dirty” traffic flow.  The animal rooms have one doorway through which clean items enter and dirty items exit. Properly directed air flow is important in any animal facility.  Negative air pressure inside, combined with positive pressure outside, helps keep airborne contaminants inside the room from reaching animals located in other areas of a conventional facility.

12 Chapter 6 Circulation Shared

13 Chapter 6 Clean/Dirty Facility One-way traffic flow Each animal room has entrance and exit door.  Entrance door leads from the clean corridor to the animal room.  Exit door leads from animal room to a dirty corridor. Shower-in and shower-out may be required Air pressure: clean hallway => animal room =>dirty hallway

14 Chapter 6 Circulation Clean/Dirty

15 Chapter 6 Barrier & Containment Facilities Barrier keeps contamination out. Containment keeps contamination inside. Keep the flow of traffic in one direction - from clean to dirty. Germ-free barrier: shower-in enter through one-way air lock protective apparel work done under a laminar flow hood all materials autoclaved waste out separate route air pressure positive to the surrounding areas

16 Chapter 6 Circulation Directional

17 Chapter 6Airlock

18 “Modified SPF” / Containment ~ Modified SPF ~ a barrier with less stringent procedures animals purchased only from SPF vendors ~ Containment ~ Requires protective apparel to protect the person. Personnel may be required to shower-out. Materials must be decontaminated. Negative air pressure Air out may require sterilization or HEPA filtration.

19 Chapter 6 Preventing Cross-Contamination Protect from contamination: 1) Store feed, bedding and cages away from waste. 2) Wear protective clothing when working in animal areas. 3) Separate quarantine and receiving from animals on study. 4) Disinfect contaminated gloves, boots and equipment. Prevent allergen and pathogen exposure: 1) Wear protective clothing while handling animals. 2) Remove contaminated protective clothing before entering lunch rooms, offices etc. 3) Do not wear uniforms or work shoes home.

20 Chapter 6 Caging Systems  permit freedom of movement and normal posture  identical housing for each animal on a study  weight and number of animals housed per cage  AWA, The Guide, USDA, PHS, AAALAC  comfortable, safe, escape-proof, with easy access to food and water  ventilation and be kept dry and clean  materials sturdy, durable, smooth, impervious  inspection of occupants without disturbing them  normal interaction

21 Chapter 6 Primate Units

22 Chapter 6 Primate Units, Too

23 Chapter 6 Rabbit Rack

24 Chapter 6 Caging Systems (Selection) age, weight, and size of the species purpose for which it is to be used;  short-term or long-term housing, individual or group housing, collection of clinical or metabolic samples, administration of test materials, or moving animals from one location to another endure repeated use and sanitation and use in a variety of research programs for long-term applications

25 Chapter 6 Micro Isolator Cage

26 Chapter 6 Solid / Wire Hanging Cages

27 Chapter 6 Caging Systems (Transport, Activity) Transport Cages:  Food or water is not usually provided.  Specialized transport cages fit up to opening of cage. Activity Cages:  rodent - an attached wheel-shaped section  nonhuman primates - bars, ropes, swings, and sometimes toys  dogs and other larger animals - runs

28 Chapter 6 Dog Feeder / Transport Cages

29 Chapter 6 More Transport Caging

30 Chapter 6 Caging Systems (Recovery / Inhalation) Recovery Cages:  to hold an animal after surgical manipulation. also called therapy cages or intensive care units heated floor, plexiglass door for easy viewing, can be fitted with environmental controls, port access for IV therapy or physiological monitors Inhalation Cage/Environmental Chambers:  for exposure to test materials Test material in as a vapor, mist, or gas. Animals inhale the substance, pulmonary function measurements can be performed.

31 Chapter 6 Restraint Equipment  Holds animals securely but comfortably.  Used to collect samples or administer materials.  Collection and administration site access.  Allows techs use of both hands for procedure.  Complete sanitation between uses  Design depends on species and duration of restraint. Plastic rodent cylinders, cat bags, pig slings, and nonhuman primate chairs are all classified as restraint equipment.  Favorable response if conditioned.  Keeps comfortable and stress-free.

32 Chapter 6 Restraint Equipment

33 Chapter 6 Restraint Cone

34 Chapter 6 Broome Restraint Tube

35 Chapter 6 Stockinette Stockinette Restraint

36 Chapter 6 Towel Wrap Towel Restraint

37 Chapter 6 Maintenance & Equipment Use  Equipment monitoring - air, fume hood, light, and water  Calibrate scales and maintain instruments.  Rotate equipment in storage.  Pre-rinsing Urine precipitates form opaque scale. Use acid cleaners (descalers) before washing. 82.2°C surface temperature needed for effective sanitation.  Room cleaning Tools are room-specific. Log or record cleaning schedules. All permanent surfaces in the room are sanitized.

38 Chapter 6 Room Monitor

39 Chapter 6 Additional Reading 1.Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1996. 2.The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, 6th Edition, Trevor Poole, editor, 1987.

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