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Text-to-Text Connections with two favorite books graphics from: and By Carolyn Wilhelm There are 16 PDFs.

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Presentation on theme: "Text-to-Text Connections with two favorite books graphics from: and By Carolyn Wilhelm There are 16 PDFs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text-to-Text Connections with two favorite books graphics from: and By Carolyn Wilhelm There are 16 PDFs attached to this lesson. Just click on the paper icon to open and print when in normal mode, not While in slide show mode.

2 Let's go on a bear hunt! decide to leave First, we have to and pack some supplies!

3 forest Now, through the...

4 a deep, cold river

5 long, wavy grass

6 mud

7 snowstorm

8 narrow, gloomy cave

9 Oh, no! Some bears!

10 forest snowstorm mud a deep, cold river long, wavy grass Let's go home! Back through:

11 door, stairs, and under the covers!

12 safe in the house WHEW!

13 I'm glad those weren't real bears, aren't you?






19 Going on a Bear Hunt Timeline 1234 6 78 9 5 forest narrow, gloomy cave snowstorm mud a deep, cold river long, wavy grass door, stairs,covers safe in the house WHEW! decide to leave and pack supplies This is how we went on our bear hunt.

20 All three pages are the on PDF, above. Below are just pictures of the last two pages.

21 These are both PDFs

22 Knuffle Bunny Timeline into the laundromat Trixie helped Daddy they go down the block through the park past the school Arrange the first part of the story in order. Left the laundromat and REALIZED SOMETHING! decide to leave and take the laundry 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

23 Knuffle Bunny Timeline into the laundromat Trixie helped Daddy they go down the block through the park past the school Left the laundromat and REALIZED SOMETHING! decide to leave and take the laundry 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 go all the way back to the laundromat Whew! looked and looked Aggle flaggle kabble! go boneless decide to leave AGAIN get home and mom realized something they go down the block through the park past the school

24 Knuffle Bunny the Real Timeline for dicussion purposes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 decide to leave get supplies Trixie helped Daddy they go down the block through the park past the school 11 109 8 1213 15 14 REALIZED SOMETHING! Aggle flaggle kabble! 16 17 go boneless decide to leave get home Mom REALIZED SOMETHING! decide to leave through the park they go down the block past the school into the laundromat they go down the block they will go through the park they will go past the school found it, whew! They will get home, whew! looked and looked they will decide to leave 19 21 20 23 18 22

25 The above PDF page has all three of these pages. The pages below are just pictures, not PDFs.

26 These are both PDFs

27 we know they will go home again Come back story: home to cave and back home. Come Back story: home, laundromat, home, laundromat home cave home laundromat home

28 Knuffle Bunny Going on a Bear Hunt decide to go somewhere have a reason to leave in a hurry children exciting realistic story fantasy (pretend) bear stuffed animal in a city in the country darkness daylight hand-drawn sketches and digital photography


30 Writing Frames, Rubrics and Word Banks

31 Writing frame for Bear Hunt like story. Click on the page to open and print. The writing pages PDF (middle page) is 7 pages long. With the cover and last page, there are 9 pages in all.

32 5 pages 1 pages

33 Story frame for independent writers: 7 pages

34 Word List for a story like Knuffle Bunny:

35 Word List for a story like GOING ON A BEAR HUNT:



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