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My Place in Time and Space Trailer Camp Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "My Place in Time and Space Trailer Camp Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Place in Time and Space Trailer Camp Projects

2 Part One













15 Class Discussion


17 Part Two

18 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Hanging out clothes which have been washed in the laundry of the community building.

19 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Children playing marbles outside the community building.

20 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Young occupant gets around by bicycle. The community building is in the background.

21 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Well-equipped laundry in the community building.

22 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Hanging out clothes which have been washed in the laundry of the community building.

23 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. General view of the project from the roof of the community building.

24 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Manager of the project outside the clinic in the community building.

25 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Well-equipped laundry in the community building.

26 Arlington, Virginia. FSA (Farm Security Administration) trailer camp project for Negroes. Project occupant tending his victory garden.

27 Trailer camp in Radford, Virginia

28 Middle River, a small crossroads in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland. FSA (Farm Security Administration) housing project (later administered by the National Housing Agency) for Glenn L. Martin aircraft workers. Mrs. Cecil C. Irp having her child examined by Dr. P.R. Estep, trailer camp doctor who holds regular office hours at two dollars and fifty cents per visit daily.

29 Middle River, a small crossroads in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland. FSA (Farm Security Administration) housing project (later administered by the National Housing Agency) for Glenn L. Martin aircraft workers. Daily Bible class conducted for the children at the Glenn L. Martin trailer camp.

30 All images taken from the following website:

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