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Researchers: FELICIO, Carmelle Ann G. REYES, Ma. Lealyn CUBILLAN, Kim Christian T.

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Presentation on theme: "Researchers: FELICIO, Carmelle Ann G. REYES, Ma. Lealyn CUBILLAN, Kim Christian T."— Presentation transcript:

1 Researchers: FELICIO, Carmelle Ann G. REYES, Ma. Lealyn CUBILLAN, Kim Christian T.

2 To determine what is the relationship between the oxygen dissolved in an environment and the fish’s respiration rate

3 2 fishes (3) 1 liter of tap water 1 block of ice 2 grams of laundry detergent 3 fish bowls thermometer

4 The materials were prepared. A liter of water was put on a fish bowl. The water’s temperature was measured. For set-up 1, the fish was put in the fish bowl. The operculum movement the fish was counted in a minute. Another 1 liter of water was prepared in a fish bowl. A block of ice was added. The water’s temperature was measured.

5 For set-up 2, the fish was put in the fish bowl (that contains water and ice). The operculum movement was counted in a minute. A liter of water was prepared in a fish bowl. 2 grams of laundry detergent was mixed with the water. For set-up 3, the fish was put in the fish bowl (that contains detergent and water). The operculum movement was counted in a minute. Observations were written in a notebook.

6 Set-upNo. of operculum movements per minute 1 (1 liter of tap water at 20 ◦ C)100/minute 2 (1 liter of tap water with ice at 18 ◦ C)95/minute 3 (1 liter of tap wither with 2 grams of detergent) 128/minute Table 1. The Number of Operculum Movement in each Set-up

7 The researchers counted the operculum movements of the fishes per minute in three (3) different set-ups. We all know that the operculum movement of the fish determines its respiration rate. The faster the operculum movement, the higher the respiration rate of the fish. The data are presented on tables following this summary. After reading for information on fish respiration and conducting the laboratory exercise to determine the effects of environment change on fish rates, the researchers found out that an increase in water temperature means a decrease in dissolved oxygen available for the fish to breathe. Since the water at 20˚C

8 contained less oxygen than the water at 18˚C, the fish had to take more breaths in the warmer water to get as much oxygen as it did in the cooler water. Also, the researchers learned that detergents that contains phosphate (e.g. laundry detergents) can lead to algal blooms that releases toxins and deplete oxygen in waterways. That’s why in this set-up, the fish’s operculum movement was the fastest of all since the oxygen is depleting and he needs more oxygen to survive.

9 The researchers can conclude that the lower the oxygen dissolved in an environment, the higher the fish’s respiration rate and vice versa. Thus, the oxygen contained in an environment and the fish’s respiration rate are inversely proportional.

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