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Published byTristian Hopes Modified over 10 years ago
Infection Prevention and Control Committee in a Health Care Facility (HCF) Christine Mukashema Infection Prevention and Control Manager, KFH
Objectives Understand the importance for an Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPCC) in a Health Care Facility (HCF) Describe the reasons for creating an Infection Prevention and Control Committee in a HCF
Functions of an Infection prevention and Control Committee in a Health care setting
Develops IPC education programmes for hospital staff Strives to minimize the risks of health care associated infections (HCAI) Formulates, implements and revises infection control policies and procedures 4. Discusses any infection prevention and control related problems brought to them 5. Advises on the purchase of equipment where applicable
Functions of an Infection prevention and Control Committee in a Health care setting
Reports on the incidence and prevalence of alert organisms, important infectious diseases 7. Reviews outbreaks of infection and advice on how outbreaks must be managed and might be prevented 8. Assists in the planning and development of services and facilities in the hospital that are relevant to infection control
Functions of an Infection prevention and Control Committee in a Health care setting
9. Monitors and advises on specific areas for hygiene and infection control e.g. catering, CSSD, ventilation, water services, occupational health, pharmacy, theatre, endoscopies etc 10. Receives the monthly report of infection control statistics from different service units within the facility 11. Ensures that reports are acted upon by management
Functions of an Infection prevention and Control Committee in a Health care setting
12. Ensures compliance with standards in respect of infection prevention and control services 13. Promotes co-operation between departments regarding infection prevention and control 14. Advises management on all aspects of infection control in the hospital 15. Documents visits to clinical and non clinical areas and report at regular intervals as prescribed by hospital policy
Terms of Reference A competent and active infection prevention and control committee is a most important part of any programme for prevention and control of health care associated infections (HCAI) among patients and personnel.
IPCC Membership: The Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPCC), is a multi-disciplinary committee. It includes representation from the Hospital administration, Department of Nursing, Medical Staff, and the Infection Control Department.
IPCC Membership: The committee members are representatives of the following departments: Senior Management The department of Nursing The department of Clinical Medicine Medical ward Surgical ward Paediatric ward Maternity ward Theatre/CSSD OPD Dental Department The Occ H&S Service Laboratory The Infection Control Nurse Pharmacy House keeping Laundry Catering
IPCC Membership: The Chairperson shall be elected by the committee on a yearly basis Representation from Maintenance, Health Records, and other ancillary staff will be used on a consultative basis
Meetings: The committee shall meet twice a month
Meetings shall be held with more than one half (50%) of the members present, otherwise the meeting shall continue as an ad hoc meeting If two successive ad hoc meetings occur, binding decisions may be taken in the second meeting
Meetings: Minutes of the meetings and documentation of the recommendations made shall be kept and submitted to the Senior Management Committee within one week of a meeting.
Lines of communication:
The IPCC must be a subcommittee of the Senior Management Committee The Chairman has the authority to institute appropriate control measures or studies when there is considered to be a danger to patients or personnel
Authority: The IPPC has the authority to demand compliance with IPC policies and guidelines in all departments Hospital department managers have line responsibility for implementation of these policies
Responsibilities: Recommendation on all aspects of hospital policy relating to infection prevention and control. Administration is responsible for prompt review and implementation of recommended infection control policy formulated by the committee Review of all data concerning infections and infection risks. Through the Infection Control Nurse, the Infection Control Committee shall be kept informed of infections within and outside the hospital of epidemiological significance.
Responsibilities: Initiation and supervision of the investigations and the reporting of: 3.1 clusters of infections above expected levels, 3.2 single cases of unusual nosocomial infections, and 3.3 other infection control studies and surveys. 4. Initiation of audits of the Hospital’s IPC practices and submission of the related reports to Senior Management
Responsibilities: 5. Feedback of surveillance data to staff
6. Review of the capabilities/practices of specific departments: Laboratory’s microbiological services The CSSD The Kitchen The Laundry Theatre
Responsibilities: 7. Approval of all chemicals used for disinfection and all methods used for sterilization within the hospital 8. Recommendations for the purchase/ provision of all IPC equipment 9. Recommendations related to the educational needs of hospital staff in relation to IPC
Possible IPC Activities
Surveillance Clinical waste management quality project Hand hygiene audit Three data collection exercises Infection control practices general audit Notification of wound and other sepsis Hand washing techniques audit
Infection Prevention and Control Audits in a Health Care Facility
Christine Mukashema Infection Prevention and Control Manager, King Faisal Hospital
Learning Objectives Indicate the role of an IPC Audit in a health care setting List some of the use of the IPC Audit data Discuss the importance of the IPC Audit of a Health care settings
Background Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an important dimension of safe care and an integral aspect of day-to-day care It is a hospital-wide function and is the responsibility of those providing service Thus everyone working in a healthcare facility (HCF) has a part to play in ensuring the implementation of Infection Prevention and Control standards
Background Non compliance to infection control standards and guidelines is associated with increase in Health Care Associated Infections (Rockville 2008) Infection control audits to evaluating clinical practice is one of the most effective strategies in the prevention of HCAIs (Madani, 2006) The study aimed to determine the impact of infection control audits on infection control standards compliance
Principle goals for IPC
To protect the patient To protect the healthcare worker (HCW), visitors, and others in the healthcare environment To accomplish the above in a cost effective manner, wherever possible. The level of IPC service is a good indicator of the standard of excellence of the care provided
IPC Audits Purpose There are several reasons for conducting an IPC Audit Generally it is hoped that the results will contribute to: The delivery of safe health care; Provision of an environment that drives improvement in quality, safety and accountability; An audit will help to establish the level of IPC service as a baseline for improvement
IPC Audits Purpose Establish the current infection control practices used across the hospital Promotion of continuous quality improvement through regular monitoring and evaluation of IPC services; and attainment of best practices in IPC Identify the gap between those current practices and international standards Provide baseline data for further development of an IPC Service
How to Audit: Setting of Standards and indicators
Hospital Service/Department Standards All services and departments must reach 100% compliance levels with IPC best practices Each service/ department must reach full compliance Indicators Proportion of services/departments who have reached 100% compliance Degree of compliance of each service/department
Audit tools establishment
Established an audit tools form The criteria outlined in the tools vary according to department
IPC Audits Following receipt of the initial results, monthly departmental internal audits should be completed by the department managers or their delegate, and the infection control Link Personnel
Departments to be assessed
Infection Prevention &Control Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Intensive Care Unit Out Patients Department Accident & Emergency Surgical Urusaro Medical Paediatrics Central Sterile Supply Department Physiotherapy Dental Pharmacy Laboratory Radiology Maintenance Kitchen Laundry Mortuary Stores Maternity Theatre
Important Criteria to be assessed
Administration Audit IPC Committee Education Risk Management IPC Guidelines/ Standards Clinic /dressing room Kitchens Housekeeping Hand washing Isolations precautions Linen management Waste management Environmental hygiene Bathrooms/Showers/Toilets Sluice room Urinary catheters
Criteria to be assessed
Respirator equipment Scrub up rooms Ventilation Autoclave Protective clothing Patient’s personal hygiene Layout Storage Biosafety cabinet Change rooms Aseptic technique Specimens Equipment Cleaning material Disinfectants Refrigerators Food hygiene Staff Water supply Hydrotherapy pool Intravascular devices
IPC Audit data analysis
The IPC Audit data will help in identifying IPC issues in different areas which will include: Management People Policies Material Measurement, and Method
Root Causes: Possible causes of the IPC gaps
Management People Policy Policy on Audit not known Form not yet known by some staff Poor understanding of IPC needs? Staff availability for education sessions Problem reported not resolved for a long time Insufficient emphasis on importance of IPC Audit from HOU, HoDs Staff still require education about IPC Delayed/slow responses from Hosp. Admin. when a problem is reported from the audit Staff still require education re policies & practices IPC Audit gap Auditing not yet implemented in practice in the hospital Processes need to be learned Management of change issues Repeated stock outs Policies not yet implemented Ignorance on how to do audit Financial issues Measurement Method Material
Possible causes of the IPC gaps
Quality Problem identification Specific Problem Statement
IPC Compliance An assessment of 80% or above reflects compliance to IPC best practices that represents the desired state to which the whole hospital and each department or service must work toward achieving
Choose possible solutions
Unless the problem in question is the sole responsibility of an individual, developing solutions should be a team effort. Although solutions are of different natures, often, they are rooted in management systems related to supervision, training and logistics.
Monitor change & improvements
Teams should modify solutions as needed and should fully document the results and lessons learned. Once the solution has proved to be effective, the new process must be documented and disseminated so that others can learn from the experience.
Monitor change & improvements
Develop an action plan using a Project plan Template/tool Implement solutions - this requires careful planning, therefore the team must determine
Ex: Project plan Template/ Tool
IPC Audits IPC Audits should be done every months and comparison should be done for improvements
Some IPC audits results
June 2009 Feb 2010 Sept 2010 June 2011 May 2012 Nov 2012 June 2013 65% 76% 81% 74% 73% 82% 88.8%
Some IPC audits results
Departments Baseline Feb 2010 Sept 2010 June 2011 May 2012 Nov 2012 June 2013 IPC 51 79 99 91 73 87 85 NICU 62 76.6 92 93 98.3 ICU 71 84 96 94.5 81 89 97.7 OPD 57 77.6 83 88 83.4 81.8 Renal Service not yet established 64.5 87.5 Urusaro 65.9 88.5 89.7 Medical 46 75.5 76 77 69 91.2 Maternity 70 74.3 63 78 86.3
Some IPC audits results
HDU Service not yet established 61 79 77 A&E 70 82.2 64.5 74 76 80 Surgical 40 63 71 52 57 78.9 Theatre 85.5 78 94 97 Pediatrics 64 86.8 85 CSSD 90.9 96 89 82 92 Physiotherapy 68 87 95 94.5 Dental 73 81 75 88.8
Some IPC audits results
Pharmacy 57 76 84 72 93 82 85.5 Laboratory 66 90 77.5 70.5 89 Radiology 64 73 86 63 78.6 Maintenance 59 40 53 67 58 Kitchen 77 80 71 74 Laundry 86.3 Mortuary 48 72.7 78 Stores 56 82.9 54 Total 65 81 82.3 88%
Some IPC audits results
Some IPC Audits results
Some IPC Audits results
Some IPC Audits results
Recommendations Regular infection control audits in all healthcare facilities Infection control audits to form part of our hospital’s quality improvement processes Forums for sharing knowledge and information
Conclusion IPC Audit will help in the monitoring and the evaluation of IPC activities Will help also in planning and making strategies for improvement if needed ‘To measure is To know’ “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” Lord Kelvin
Thank you!
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