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JNM 2 STREAMLINERS Engineering for the Developing World House of Mercy Clothing Team May 14th, 2013 Members: Jake Snider Nicole Medina Mateo Mehad Habbab.

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Presentation on theme: "JNM 2 STREAMLINERS Engineering for the Developing World House of Mercy Clothing Team May 14th, 2013 Members: Jake Snider Nicole Medina Mateo Mehad Habbab."— Presentation transcript:

1 JNM 2 STREAMLINERS Engineering for the Developing World House of Mercy Clothing Team May 14th, 2013 Members: Jake Snider Nicole Medina Mateo Mehad Habbab Meg Malone Photo credit provide in references

2 Clothing Team Agenda  Background  Mission Statement  Information Collection  Prototype Selection  Guidelines  Safety  Layout  Pugh Analysis  Final Statements  Questions

3 Problem Background Outreach to guests at HOM & the community Both new and used clothing is donated to the house Up to20 garbage bags a day Clothing is currently distributed 3 times a day to all who desire (not necessarily need) Clothes currently hung on the pipes are a fire hazard Clothing room is in the basement which floods occasionally Hygiene is a concern (bedbugs) Current distribution process allows for hoarding which takes up valuable space in the house and depletes clothing resources Photo Credit: JNM 2

4 Mission Statement  The Clothing Team is to provide a sorting and distribution process that will allow the guests to choose clothing providing them with warmth, dignity and protection while utilizing current system resources Photo Credit: JNM 2

5 Data Collection  Observation  Process & Incidental  Interviews with key players  Recording of experience  Videos, Pictures, Audio Logs  Benchmarking  Asbury Church Warehouse Photo Credit: JNM 2

6 Prototype Suggestions The team was able to arrive at the following prototypes after collecting data, conducting team brainstorming sessions and applying Human Centered Design principles. The team decided that a system/process with least cost to HOM would be favorable. A different approach was taken with the prototypes, the team identified 3 focus areas and developed a prototype for each: 1. Guidelines 2. Safety 3. Clothing Room Layout

7 Proposed Schedule  Swap clothing  Weekly inspection of personal storage  Communicate schedule changes 2-3 weeks prior to schedule change

8 Other Proposed Scheduling Concepts New HOM Guests  Standard bag received upon in-take  Same clothing limit for community members  Will need to supply bags for take away Night Arrivals  Emergency supply in intake room  All items will be in plastic totes and labeled for quick access Photo Credit: JNM 2

9 Guidelines  Limit to 1-2x per week  Hopefully helps to reduce hoarding  New/swap clothes  Laundry (Debbie & John) M/W/F  Maurice weekly inspection of personal storage  Communication  Barb can make the announcement 2 weeks until new systems, 1 week until new system etc.  1-2x times per week  Supply bags for transport  Personal or public transport  Use Ashbury info for take away House GuestsCommunity Members

10 Safety  Concerns:  I-beam and low ceiling  Lighting  Barb’s visibility  Actions items:  Hot pink duct tape + cushion for I beam  Use florescent tubes in between rafters Already implemented but they could use one more double light by the stairs entering the basement and need new light bulbs  Use mirrors in corners for visibility and cosmetic dignity, also helps reflect light

11 Clothing Receiving/Processing  Items to displayed are up to the discretion of the volunteer sorting  As a general rule: Items with holes and stains should be tossed  Two tables outside of clothing room used for initial sorting  Three bins at each Sorting Station:  Salvation Army  Toss/Rags ($)  Sort for HOM  Measuring stick used to identify the sizes of clothes that are kept  Tape and markers for labeling clothes at sorting station

12 Layout Recommendations  Nothing is to be stored on the floor  Utilize the already existing racks and plastic totes  Introduce hanger storage (as shown on the right)  Set up mirrors to increase visibility and lighting, and create a boutique atmosphere  Get rid of the under utilized tables then move hanging racks to back corner Photo Credit: JNM 2

13 Wooden Shelving  Section off into small, medium, large, XL/XXL  Use plastic totes to store items  Socks, Underwear  Anything that can be folded  Back wall of wooden shelving is for off-season storage  Utilize a curtain or covering to hide the area up when not in use  Mothballs  For long term & off-season storage

14 Prototypes Photo Credit: JNM 2

15 Pugh Analysis

16 Final Statements  Addressed 3 major areas of concern  Helped to distribute the work of the Clothing Room  Reduced the frequency of HOM guest visits to basement while meeting their clothing needs  Optimally utilized the basement and existing resources  Reduced the likelihood of being injured by the beam  Increased lighting and visibility of guests shopping  Created a more comfortable ambiance

17 QUESTIONS Photo Credit: JNM 2

18 References    HCD Hear  dbb   

19 Bed Bugs  Bed bugs  Do not cause health problems unless you are allergic  HOM does get sprayed  Bed bugs are more likely to live in dark and warm places such as couches etc. they do not tend to live on clothes, too much movement for a good hiding place  Freezing will kill bed bugs  Insecticides as well Diatomaceous Earth  60 mins on high heat in the dryer will kill eggs and bugs Don’t place back in same bag

20 Tax Receipts  Follow the Asbury Warehouse process  Person donating would arrive with a list of items they are donating  The person donating is suppose to include a self- addressed stamped envelope  List is set in a basket for one volunteer to process  The volunteer signs the sheet and returns to the person who donated via supplied envelope

21 Second Floor Items  We would like to keep the new items such as socks and underwear along with funeral clothes separate from the used donated items  The location does not need to be Sister Rita’s room, although with some organization, that space would be perfect (except during night time emergencies)

22 Sheets/Blankets  These items were out of the scope of the Clothing Room  There is laundry every M/W/F  Ideally each HOM guest would be given a set in when they go through Intake and keep that in their personal storage

23 Sheets/Blankets  These items were out of the scope of the Clothing Room  There is laundry every M/W/F  Ideally each HOM guest would be given a set in when they go through Intake and keep that in their personal storage

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