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Basic Building Clearing
Initial Entry Legality Safety Issues Communication Planning
Lawfulness of the Warrant or Circumstances Safety Issues Number of Officers History of Subject or Area Communication Between Officers and Radio (During & After) Planning Approach and Surveillance
Legality The Officers must determine if their presence is legally required. It must be during a warrant attempt, hot pursuit, or entry to a building to prevent loss of life or destruction of evidence.
Legality continues…. If a warrant is present, make sure to check the information to verify that the address is correct and that the warrant is still valid.
Note: Use discretion on all warrants that require monthly money payments If person hold receipts or continuance letters for court, always consult with a supervisor before any arrest is made.
Safety Issues The supervisors on duty or department may require that a certain number of officers be present when conducting a building clearing. A search should never be conducted alone. The search should always be conducted in pairs and each room should also be cleared in pairs.
Communication The Officers involved in a building clearing should always notify their supervisors before conducting any search. The dispatch or radio communication staff should be given ample time prior to announcing their search.
Communication continues….
This gives radio enough time to research the history of the property or area in which the building clearing is to be conducted (if information is available) Radio should receive exact location, cross streets, and name of business if applicable.
Planning Conduct an overview of the information you have received about the search. Discuss the numbering system used to describe the sides of the building. The front side of the building is number one side.
The rear of the building is the number three side.
Planning continues…. The left side of the building, if facing front of building, is the number two side. The rear of the building is the number three side. The right side of the building, if facing the front of building, is the number four side.
This includes vehicles being parked and the approach on foot.
Planning continues…. Explain to Deputies or Officers involved how the approach will be conducted. This includes vehicles being parked and the approach on foot. If surveillance is conducted, attempt to relay the layout of the building and how each room is in correlations to entry points (See attachment A:)
Attachment “A” Back of House Side 3 Side 2 Side 4 Front of House
Back Door Side 3 Side 2 Side 4 Garage Living Room Front of House Side 1 Front Door
Entry of Buildings Fatal Funnels Slow and Deliberate Dynamic
Center to Corner Cutting the Pie Cover/Contact Cover and Concealment Rolling Point
Fatal Funnels A fatal funnel is any area where the Officer is exposed to possible gun fire from and open room, hallway, or doorway. There is no cover or concealment in a fatal funnel and the Officer must clear these areas rapidly.
Fatal Funnels continues….
After entering an open room area the officers must break right or left opposite of one another. Both Officers will be able to dominate the search and cover each other while negotiating any threats that maybe present.
Fatal Funnels continues….
The first Officer is responsible for clearing the door area inside the room and also insuring that no threat is present behind the door.
Slow and Deliberate This search type is utilized for barricaded subjects and general warrant attempts. The search must be quick through the fatal funnel areas but slow down through the searching faze. The movement should be silent so that your position is not jeopardized or given away.
Slow and Deliberate continues….
This is difficult at the initial entry due to the announcement of the warrant attempt. The notification through verbal communication must be made upon entry of the residence even during a no knock warrant.
Dynamic The dynamic entry technique is utilized for Hostage Rescue and Narcotic Search Warrants to prevent the destruction of evidence. Same search technique used in Slow and Deliberate only at a faster rate of speed.
Center to Corner After initial entry into a room one Officer goes right or left the other will work off the first and go to the other side. Both Officers will split the room visually into two parts. Each Officer should look center of the room to the corner of the room on his or her side that they went to.
Center to Corner continues….
If three Officers are utilized the third Officer will be used as rear guard during the room clearing. The third Officer will post at the rear of the door on which the entry was made (See attachment B:)
Attachment “B” Center Corner Center
Officer # 1 Officer # 2
Cutting the Pie This is a technique used to locate a subject that maybe hiding behind a wall, doorway or closet area. Start by clearing the initial room that is adjacent to the room or area that has the subject concealed.
Cutting the Pie continues….
Clear visually as much of the adjacent room as safely possible. Take a defensive position exposing as little as possible side stepping at an angle slowly until the area is cleared (See attachment C:)
Attachment “C” Cutting the Pie
Windows Line of Sight
Cover/Contact When a suspect is encountered, one deputy (Cover Deputy) provides cover not only on the suspect, but also the surrounding areas.
Cover/Contact continues….
The Deputy (Contact Deputy) gives direction and when the suspect is placed at a disadvantage (Using Verbal Commands) he/she advises the cover deputy and then the cover deputy approaches the suspect he/she will holster engaging all retaining devises to ensure firearms is secure and then remove their handcuffs.
Cover/Contact continues….
The handcuffs will then be properly applied ensuring not to over tighten and then double locking.
Note: When drugs are found in plain view, you can not look into concealed areas without a search warrant or consent but you may seize the contraband found in plain view.
Cover and Concealment Cover is an area that may provide safety to an officer and prevent him/her from being shot (Large tree trunk, Engine block, Concrete walls depending on what type of weapon is utilized).
Cover and Concealment continues….
Concealment is an area that an officer may use to prevent being detected or hinder the suspect from locating his position (Large bushes and Sheet rock walls). This is an area that is not safe when taking small arms fire.
Rolling Point Building Clearing
For the purposes of this course, the rolling point technique is being taught with the mindset of first responder units entering a courthouse, school or office building as a four man element in response to an active shooter or similarly critical scenario.
The rolling point techniques was specifically designed for clearing building with long hallways containing many doorways. Threat or initiative based building clearing techniques should still be used when residences or other smaller structures without long hallways and many doorways.
This course is designed specifically for a four man emergency response team (ERT). If a larger element were available, the technique would be different. The larger element would normally be performed by S.W.A.T. personnel. For these purposes the four man team would consist of the following.
The Four Man Team The Point Man Number Two Man Number Three Man
The Rear Guard
The Point Man Typically, the point man should be the most experienced of the four officers. The point man will also serve as the team leader. This position may be assumed or elected.
The Point Man continues….
This person will serve as the driving force in the pursuit of an active shooter or armed gunman. The point man controls the pursuit and directs the element.
The Point Man continues….
The point man obviously is the first in line with the other three Officers staged behind him. The point man will move past each doorway and stage in the hallway, just past the doorway.
The Point Man continues….
The point man should move quickly past the doorways, but must stop just on the other side of the doorway. This is done so that in the event the point man engages, he can move back into the doorway and out of the line of fire of the individual that he has engaged.
The Point Man continues….
The reason for the point man staying in the hallway is to dominate and maintain the hallway. In the event of an individual entering the hallway, the point man is already there and is focused and ready for the threat.
The Point Man continues….
Basically the point man has the upper ground by already being in the hallway. The point man will remain in this position until he has his element back together and is ready to move past the next doorway.
The Point Man continues….
He is usually notified by a tap or squeeze on the shoulder that the element is ready to move. When point man moves, he will change sides of the hallway as he approaches the next door.
The Point Man continues….
He should be on the same side of the hallway as the door he is passing. The team will have to snake behind him.
Number Two Man The number two man is obviously the second in line behind the point man. The number two man is responsible for opening or attempting to open each door.
Number Two Man continues….
The number two man is also the first one through the door followed only by the number three man. The number two man has the responsibility of radio communications.
Number Two Man continues….
The number two man must also communicate with the point man when the element has cleared a room or verified that a door is locked and the element is ready to move. The number two man must also pass communications between the point man and the rest of the element and vice versa.
Number Three Man The number three man is obviously the third in line immediately behind the second man. The number three man is the second man through the door, immediately behind the number two man.
Number Three Man continues….
The number three man is responsible for assisting the number two man in the clearing of the rooms. The number three man is responsible for notifying the rear guard that the element is ready to move.
Number Three Man continues….
The number three man must also relay communications between the number two man and the rear guard and vice versa.
The Rear Guard The rear guard obviously stages at the rear of the element. The rear guard is responsible for protecting the team from any attack from the rear. Much of the time the rear guard will be walking backwards.
The Rear Guard continues….
Sometimes the rear guard will be walking frontward or sideways but must always be looking to the rear and must have his weapon trained to the rear to mount a defense if necessary.
The Rear Guard continues….
The rear guard will travel with the rest of the element while moving down the hallways. The rear guard will stop just prior to the doorway. He must stay focused on the ground that has already been taken.
The Rear Guard continues….
He must be close enough to the doorway to be able to quickly enter the doorway to take cover in the event he engages in the hallway.
As mentioned in the beginning of this lesson, this course is primarily geared towards a four man ERT responding to an active shooter or similar scenario. The mission of the ERT is to stop the killing of innocent people. They must march towards the sound of gunfire, while passing by or moving through everything else.
Other four man elements or larger, including S. W. A. T
Other four man elements or larger, including S.W.A.T. will follow until the situation is resolved.
Common Problems Family and Friends Barricaded Suspects Attics
Scope of Search
Family and Friends Each entry is different you must use common sense!
If children or elderly people are present and you believe the treat is somewhat limited, your actions would certainly be different than if you made entry and immediately met with hostile or aggressive resistance.
Family and Friends continues….
Regardless, do not just go off and forget them! Do we know if he/she is the wanted suspect or not? Do we know of they will attempt to escape, attack, or assist the suspect in escaping or attacking?
Family and Friends continues….
If in doubt, hold your position and call for assistance. It is better to have help before it is needed than it is to need it while defending yourself and not have it.
Barricaded Suspects They retreat into a room and lock the door.
This changes our environment and threat level. What are their intentions?
Barricaded Suspects continues….
This situation may require you to hold a perimeter and call for assistance from your supervisor. Should you immediately pursue what intelligence you have concerning this suspect, what is on the other side, is there a civilian threatened by this action and how many deputies are present?
Barricaded Suspects continues….
All these and maybe more questions and answers may be determining factors concerning any pursuit of the suspect. You and your partner will have to make these decisions on a case-by-case basis. You have to think fast and continuously during a room clearing.
Attics Use distractions, chemical agents or the waiting game.
All of these are options that may or may not be applicable to your situation. By using distractions you are creating a diversion while your partner enters the attic.
Attic continues…. This distraction can be something as simple as taping the ceiling away from your point of entry. The secret is “timing”. It does absolutely no good to create a diversion and then some minutes or even seconds later make your entry.
Attic continues…. The use of chemical agents include: size of attic, presence of elderly, children, innocents, fire hazards, medical conditions, charges on suspect, intelligence regarding previous resistance to arrest, all of these will effect your decision to use chemical agents or not.
Scope of Search This relates to anywhere a body can be hidden.
This does not mean looking into drawers, small boxes, etc.
Scope of Search continues….
If you locate contraband while searching an area that may contain the suspect, now you have “probable cause” for a search warrant, not a reason to expand your search to include locations where contraband can be hidden.
Conclusion Of course there are many more problems that
can or could arise during a search. You must use “common sense” and remember what you are there for. Once the suspect is taken into custody and the operation is complete, leave the area as soon as possible. Emotions can run high with other family members especially if they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Conclusion continues….
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