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PBS 101: The Power of Expectations Mary Jean Knoll Lane ESD.

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Presentation on theme: "PBS 101: The Power of Expectations Mary Jean Knoll Lane ESD."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBS 101: The Power of Expectations Mary Jean Knoll Lane ESD

2 Goals of this Training Session Develop and/or strengthen existing PBS systems at school sites Examine the importance of defining and teaching common rules/expectations Address common implementation mistakes

3 Challenge … Schools are facing an increasingly challenging population of students with fewer financial resources How do schools enhance their capacity to respond effectively, efficiently, & relevantly to range of problem behaviors observed in schools.  “Work Smarter”

4 Values of PBS & Mission for School PBS Teams 1) Improving school/student performance 2) Tying all efforts to the benefit of students 3) Never changing things that are working 4) Always making the smallest change that will have the biggest impact on students/school

5 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior Positive Behavior Support OUTCOMES Social Competence & Academic Achievement

6 Primary Prevention: School/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: FBA  BSP for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

7 Nonclassroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems

8 Components of SW PBS 1. School-wide System  SW-PBS Team  School Rules  Define & Teach: Expectations Routines  Acknowledgment System  Consequences & Decision Making  Handbook 2. Classroom Support  Training/ Support opportunities  Individual Teacher Support 3. Individual Student System  Targeted Group Interventions  FBA/BSP – Intensive Individualized Interventions

9 Team Process PBS is active, alive -- not static It’s not something we’ve done – it’s something we’re doing Requires regular team meetings with a team that represents ALL school staff Team keeps PBS alive through ongoing planning, support, and decision making to address needs as they arise Looking at data & maintaining & developing programs to meet needs  Constantly asking: What can we do to address this need? What can we do to decrease this trend? How can we improve the current programs we have in place?

10 School-wide Rules: Creating a Culture


12 Guidelines for Developing School-wide Rules 3-5 Positively Stated Rules Rules should be:  Broad enough to cover all potential behavior  Positively stated  Easy to remember  Catchy – personalized to your school Common Examples  Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful

13 Publicly Post School Rules Post expectations in prominent places Why Post ?  Provides prompts for staff & students  Increases accountability for staff and students to use language & follow rules  Signs can reduce confrontation

14 Defining Behavioral Expectations & Routines

15 Plan Ahead (before school year & each day) Before we can teach, reinforce, and enforce anything in our school or classrooms  We must clearly define: fair behavioral expectations & behavioral routines  Based on the culture and physical layout of the school physical layout of the school student school schedule (breaks, lunch, recess, etc.)

16 Defining Expectations Base expectations on school rules Outline expectations specific to each setting  Seek input from staff, especially from those who work in specific settings Positively stated expectations  Walk in the hallway v. No running  Helps cue staff to recognize positive, not just negative behavior Focus on clear, specific behaviors  Keep hands & feet to self v. Keep body under control

17 Teaching Matrix SETTING All SettingsHallwaysPlaygroundsCafeteria Library/ Computer Lab AssemblyBus Respect Ourselves Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk.Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Respect Others Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Respect Property Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs appropriately. Wipe your feet. Sit appropriately. Expectations 1. SOCIAL SKILL 2. NATURAL CONTEXT 3. BEHAVIOR EXAMPLES

18 Behavioral Expectation Grid Defining Expected Behavior across Classroom Routines School Rules Be SafeResponsibleRespectful Classroom Keep hands and feet to self, know emergency drills Be prepared and participate Listen quietly, follow teacher directives, respect others thoughts Routine Class entry Walk quietly into the room and find seat Take out materials for this class, put other stuff on floor under desk Talk with an appropriate volume and respectful tone Routine Group Instr. Chair legs on floor Keep hands, feet and objects to self Be prepared and ready to participate Raise your hand to speak & wait patiently; follow teacher directives Hallway Pass Walk, look out for opening doors, sign out and take pass Go directly to/from the location of your pass Talk in a hallway voice, keep hands and feet to self

19 Setting Fair & Reasonable Expectations Setting unreasonable expectations leads to inconsistency in enforcing expectations  Inconsistency = reduced credibility If I believe expectations are unfair or unreasonable, I will not enforce them  Lining up in hallway Be careful not to set up expectations that will not be enforced

20 Increasing Staff Buy-In Increase Staff Buy-In  Give staff (& students) opportunities to provide feedback and generate ideas in the developments of programs, including: School Rules Poster design  Give regular updates & opportunities for staff feedback at monthly staff meetings

21 Teaching Behavioral Expectations & Routines

22 Basic Strategy for Establishing Behavioral Routines 1. Why? What is the purpose of the behavior 2. Specify Student Behaviors 3. Model Desired Behavior 4. Coach - Lead - Practice – each individual student should have an opportunity to practice the routine 5. Test/ Monitor 6. Follow-up -- reinforce & reteach regularly

23 Teaching Behavioral Expectations & Routine Make lessons fun and engaging, just like any lesson should be Make instruction developmentally appropriate Lessons can be more challenging with older kids; may rely more on verbal explanation of rules, with practice as a response for not following rules & regular reinforcement for following rules Although, practice is always very valuable Choose skills to teach wisely Presentation & attitude are important

24 What great teachers do… Have students physically practice the behavior in the setting  Simply talking about the rules or describing them is not nearly as powerful as having the student practice and “show you” they can do it Teacher should demonstrate the wrong way  Have students explain why this is the wrong way Students should practice the right way

25 What great teachers do… Learning takes frequent practice of “doing it the right way”, so we build in frequent opportunities to practice the right way to do it Students also need to know if they are doing it the right way or wrong way, so we…  Provide immediate feedback when students do it the right way “great job of ….., that was just like we practiced”  or provide corrective feedback if they do it wrong way and provide them more opportunities to do it the right way “whoa, remember what we practiced, can you show me what we’ve been practicing?”

26 Difference between Teaching & Nagging Nagging = repeatedly stating to a student what they are doing wrong  Reactive response Teaching provides students with support to ensure they can perform the expected behavior, with the opportunity to practice & clear feedback (positive feedback or corrective feedback)  Can be used proactively or reactively

27 Remember that good teaching is one of our best behavior management tools

28 Fostering Buy-in & Support Make PBS visible thru frequent updates and communication w/ staff  Build a PBS minute into all staff meetings Seek feedback from all staff  Before finalizing decisions, get feedback from staff Post progress on PBS programs & data on a PBS Bulletin Board in the staff room Administrative support and participation is essential, but I encourage you to have team members present PBS updates, so it doesn’t appear to be a top/down mandate

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