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“BEE” PREPARED FOR THE PSSA IT’S TIME! Ironton PSSA Orientation Meeting Test Administrators.

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2 “BEE” PREPARED FOR THE PSSA IT’S TIME! Ironton PSSA Orientation Meeting Test Administrators

3 PSSA Orientation Meeting Test Administrators WELCOME Sign In: Attendance Sheet


5 2014 REVISED PSSA TESTING SCHEDULE ELEMENTARY PSSA READING AND MATH ASSESSMENT Grades 3 – 4 – 5 6 Sections 3 Mathematics 3 Reading Approximately 50 – 70 Minutes per Section March 24 Mathematics March 25 Reading March 26 Mathematics March 27 Reading March 28 Mathematics March 31 Reading April 1 – April 11 Make Up Testing

6 PSSA WRITING ASSESSMENT Grade 5 3 Sections Approx. 50 – 60 Minutes per Section*(NEW: 2 writing prompts) April 8 Writing Conventions April 9 Writing Prompt # 1 April 10 Writing Prompt # 2 April 11- April 25 Make Up Testing PSSA SCIENCE ASSESSMENT Grade 4 2 Sections Approximately 55 – 65 Minutes per Section April 28 Section 1 April 29 Section 2 April 30 – May 9 Make Up Testing

7 Reference Notes BEE PREPARED & POSITIVE. Review testing manual and Ethical Standards #2 sharpened pencils Testing door sign Student Booklets will be pre-coded. The extra booklet for demonstration purposes will have a sticky note: JOE PARKLAND Test Administrators of students with IEP’s/Accommodations shall have the list of accommodations/IEP with them while testing. Special Education and ELL Teachers will mark all accommodations on student booklets Day 1 of the testing. Test Security Certifications must be signed by ALL individuals who handle or have access to the secure assessment materials. Signed after the assessments are completed.

8 New in 2014 New: Review “Code of Conduct for Test Takers” with all students (copy included in packets). Students are required to mark understanding on test booklet. New: Scoring Guidelines & Formula Sheets are distributed to every student (will be included in Testing Bins). New: Student booklets must be collected as students finish his/her test.

9 Procedures for Distribution & Collection of Assessment Materials Each test administrator will pick up/count/and sign for test booklets in the Guidance Office daily (8:00-8:30 A.M.) Students should not make extraneous marks in answer booklets. No one should check documents for content, accuracy, completeness or stray marks. Collect & return ALL scratch paper each day—place in Testing Bin. Any student requiring Extended Time must be escorted to Dr. Walkovic and/or Lisa Wolfe with the adult carrying the testing materials. When testing is completed, teacher calls the Office to have someone come to their room for coverage. The teacher brings the testing bin to Lisa Wolfe in the Guidance Office. The teacher will count booklets again and sign.

10 Classroom/Hallway Displays Remove or cover all materials related to testing. Scoring Guidelines and Formula Sheets are permitted (testing bins) Cell Phones Prohibited! Includes cameras & electronic devices. Parent letter explaining this policy and the consequences. Staff cell phones—off! Locked in closet! Integrity of the test cannot be compromised.

11 Calculators Can be used except for the Non-Calculator section of Mathematics assessment. Clear memory prior to testing. Calculators cannot be shared. Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Spell-Checkers prohibited. Response Space Students limited to the response space provided in the answer booklets. BUILDING CONTINGENCY PLAN (located in packet)

12 IRONTON CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR POSSIBLE DISRUPTIONS TO THE TESTING SCHEDULE All students must be monitored during bathroom breaks. Call the Office if a student becomes ill during the assessment. Someone will come to your room to escort the student to the Nurse’s Office. The student’s test materials will be collected and locked in the Guidance Office. Students are not permitted to carry their testing materials to extended time. The safety of the students is our top priority. Please respect the integrity of the test. HOTLINE: Lisa Wolfe Ext. 25510

13 Make-Up Testing Please complete the Make-Up Testing Schedule each day (included in packet). Include students who were absent the day of the testing. Please keep this form in your testing bin throughout the testing window. All make-up testing will be conducted in the Guidance Office by Lisa Wolfe & if necessary, a certified teacher. Thank you for your involve- MINT and commit-MINT to the success of our students! PSSA 2014 ~Lisa Wolfe

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