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KINDERBOOKS Lúcia M. Gallina – julho 2005 SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Lucia Miranda SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Desenvolvendo Projetos Temáticos.

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Presentation on theme: "KINDERBOOKS Lúcia M. Gallina – julho 2005 SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Lucia Miranda SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Desenvolvendo Projetos Temáticos."— Presentation transcript:

1 KINDERBOOKS Lúcia M. Gallina – julho 2005 SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Lucia Miranda SISTEMA ANGLO DE ENSINO Maio/2007 Desenvolvendo Projetos Temáticos

2 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Teaching through projects Provide authentic English practice: students are able to see the relevance to the real world of what they are learning.

3 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Provide variety for students and teachers - they get out of the classroom and 'into' the environment.

4 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Promote learner autonomy and co-operation. Provide practice across the curriculum - eg. art, history, geography, music, etc

5 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS PHASE 1 Planning Introduction Phases on a project – Butterflies PHASE 2 Field work Learning Centers Displays PHASE 3 Culminating event Comments Conclusion

6 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Phase 1 – Planning / Introduction 1.Project on butterflies stemmed from an earlier conversation with the classes. 2.A new discussion evolved due to this discovery. 3.A letter informed parents of the butterfly topic 4.Research about butterflies begun with non-fiction and fiction trade books, educational resources, videos, computer software and live larvae specimens.non-fiction and fiction trade bookseducational resourcesvideos computer softwarelive larvae specimens 5. Curriculum goals were discussed as well as anticipated fieldwork and center activities. Both a topic web and curriculum web were generated to help us get a starting point for the project and organized our existing knowledgetopic web curriculum web


8 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Introduce the topic “butterflies” by sharing personal stories and experiences in order to grow your students interest on the topic. Add information to the growing web. What Do We Already Know? What Do We Wonder About?  Butterflies have wings  Butterflies can fly.  They make cocoons.  They have eyes and legs.  Caterpillars change into cocoons.  Butterflies come out of cocoons.  They are different sizes  They are different colors.  There are different kinds of butterflies.  Caterpillars crawl and eat leaves.  They live in Texas.  They live all over.  Butterflies have antennae’s.  They are insects.  What do butterflies eat?  How many legs does a caterpillar have?  How many eyes do a butterfly and a caterpillar have?  Do caterpillars have babies?  How do butterflies fly?  Where do they live?  Where do the eggs come from?  How long do they live?  Can caterpillars fly?  What do they do when it rains?  How long do they live?  Do they make nests?  What is a cocoon made of?  Are any caterpillars or butterflies poisonous? Make an outdoor butterfly safari and record the activity

9 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS PHASE 2 - Field work, Learning Centers and Displays Field work Organize a field experience trip or, if it is not possible, have a film or a website to guide your students. Butterflies coming out of pupa

10 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Learning Center In this phase the students have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in self-directed, independent activities in centers. Art Center Play dough Watercolor Plastic paint Math Center Manipulatives such as pattern blocks Reading Center Non-fictional books and stories on tape Puppet Center Dramatic performance Music Center Songs and rhymes

11 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Displays Display kids works in the classroom and in the hallway to give the students the opportunity to share their creations.

12 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS PHASE 3 - Culminating event, Comments and Conclusion Culminating event During the project students will bring lots of real butterflies to your classroom. The culminating event is the special day when you and your students let them free.

13 KINDERBOOKSKINDERBOOKS Comments and conclusion Ask students and parents for their comments about their experiences with butterflies and involvement in the project. It’s very importante to ask children about their feeling towards the end of the project.comments

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