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Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Jessica Mellen Enos (704) 832-2510.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Jessica Mellen Enos (704) 832-2510."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Jessica Mellen Enos (704) 832-2510

2 Expectations Be responsible Active participation Be respectful Cell phones Listen attentively Be kind Listen and respond appropriately to others

3 PBIS What is it? A proactive systems approach to school-wide discipline A collaborative process that focuses on prevention and instruction Promotes positive student and staff behavior Implemented consistently by staff and administration

4 Why PBIS? When a child can’t read, we: ______ When a child struggles in math, we: ______ When a child doesn’t know how to drive, we:______ When a child can’t swim, we:______ When a child struggles with behavior, we:_____?

5 Traditional vs. PBIS Traditional Focused on problem behavior Goal: to stop problem behavior using punishment PBIS Replace problem behavior with new behavior/skill Rewards appropriate behavior

6 Why PBIS? Behavior is learned and is functional Continued behavior  reinforcement Behavior communicates need Functions of behavior: Attain/avoid: attention, activity/tangible, sensory Instructional time and academic achievement are linked

7 Implementation School-wide expectations Behavior lesson plans Universal acknowledgements Universal consequences

8 Implementation Essential elements for success: Clear expectations and rules Clear communication Consistency Building relationships

9 Expectations Small group time: brainstorming what we expect in school Be prepared to share out 3-5 expectations

10 Rules Small group time: brainstorm what specific behaviors meet set expectations in each school setting: Write rule recommendations down to share with PBIS team to create matrix. - Classroom - Hallway - Cafeteria - Gym - Bus - Media Center - School grounds

11 Moving Forward Create a team Determine a school coach Examine data monthly Share data with all staff monthly Remain committed to your students and to each other

12 Wrap Up Implementation: 3-5 year process ODR data spikes: expected and okay! Prize time!

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