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Rise of Industrialism M. Gonzalez World History. 2.1A: Traditional or Pre-Industrial Society.

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1 Rise of Industrialism M. Gonzalez World History

2 2.1A: Traditional or Pre-Industrial Society

3 2.1A: Traditional or Pre-industrial society England was organized into farming villages – Grew enough food for itself – Lived to survive; no hobbies. – Peasants lived at subsistence level Forces for change – Population growth meant farmers needed to produce more food for more people. – French blockade prohibited corn imports from France

4 2.1 B: The Agriculture Revolution

5 2.1B: The Agricultural Revolution Enclosure Movement: – Wealthy landlords fenced in common pastures and experimented with new farming techniques Crop Rotation: – Fields depleted of nutrients by one crop replenished by planting different crops Other discoveries: – Seed drill, Jethro Tull, planted seeds efficiently Results of Agricultural Revolution – More food available – Population increased

6 2.1C: Cottage Industry and Early Capitalism

7 Merchant’s role in cottage industry – Supplied materials—wool and cotton– to be spun – Took supplies from spinning cottage to weaving cottage to dying cottage to sell finished cloth – Sell product for more than material and labor costs= profit + larger investment = higher profit Capitalism – Economic system based on private ownership, free competition and profit

8 2.1C: Cottage Industry and Early Capitalism Effect on the Cottage industry – Big profit for new class of merchants – Alternative sources of income for peasants

9 2.1D: the Textile Industry and Factory System

10 Textile Industry Invented – Cottage industry couldn’t keep up with demand of textiles – Spinning jenny, water frame, spinning mule improved spinning – Cotton gin separated seeds for cotton Rise of the Factory – New machines, too big for homes, were put in factories – Factories located near power source: coal, iron, water

11 2.1D: the Textile Industry and Factory System Effect of Textile Factories in Britain – Prices of mass-produced textiles were much lower than hand-produced items – Britain’s textile industry increased enormously – Majority of villagers forced to leave to find work in urban factories

12 2.1D: the Textile Industry and Factory System

13 2.1 E: Steam Engine: Energy for the Industrial Revolution

14 The need for Energy – Early factories relied on horses, oxen and water mills – Steam engine evolved in response to the increasing need for power How steam engine works – Steam forced from high to low pressure produces power (James Watt inventor of steam engine) Effect of steam engine – Steam power, used where ever coal existed

15 2.1E: Steam Engine: Energy for the Industrial Revolution

16 2.1 F: Iron and Coal: Energy for the Industrial Revolution

17 The Need for Iron – Farming tools, new factory machines, railways – Smelting makes iron more pure, but requires carbon. The Need for coal – Carbor necessary for smelting iron – Steam engines powered by coal Effect of Iron and Coal – Britain produced more iron than any other country – Coal powered Britain’s enormous navy

18 2.1F: Iron and Coal: Energy for industrial Revolution

19 2.1 G: Transportation

20 The need for transportation – Increased production; increased the need to transport goods quickly and cheaply – Traditional society used horses, mules and dirt roads Inventions – Stone and eventually asphalt roads – Canals – Railroads in 1829 Effect of Railroads – Expanded rapidly through Britain – Cheaper transportation increased production and profits

21 2.1H: Why Britain Led the Industrial Revolution Geography – Climate good for textile production – Plenty of natural resources like iron and coal Government – Internal trade encouraged – People allowed to relocate – Build canals and roads Colonial Empire – Supplied raw materials for manufactored goods Advantages of Industrializing First – No other country to compete with – Monopoly on technology

22 2.1G: Trnsportations


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