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Big Question: What kind of adventure can a little girl have? Author: Valeri Gorbachev Genre: Classic Traditional Tale.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: What kind of adventure can a little girl have? Author: Valeri Gorbachev Genre: Classic Traditional Tale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: What kind of adventure can a little girl have? Author: Valeri Gorbachev Genre: Classic Traditional Tale

2 Big Question: What kind of adventure can a little girl have? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review


4 Monday What kind of adventure can a little girl have?

5 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Goldilocks Vocabulary Words Introduce /g/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 21: One to Five Grammar: Telling Sentences Journal Writing Time for Social Studies: Rules at Home Math: Math Words

6 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

7 In a Small Cottage In a small cottage there lived three bears, One big, one small, one middle- sized bear. They went for a walk to get some air When Little Goldilocks found their lair. She sat in their chairs, not comfy at all, Their porridge she didn’t like at all. She slept in their beds instead of the floor. When the bears returned, she ran out the door.


9 bears

10 porridge

11 cottage

12 big

13 middle-sized

14 small




18 woods

19 father

20 mother

21 baby

22 delicious

23 wandered




27 Blend Sounds g o t g a p g l a d g r i n

28 High Frequency Words

29 them

30 about

31 her

32 number

33 some

34 one

35 two

36 three

37 four

38 five

39 six

40 Word Work

41 Blending Practice f l o p p l o p s p i n s t o p s l a m l a n d d r o p j u m p


43 the three bears live in a cottage The three bears live in a cottage.

44 Grammar A telling sentence is a statement about something. It begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period. It must have a naming part and an action part.

45 Grammar The little girl is sitting. What is the naming word in this sentence? girl What describing word tells about the girl? little What is she doing? sitting

46 Grammar I apple Is this a telling sentence? How can we change it to a make it a telling sentence? I ate the apple.

47 Let’s Write! Let’s write a telling sentence about the adventure a little girl could have.

48 Let’s Write! The girl took a walk in the woods. Does it have an action part and a naming part? Does it start with an uppercase letter and end with a period? Do we need to add anything to make this a complete sentence?

49 Daily Journal Writing Draw or label one adventure Goldilocks had at the bears’ home.

50 Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read about the adventures of Goldilocks and the bears again.

51 Tuesday Are there one, two, three, four, or five bears in this story?

52 Today we will learn Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Goldilocks Vocabulary Words Practice /g/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: How Many Grammar: Telling Sentences Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Social Studies: Make a Map

53 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

54 In a Small Cottage In a small cottage there lived three bears, One big, one small, one middle- sized bear. They went for a walk to get some air When Little Goldilocks found their lair. She sat in their chairs, not comfy at all, Their porridge she didn’t like at all. She slept in their beds instead of the floor. When the bears returned, she ran out the door.


56 bears

57 porridge




61 woods

62 father

63 mother

64 baby

65 delicious

66 wandered


68 Tag, Tag, Tag, You’re It! Tag, tag, tag, you’re it! Gertie Gopher said. Gary Groundhog giggled and ran. Big Pig is just ahead. Tag, tag, tag, you’re it! Big Pig shakes a leg. Galloping after a gaggle of geese. Run, Meg and Peg and Greg!



71 Blending Practice d o g a n d c a n L i n H a p s e n d k i d s p i g f r o g

72 High Frequency Words

73 them

74 about

75 her

76 number

77 some

78 one

79 two

80 three

81 four

82 five

83 six


85 gus can get the gum Gus can get the gum.

86 Grammar A telling sentence is a statement about something. It begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period. It must have a naming part and an action part.

87 Grammar Are these groups of words a complete sentence? sunny day on Monday Goldilocks went in the cottage. The bed was just right. in his wee small voice

88 Let’s Write! Make up telling sentences by using words and illustrations from the story.

89 Amazing Word Review woodland nest

90 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label your favorite bear.

91 Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about Goldilocks and the three bears again. Which character is your favorite?

92 Wednesday Why is Goldilocks visiting the bears?

93 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Goldilocks Vocabulary Words Practice /g/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: Five Stops Grammar: Complete Sentences Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Understanding Signs Math: How Many

94 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

95 In a Small Cottage In a small cottage there lived three bears, One big, one small, one middle- sized bear. They went for a walk to get some air When Little Goldilocks found their lair. She sat in their chairs, not comfy at all, Their porridge she didn’t like at all. She slept in their beds instead of the floor. When the bears returned, she ran out the door.

96 Amazing Words

97 cottage

98 big




102 woods

103 father

104 mother

105 baby

106 delicious

107 wandered



110 Letter Substitution m u g m u d b a t b a g t a g t a p p i g p i t r a g r a t




114 Blend Sounds G i l s t o p a t s t o p s b i g N a t N a n h o p o n G a b S a l c a n n o t Ann

115 Blend Sounds D a n K i m s k i p s T i m h a s l o t s d o t s K i p s i t s L i n d r o p k i d s f l a g

116 High Frequency Words

117 them

118 about

119 her

120 number

121 some

122 one

123 two

124 three

125 four

126 five

127 six

128 High-Frequency Words Review for little they of the to


130 a baby bear is very small A baby bear is very small.

131 Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.

132 Grammar AlphaBuddy is clapping. Is this a complete sentence? What is the naming part? AlphaBuddy What is the action part? is clapping

133 Let’s Write! In our story, Nan and Nat ride a big bus to school. Let’s write sentences about where we could go on a big bus. We ride the big bus to the zoo.

134 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label three words that begin with /g/.

135 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about a lucky animal!

136 Thursday What adventure have you had?

137 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: My Lucky Day Practice /g/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 22: Gil Got One Grammar: Telling Sentences Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Good Citizens Follow Rules Science: The Five Senses

138 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

139 In a Small Cottage In a small cottage there lived three bears, One big, one small, one middle- sized bear. They went for a walk to get some air When Little Goldilocks found their lair. She sat in their chairs, not comfy at all, Their porridge she didn’t like at all. She slept in their beds instead of the floor. When the bears returned, she ran out the door.


141 middle-sized

142 small






148 Blend Sounds G i l g o t p o p s a d M o m h a d p l a n f l a g n o t

149 High Frequency Words one two three four five a


151 goldilocks ate the porridge Goldilocks ate the porridge.

152 Grammar Some sentences are telling sentences and some are questions. What is your favorite color? We read a book. Which is a telling sentence? What is at the end of a telling sentence?

153 Let’s Write! Let’s pretend that once a year we write a newsletter to tell our friends about the adventure we have had. Today we’re going to write a newsletter using words that begin or end with /g/.

154 Let’s Write! Dear Friends, We’ve had many adventures this year. In June, we got a ______. In October, we ate many ____. Tomorrow we are going to play in the ____.

155 Daily Journal Writing Dictate or write one sentence that tells about porridge.

156 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read “A Canary’s Song.”What is a canary?

157 Friday What kind of adventure can a little girl have?

158 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “A Canary’s Song” Practice /g/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Read the Words and Sentences Grammar: Telling Sentences Time for Math: Words and Numbers Time for Social Studies: School Rules Time for Social Studies: Citizenship

159 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

160 In a Small Cottage In a small cottage there lived three bears, One big, one small, one middle- sized bear. They went for a walk to get some air When Little Goldilocks found their lair. She sat in their chairs, not comfy at all, Their porridge she didn’t like at all. She slept in their beds instead of the floor. When the bears returned, she ran out the door.


162 bears

163 porridge

164 cottage

165 big

166 middle-sized

167 small

168 Shared Reading

169 “A Canary’s Song”

170 Phonics


172 High Frequency Words

173 them

174 about

175 her

176 number

177 some

178 one

179 two

180 three

181 four

182 five

183 six


185 i like a small cottage I like a small cottage.

186 Grammar A telling sentence is a statement about something. It begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period. It must have a naming part and an action part.

187 Let’s Write! This week we read three new books and we sang two new songs. Which book or song was your favorite? Let’s write a telling sentence about some of the adventures a little girl had.

188 Daily Journal Writing Draw or write about what you would have done if the bears found you in their home.

189 Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read about an adventure to Antarctica. What do you think we will find there?

190 New Words Review

191 High Frequency Words them about her number some one two three four five six

192 Vocabulary Words woods father mother baby delicious wandered

193 Amazing Words bears porridge cottage big middle-sized small

194 Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring

195 Read the Words Set A got gas dig log

196 Read the Words Set B dog glad grab grin pig flag

197 Read the Sentences Set C 1. I see a grin on the pig. 2. The big dog can dig. 3. The dog is with me. 4. I got a little flag. 5. Can you tag me?

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