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Fat Loss At various times during the season players may need to undergo phases, which focus on bodyfat loss. This could be as a result of unacceptable.

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Presentation on theme: "Fat Loss At various times during the season players may need to undergo phases, which focus on bodyfat loss. This could be as a result of unacceptable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fat Loss At various times during the season players may need to undergo phases, which focus on bodyfat loss. This could be as a result of unacceptable levels of bodyfat gained during a mass- gaining phase or to prevent bodyfat levels increasing during periods of long term injury. The principle goal during both these phases will be to maintain lean muscle tissue and reduce bodyfat. Scenario 1 – Fat loss while still fully training and playing. Even though the focus of this phase will be fat loss the player must still ensure his diet plan allows recovery from training and provides good energy levels for games. Protein Intake = 2.4g per Kg of bodyweight. Carbohydrate Intake = 2-3g per Kg of Bodyweight Fat Intake = Maximum of 60g per day, with a high percentage from essential fats (oily fish and eggs)

2 Principles The general principle is to maintain a high protein intake (as is used during the mass phase) with a reduction in carbohydrates and fats. This will force the body to use its fat stores as an energy source more readily than if a player had full glycogen stores. Players may be able to increase lean muscle during this phase with correct training and by strict control of their eating Firstly be honest and examine your current eating plan. 1 st stage on a fat loss plan would be to remove any high fat/calorie foods and snacks, for example crisps, chocolate, pies, pasties, fried foods. In truth these should not be regular components of your diet plan.  Players should avoid all soft drinks, fruit juices and energy drinks, the only exception would be the use of isotonics in games to delay fatigue and aid re-hydration. Fat Loss

3  Avoid alcohol. Due to its high energy/calorie content and its ability to impair fat burning alcohol should be avoided.  Meals should still be based on a 2-3 hour time slot, thereby providing good nitrogen retention for muscle repair, growth or maintenance.  The frequent feedings will also maintain an active metabolism, which is more likely to result in bodyfat being liberated to be utilised as an energy source.  The majority of daily Carbohydrate intake should be cantered around pre and post training; the remainder of the meals should be low carbohydrate, high protein with large servings of low carbohydrate salad and vegetables.  Players should bulk meals out with low carbohydrate salad and vegetables. This will help maintain a feeling of satiety or fullness and will also provide a good source of fibre to prevent constipation. Fat Loss

4 2 nd stage Once the above principles have been followed for at least 4 weeks the next stage would be to further reduce carbohydrate intake. However this should be only done under the guidance of your sports nutritionist. Reducing carbohydrate intake to severely will have a negative impact on recovery and performance. Fat Loss

5 Sample fat loss plan while still training and playing based on 100kg player Protein Intake = 240g, Carbohydrate Intake = 220g, Fat Intake = 60g BREAKFAST P= 40g C= 50g a – 60g dry weight oats, 100ml skimmed milk, add extra water to dilute. 30g promax b – Scrambled eggs (2 whole, 4 egg whites) with 3 slices of wholemeal toast or bran bagel, thin butter and optimal serving of mushrooms and tinned tomatoes Snack P=40g C-50g 2 scoops promax shake, medium apple and banana Lunch P=40g C-50g Carbohydrate options= 2 healthy eating type tortilla wraps or 4 tablespoons of cooked pasta twirls or 1 medium baked potato or 2 whole meal pitta bread Protein options = 2 medium skinless chicken breast or 1.5 cans of tuna or salmon (185g size) or 300g low fat cottage cheese with 100g prawns or 2 tins of oily fish such as kipper/ Mackerel/pilchards or 300g raw weight steak or salmon fillets Add any salad or vegetables as desired, aim for 1 handful of different types from free food list

6 Sample fat loss plan while still training and playing based on 100kg player Protein Intake = 240g, Carbohydrate Intake = 220g, Fat Intake = 60g Snack P= 30g C= 40g a)Can of tuna (186g can in brine) with a wholemeal pita bread, green salad. b)1 Bagel (seeded type) with a poached egg and 50g lean ham/turkey or pastrami. c)200g low fat cottage cheese, handful of walnut or pecan pieces, diced apple and 1 slice of wholemeal or granary bread. Evening Meal P=40g Low carbohydrate, only to come from salad or vegetable sources. Protein options = 2 medium skinless chicken breasts or 1.5 cans of tuna or salmon (185g size) or 200g low fat cottage cheese with 100g prawns or 2 tins of oily fish such as kippers/mackerel/pilchards or 400g raw weight lean steak. Add any salad or vegetable as desired, aim for 3-4 handfuls of different types from free food list below. Before bed P=20g a)20g slow release protein blend in water. b)200g low fat cottage cheese, sprinkle of walnut or pecan pieces. Recovery P=40 c=20 Promax (2 scoops with 300ml water) and banana Fluids 1 litre of water during training, at least 3 litres of sugar free squash or diet drinks in addition to this.

7 Scenario 2 – Fat Loss During long-term injury If player has severely limited mobility and virtually no training for a period of more than 4 weeks then the focus will be to prevent increases in bodyfat. Some losses of lean muscle tissue are inevitable if weight training is not possible. Protein Intake = 2.4-3g per Kg of bodyweight. Carbohydrate Intake = 1g per Kg of Bodyweight Fat Intake = Maximum of 60g per day, with high percentage from essential fats. Fat Loss

8 In this scenario eating protein intakes higher than those stated may have a beneficial effect in reducing appetite and taking the place of carbohydrate foods. Players should increase fluid intake accordingly to balance increased urine output. Principles Focus on protein at each meal and snack. Reduce daily carbohydrate intake and bulk meals out with low carbohydrate vegetables from list below. Aim for 5-6 small regular meals each day. Strictly no energy drinks with any calorie value. Increase water intake, exact volume will be dependant on bodyweight, climate and training ability. However as a guide a minimum of 3litres is suggested. Strictly no alcohol. Fat Loss

9 Sample fat loss plan while based on 100kg player with long term injury Protein Intake = 260g, Carbohydrate Intake = 100g, Fat Intake = 60g BREAKFAST P= 40g C= 50g a) 60g dry weight oats, 100ml semi-skimmed milk, add extra water to dilute. 30g slow release protein blend. Handful blueberries or strawberries. b)Scrambled eggs (4 whole eggs,) with 3 slices of wholemeal toast, and optional serving of mushrooms and tinned tomatoes. Snack P=40g 2 scoops promax shake, with 300ml of water Lunch P=40g C-50g Carbohydrate options = 2 healthy eating type tortilla wraps or 4 tablespoons of cooked basmati or wholegrain rice or 8 tablespoons of cooked pasta twirls or 1 medium baked potato or 2 wholemeal pita bread. Protein options = 2 medium skinless chicken breasts or 1.5 cans of tuna or salmon (185g size) or 300g low fat cottage cheese with 100g prawns or 2 tins of oily fish such as kippers/mackerel/pilchards or 300g raw weight steak or 2 salmon fillets. Add green salads or low carb vegetables to bulk meal out.

10 Snack P= 30g a)2 medium chicken breasts with green salad b) Can of tuna, 2 boiled eggs and green salad Evening Meal P=40g Low carbohydrate, only to come from salad or vegetable sources. Protein options = 2 medium skinless chicken breasts or 1.5 cans of tuna or salmon (185g size) or 200g low fat cottage cheese with 100g prawns or 2 tins of oily fish such as kippers/mackerel/pilchards or 400g raw weight lean steak. Add any salad or vegetable as desired, aim for 3-4 handfuls of different types from free food list below. Before bed P=20g a)200g low fat cottage cheese, sprinkle of walnut or pecan pieces. b) Chicken breast or 100g prawns or 100g Pastrami with lettuce and cucumber, drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Recovery P=40 c=20 Promax (2 scoops with 300ml water) Fluids 1 litre of water during training, at least 3 litres of sugar free squash or diet drinks in addition to this. Sample fat loss plan while based on 100kg player with long term injury Protein Intake = 260g, Carbohydrate Intake = 100g, Fat Intake = 60g

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