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Published bySean Clem Modified over 10 years ago
1 ŠkolaStřední průmyslová škola Zlín Název projektu, reg. č.Inovace výuky prostřednictvím ICT v SPŠ Zlín, CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0333 Vzdělávací oblast Jazykové vzdělávání a komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhArchitecture TémaArchitecture Tematická oblastArchitecture NázevTypes of houses AutorMgr. Jitka Javorová Vytvořeno, pro obor, ročníkStavebnictví, 2.ročník AnotacePrezentace – Architecture Přínos/cílové kompetenceRozšíření učiva učebnice Opportunities, M 16, Architecture VY_32_INOVACE_18_01
Types of houses To revise some expressions
Detached House A single-family detached home, also called a single- detached dwelling or separate house is a free-standing residential building. It is defined in opposition to a multi-family dwelling.multi-family dwelling
Pros and cons Advantages are that the entire space around the building is private to the owner and family, and in most cases (depending on national/federal, state/provincial, and local laws), one can add on to the existing house if more room is needed, and they typically have no property management fees such as the ones associated with condominiums and townhomes.private Disadvantages are that all maintenance and repair costs--interior, exterior, and everything in between--are at the owner's expense. Amenities such as pools and playgrounds are usually absent, unless built at private expense, or if a municipal playground is available. Some single-detached homes do have these features within the lot or nearby, given that their owners pay a homeowners fee similar to those in condos or townhomes. Landscaping and lawn upkeep costs are at the owner's expense
Semi-detached house Semi-detached housing (often abbreviated to semi in the UK, Canada and Australia, as in "three-bedroom semi", and occasionally referred to as se-tenant houses) consists of pairs of houses built side by side as units sharing a party wall and usually in such a way that each house's layout is a mirror image of its twin. This style of housing, although built throughout the world, is commonly seen as particularly symbolic of the suburbanisation of the United Kingdom and Ireland, or post-war homes in Central Canada.housingparty wallsuburbanisationUnited KingdomIrelandCentral Canada
Terraced house n architecture and city planning, a terrace(d) house, terrace, row house, linked house or townhouse (though the last term can also refer to patio houses) is a style of medium-density housing that originated in Europe in the 16th century, where a row of identical or mirror-image houses share side walls. The Place des Vosges in Paris (1605–1612) is one of the early examples of the style. The first and last of these houses is called an end terrace, and is often a different layout from the houses in the middlearchitecturecity planningtownhousepatio housesmedium-density housingPlace des Vosges
Working-class terraced houses in Pakenham Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1981, with windows and doors of unoccupied houses bricked-up to deter vandals. The houses have since been fully restoredBelfastNorthern Ireland
Royal CrescentRoyal Crescent, Bath (1767-1777)
Row houses in alternating cream, yellow, and gray brick, in Bushwick, BrooklynBushwick, Brooklyn
Haight AshburyHaight Ashbury, San FranciscoSan Francisco
Bungalow A bungalow is a type of house, with varying meanings across the world. Common features to many bungalows include being detached, low-rise (single storey or one-and-a- half storeys), and the use of verandahs. In Australia, the California bungalow was popular after the First World War. In Britain and North America a bungalow today is a residential house, normally detached, which is either single storey, or has a second storey built into a sloping roof, usually with dormer windows ("one and a half storeys"). Full vertical walls are therefore only seen on one storey, at least on the front and rear elevations. Usually the houses are relatively small, especially from recent decades, though early examples may be large, in which case the term bungalow tends not to be used today.housedetachedstoreysverandahsAustraliaCalifornia bungalowdormer windows
One-story bungalow with painted trim, earth-tone shingles.
Villa A villa was originally an ancient Roman upper-class country house. Since its origins in the Roman villa, the idea and function of a villa have evolved considerably. After the fall of the Roman Republic, villas became small farming compounds, which were increasingly fortified in Late Antiquity, sometimes transferred to the Church for reuse as a monastery. Then they gradually re-evolved through theMiddle Ages, into elegant upper-class country homes. In modern parlance 'villa' can refer to a various types and sizes of residences, ranging from the suburban "semi-detached" double villa to residences in the wildland-urban interface.ancient Romanupper-classcountry houseRoman villaRoman RepublicLate AntiquitymonasteryMiddle Agessuburbansemi-detachedwildland-urban interface
The Villa Medici in Fiesole with early terraced hillsidelandscape: by Leon Battista AlbertiVilla Medici in FiesolelandscapeLeon Battista Alberti
Chalet A chalet / ˈʃ æle ɪ /, also called Swiss chalet, is a type of building or house, native to the Alpine region in Europe, made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof with wide, well-supported eaves set at right angles to the front of the house. [1]/ ˈʃ æle ɪ /Alpine [1]
Cottage In modern usage, a cottage is usually a modest, often cosy dwelling, typically in a rural or semi-rural location. However there are cottage- style dwellings in cities, and in places such as Canada the term exists with no connotations of size at all (cf. vicarage or hermitage). In the United Kingdom the term cottage also tends to denote rural dwellings of traditional build, although it can also be applied to dwellings of modern construction which are designed to resemble traditional ones ("mock cottages")ruralCanadavicaragehermitageUnited Kingdom In certain places (e.g. Scandinavia, Baltics, and Russia) the term "cottage" has local synonyms (in Finnish mökki; in Estonian suvila; in Swedish stuga; in Norwegian hytte [from the German word Hütte], in Russian дача (dacha)) and can refer to a vacation/summer home, often located near a body of water. In the USA generally this is more commonly called a "cabin", "chalet", or even "camp".ScandinaviaBalticsRussiadachacabinchaletcamp
Traditional Irish cottage (with non-traditional garden plants) in County Donegal, Ireland.County Donegal
Duck Island Cottage, St. James's Park, London.St. James's Park
Mansion A mansion is a large dwelling The word itself derives (through Old French) from the Latin word mansio "dwelling", an abstract noun derived from the verb manere "to dwell". TheEnglish word "manse" originally defined a property large enough for the parish priest to maintain himself, but a mansion is no longer self-sustaining in this way (compare a Roman or medieval villa). 'Manor' comes from the same root— territorial holdings granted to a lord who would remain there— hence it is easy to see how the word 'Mansion' came to have its meaning.Old FrenchLatinEnglishmansevilla
Harlaxton ManorHarlaxton Manor, England, a 19th- century meeting of Renaissance, Tudor and Gothic architecture produced Jacobethan - a popular form of historicist mansion architecture.Jacobethanhistoricist
Cabin A log cabin is a house built from logs. It is a fairly simple type of log house. A distinction should be drawn between the traditional meanings of "log cabin" and "log house." Historically most "log cabins" were a simple one- or 1½- story structures, somewhat impermanent, and less finished or less architecturally sophisticated than a proper log house. A "log cabin" was usually constructed with round rather than hewn, or hand-worked, logs, and often it was the first generation home building erected quickly for frontier shelter. [1]builtlogslog househewn [1]
Log cabins in the open air Norwegian Museum of Cultural History in Bygdøy, OsloNorwegian Museum of Cultural HistoryBygdøyOslo
The cabin where Le Corbusier spent his last years in Roquebrune-Cap-MartinRoquebrune-Cap-Martin
Loft A loft can be an upper storey or attic in a building, directly under the roof. Alternatively, a loft apartment refers to large adaptable open space, often converted for residential use (a converted loft) from some other use, often light industrial. Adding to the confusion, some converted lofts include upper open loft areas. Within certain upper loft areas exist even further lofts.storeyatticbuildingroofconverted
A former warehouse for printing presses converted to a loft apartment on Chicago's Near West Side.Chicago
Attic An attic is a space found directly below the pitched roof of a house or other building (also called garret, loft or sky parlor). Attic is generally the North American English term for it. [1] As attics fill the space between the ceiling of the top floor of a building and the slanted roof, they are known for being awkwardly shaped spaces with exposed rafters and difficult-to-reach corners. While some attics are converted into bedroomsor home offices, complete with windows and staircases, most attics remain hard to reach and neglected, and are typically used for storage. It is a word ultimately derived from the Attica region around Athens, Greece (via Attic style architecture).garretloft [1]raftersconvertedbedroomshome officeswindowsstaircasesAtticaAttic style Attics can also help control temperature in a house by providing a large mass of slowly moving air. Hot air rising from lower floors of a building often gets retained in the attic, further compounding their reputation as inhospitable environments. However, in recent years many attics have been insulated to help decrease heating costs since on average, uninsulated attics account for 15% of the total energy loss in a typical house. [2] [2]
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