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Dr. Moji Edema Transforming agriculture for development.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Moji Edema Transforming agriculture for development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Moji Edema Transforming agriculture for development

2 NiWARD from AWARD… Nigerian Women in Agricultural Research for Development (NiWARD) - an empowerment initiative from AWARD To bring the benefits gained by AWARD Fellows/Mentors/Mentees to rural women farmers 2

3 US$15 million, 5-year project Established in 2008 Followed a successful 3-year pilot program in East Africa with support from the Rockefeller Foundation from 2005- 2008 Second phase commenced in 2013 3

4 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation USAID ICRAF also contributes through cost-sharing and indirect support such as audit, secretariat hosting etc Some 75 national agricultural research institutions also support in various ways 4 Sponsors

5 To fight hunger and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa through women professionals involved in agricultural research 5 Goal :

6 What does AWARD achieve? Leadership Improved visibility Professional growth Enhanced networking 6

7 7 – Structured mentoring/role-modeling – Proposal writing/fund raising course – Science writing/presentation skills course – Access to an electronic science library – Access to knowledge sharing and networking – Four-to-nine month research placement – Participation in a science conference – Membership in a professional association – Women’s Leadership course Through Career Development Strategies:

8 11 Countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia 5 Francophone: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire Levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral 16 Agricultural sciences and allied disciplines 8 Coverage

9 Nigerians on AWARD 2008 – 09 Nigerians selected (n=59) 2009 – 11 Nigerians “ (n=61) 2010 – 13 Nigerians“ (n=60) 2011 – 18““ (n=70) 2012 – break before 2 nd phase 2013 –18 “ “(n=75) 2014 – 23 Nigerians“(n=70) 9

10 10 AWARD sensitization seminar at FUTA by Prof Williams

11 11 NIWARD seeks to bridge the gap between these two classes of women


13 Launched on May 4 th, 2013 With about 60 AWARD fellows, mentors and mentees

14 NIWARD declared by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture at FUTA’S Foundation Day Lecture

15 Transforming agriculture for development

16 Objectives of NIWARD  reach rural women farmers by implementing strategies already tested by AWARD fellows  link nutrition, agriculture and food production through provision of technical expertise under the new agricultural transformation agenda initiative 16

17 Objectives of NIWARD  organize women farmers as change agents of sustainable agricultural development in their communities  mainstream gender into agricultural policy and programmes 17

18 She can do about any farm work!

19 Implementation approach: Collaboration: among AWARD Fellows and development partners to spur sustainable agricultural development Capacity building: among rural farming communities to enhance agricultural productivity Gender responsiveness: agricultural development and innovation for women and youths 19

20 NIWARD interventions Workshops for target groups on value- addition; Support for Rural Farming Cooperatives, especially Women Farmers; 20

21 NIWARD interventions Creation and management of Agricultural Cottage Industries in Rural Communities; Empowerment of Rural Women Farmers in the context of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda 21

22 Anchored by CEGIST Centre for Gender Issues in Science and Technology One of FUTA’s service Centres that work with other national and international institutions/organisations for optimal impact towards national development

23 NIWARD Activities so far: Consultations with important stakeholders to support NiWARD: FMARD, FARA, FIIRO….. A number of other institutions Panel discussion by lead narrator of NiWARD, Prof Stella Williams @ 19 th Economic Summit; Memoirs of NiWARD: Success stories of AWARD Fellows and Mentors 23

24 Expectations from partners/stakeholders Promotion of NiWARD’s activities nationally and internationally Need to bring NiWARD into the professional fold NiWARD envisions a participatory interaction for implementation Counterpart, supportive funding….. 24

25 Contacts NIWARD: CEGIST: AWARD: http://awardfellowships.org Centre for Gender Issues in Science and Technology (CEGIST) Federal University of Technology, Akure PMB 704, 340001, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Email:, Phone: +234 807 25

26 Way Forward What does success look like? How do we make an impact? How do we scale and implement our gender responsive research in farming communities ? What kind of support ( financial and technical) exist? 26

27 Way Forward Build a network of Nigerian AWARD Fellows, Mentors, Mentees, and Interested Partners including small scale farmers. Funding. Projects/proposals. Monitoring and Evaluation. 27

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