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Frankenstein Chapters 13-18.

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1 Frankenstein Chapters 13-18

2 Chapter 13 Baroque language: diction that elevates seemingly ordinary events to the level of the spectacular romantic landscape: cloudless skies, a thousand delightful scents, a thousand beautiful sights Safie: “shining raven hair” • Shows how much the creature idealizes the cottagers – he worships them and longs for their love and acceptance

3 Creature’s humanity Feels sympathy, affection, desire
Capable of aesthetic appreciation (music) Mastered language Capable of self-analysis and reflection

4 Ruin of Empires Reminder that humanity is monstrous: people commit unspeakable violence against one another Exploit those who do not possess money or a noble birth • Creatures horror shows his essential goodness • also echoes the disgust with which the villagers saw the creature

5 Who is the monster? Frankenstein is neglectful and selfish
The monster is good and yet suffering

6 Outcasts Frankenstein and the monster are becoming more similar (both possess knowledge) Both are outcasts by what they know Both long to return to a state of former innocence

7 Chapter 14 The History of the Creature’s Friends
Shows his attachment to the family He has written down the family’s story – history is important

8 The De Lacey’s story Shows the goodness and evil of mankind
Every person is capable of good and evil (the 2 contrary aspects of human nature) Felix: strong sense of justice leads him to aid the merchant; his love for his family makes him return to Paris despite facing punishment Merchant: is a victim of bigotry and hatred; yet betrays Felix, who risked his life to help him

9 Racism of the 19th Century
Muslim: lying and duplicitious Not capable of human kindness Christian: nobility of spirit (Safie gets this from her Christian mother)

10 Chapter 15 Discovery of the satchel of books
The Sorrows of Young Werther Paradise Lost •• two of the greatest books in the history of world literature • they are a symbol of the highest beauty that mankind is capable of producing Plutarch’s Lives ** exalts the work of heroes – another example of human virtue and accomplishment

11 Creature is Learning Knowledge of civilization
Knowledge of the triumphs and suffering of men “teaches him to admire the virtues and deprecate the vices of mankind” – moral education (can distinguish between good and evil) Sees books as true histories (even fiction) – shows innocence

12 Paradise Lost The struggle between God and the Devil – epic battle between the forces of good and evil Sees himself like Adam – forsaken Sees himself like Satan – outcast completely without guidance or protection Sees himself most like Satan The struggle within Paradise Lost between good and evil is an allegory for the struggle within every person (and within the creature)

13 Man or Monster? Which will the creature choose?
Felix beats him – creature chooses not to fight back Creature has innate humanity When he later behaves as a monster, the reader understands why: he has been abused and reviled by those he loves and trusts Despite his essential goodness, he is hated – so he hates mankind in return

14 Chapter 16 The creature sets the cottage on fire – gives vent to the “hell he [bears] within [himself]” Fire consumes cottage with its “forked and destroying tongues” – alludes to fire of hell and Satan

15 Pathetic Fallacy Weather reflects and determines the creatures mental state Winter: the De Lacey’s abandon him (barren and desolate countryside) Heavens pour rain and snow Violent winds • Symbolize the fury the creature will unleash on mankind

16 Spring: creature is filled with joy and benevolence
Irony: the encounter with the girl and her father – he permits himself to be happy, hopes for an end to his suffering, but is confronted with unreasonable horror Saves the child from death – still has sympathy for mankind at this point

17 Murder of innocents Creatures murder of William and mistreatment of Justine are the result of his longing for human connection Wants William as a companion Falls in love with Justine (feels desire) • he can’t have either (won’t overlook his appearance)

18 Desire for a companion Asks Frankenstein for a female companion
Crimes are a result of loneliness Shelley suggests isolation would drive one mad – therefore the creature is not responsible for his actions

19 Chapter 17 Frankenstein agrees to the creature’s request
Reasonable tone Noble desire for a companion – will lead a blameless life Uses guilt: by aligning his maliciousness with his misery, the creature is blaming Frankenstein for what he has become Makes Victor responsible – he made the creature, therefore he should help him

20 Syntax Biblical tone “shall” (prophecy / command) – Victor really has no choice

21 Chapter 18 Victor decides to marry Elizabeth
Foolish – doesn’t know if he can trust the creature Marriage represents the fulfillment of all the family’s hopes and expectations – will restore order to the household Union represents life continuing as usual Gives creature cause for vengeance: marriage is offensive – the creature has been deprived of all love and companionship Victor’s marriage is dependent upon the creature’s

22 Victor and his creation are linked
Their happiness is bound together Victor feels like a slave to his creation Both suffer from solitude – both feel like “a miserable wretch” unfit for human society Romantic happiness is dependent upon the compassion of another Questions who is the creator and who is the creation – this confusion will continue until the conclusion

23 Questionable ethics Conceals his reasons for travelling to England
Expresses fear that he may be exposing his family to danger – but doesn’t alert them to the threat Selfishness???

24 Foreshadowing Chapter ends speaking of Clerval in the past tense (a memory) – foreshadows catastrophic consequences of his secrecy

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