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Welcome to Mrs. Maholick’s 6 th Grade Language Arts Class.

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1 Welcome to Mrs. Maholick’s 6 th Grade Language Arts Class

2 One Hundred Years From Now One hundred years from now It will not matter What kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, How much money was in my bank account Nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child. -excerpt from “Within My Power” by Forest Witcraft

3 Language Arts Curriculum Our Literature Program Includes:  Houghton-Mifflin Theme- Based Guided Reading and Writing program  Core novels and Anthology selections reflect our four themes for the year:  Courage  Growing Up  Ancient Civilizations  Doers and Dreamers Core Novels for 6 th grade  Jaguar by Roland Smith  Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis  *Other additional novels may be used throughout the year

4 Reading Students will be using a variety of reading resources this year. Some of the materials include: Reading & Comprehension:  Houghton Mifflin Reading Series Anthology  Houghton Mifflin Reading Series Leveled Readers  Houghton Mifflin Reading Series Practice Books Vol. 1&2 Independent Reading (SSR)  Students are expected to have a chapter book with them each day for independent reading time in class.  Reading Logs/Snapshot

5 Writing Program Write Source- Skills Book, Text Book, and Daily Edits  Write Source Textbook- A reference guide to writing and grammar skills.  Write Source Skills Book- A workbook for grammar, editing, and proofreading practice Students will be required to write 3 formal writing pieces in 6 th grade:  Persuasive Essay  Narrative  Informational Writing Piece (including research papers)  Research paper- Students will be taught how to effectively research and produce a thorough paper

6 Language Arts  Throughout the year students will engage in a variety of creative writing exercises and assignments, including poetry, short stories, and expository writing pieces.  Students will also have opportunities to practice public speaking skills in class in order to build confidence in speaking confidently and effectively in front of a group.

7 Language Arts Grading Policy Assessments  Literature packets  Tests, quizzes, projects  Writing assignments  80% -  Tests  quizzes  long term assignments (research papers, book reports)  20% -  Classwork  Homework  Short term assignments

8 Classroom Rules and Expectations As a student in my class, you will be expected to: 1) Respect yourself, others, and property. 2) Always be prepared and on time. 3) Use appropriate voice volume and language. 4) Follow directions.

9 Discipline Policy  Strike One: Verbal que. Disruptions during learning will not be tolerated.  Strike Two: A phone call to your home to discuss the situation with your parents/guardians.  Strike Three: phone call home and in-school detention.  Strike Four or Severe Disruptions: Student immediately sent to the office.

10 Daily Routine 1.Teacher Read Aloud (currently Loser by Jerry Spinelli) 2.Review Objectives & Agenda for the day! 3.Get started! (Independent, Partner and Group Work) 4.1 st & 2 nd : Break in between periods, 3 rd & 5 th : they have 4 th period in between – 7 th : only one period for Writing- no break needed 5.For 1 st & 2 nd & 3 rd & 5 th at the beginning of the second period session students SSR/Independently Read 6.Students copy HW down before they leave for the day, Q & A session about HW, and referring to my website to allow the students to see what is available to them online

11 Contact/Communication  Email is the preferred method of contact.  Tina Watson  Karen Maholick  Haverford Middle School (610) 853-5900  Maholick: xt.5239 Watson: xt. 5237  Be sure to check our websites for daily homework and long-term assignments.

12 Thank you!  Thank you for coming tonight.  Thank you for supporting your child.  Thank you for supporting me. Let’s have a FORD-tastic year! Go HMS!

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