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Published byNico Fitt Modified over 10 years ago
Beginners Lesson 18 Declarer Play in Suits
We have chosen the suit to play We have chosen the suit to play We should have more of them than opponents We should have more of them than opponents Defence cannot run their long suits Defence cannot run their long suits Because we will ruff Because we will ruff But defence may ruff if we give them the opportunity But defence may ruff if we give them the opportunity So normally we draw trumps as soon as we get in So normally we draw trumps as soon as we get in
Managing Our Trump Advantage The Key to Declarer Play The Key to Declarer Play We usually draw trumps asap We usually draw trumps asap Most times the correct play Most times the correct play But not always But not always We will look at reasons for not drawing some or all trumps first We will look at reasons for not drawing some or all trumps first
Reason 1 – Extra Losers The lead is made The lead is made Dummy goes down Dummy goes down We count winners and losers We count winners and losers There are more losers than we can afford There are more losers than we can afford We must get rid of enough of them We must get rid of enough of them
KK QQ QQ 3 AA JJ JJ 44 77 TT 22 22 TT 88 TT A K JJ 33 88 55 55 33 Q 2 33 Contract 4Lead K Contract 4 Lead K There are 10 tricks to take We must lose 2 ‘s and 1 We must lose 2 ‘s and 1 And there is a loser And there is a loser We must remove the loser We must remove the loser If we lead a trump they will win A and cash a If we lead a trump they will win A and cash a So: win the lead; cash 3 top ‘s throwing 2 ‘s; then play trumps So: win the lead; cash 3 top ‘s throwing 2 ‘s; then play trumps
Reason 1 – Extra Losers A common problem A common problem Your cunning plan must take extra losers into account Your cunning plan must take extra losers into account But note that we returned to trumps as soon as it was safe But note that we returned to trumps as soon as it was safe Trying to set up other suits would have risked a defensive ruff Trying to set up other suits would have risked a defensive ruff
Reason 2 – Need to retain a trump in the short hand If we remove all trumps from the short hand (usually dummy) If we remove all trumps from the short hand (usually dummy) Defence may be able to get winners in a side suit that is weak in the long hand Defence may be able to get winners in a side suit that is weak in the long hand With less cards in the side suit in the short hand With less cards in the side suit in the short hand We must save a trump as insurance We must save a trump as insurance
AA KK JJ A 77 77 44 66 66 55 88 33 AA 8 6 KK 22 55 22 QQ 4 Contract 4Lead Q Contract 4 Lead Q There are 4 losers, 1 in each suit If we draw 3 rounds of trumps we can lose a 4 th If we draw 3 rounds of trumps we can lose a 4 th Win the lead, cash A & K ‘s Win the lead, cash A & K ‘s Lead 7 towards K forcing A Lead 7 towards K forcing A Win continuation, cross to A, play Q & J throwing J Win continuation, cross to A, play Q & J throwing J Play ‘s allowing defence 1 trick K 5 2 JJ 55
Reason 2 – Need to retain a trump in the short hand Can be a bit more difficult to spot Can be a bit more difficult to spot Look for Look for Long 2 nd suit with 2 or 3 losers Long 2 nd suit with 2 or 3 losers Opposite short trump suit (3 or less) Opposite short trump suit (3 or less) And fairly balanced hand And fairly balanced hand Ask yourself Ask yourself How will I get rid of these extra losers if I cannot ruff them How will I get rid of these extra losers if I cannot ruff them All part of the Cunning Plan! All part of the Cunning Plan!
Reason 3 – Taking Ruffs First Any Ruffs in the short hand are extra tricks Any Ruffs in the short hand are extra tricks Is there another short suit in the short hand? Is there another short suit in the short hand? Can we establish a ruff (or 2) safely? Can we establish a ruff (or 2) safely? If not safely do we need the extra trick so should gamble? If not safely do we need the extra trick so should gamble?
AA KK QQ A 99 JJ 77 TT 99 QQ 77 AA 9 3 88 22 88 66 77 Contract 2Lead 3! Contract 2 Lead 3! There are 7 winners The extra trick is certain with a ruff Possible overtrick in ‘s Possible overtrick in ‘s Win the lead in hand Do NOT lead a trump Cash A and lead another Cash A and lead another When you get back in ruff a with Q When you get back in ruff a with Q 8 6 4 66 22 2 22
Reason 3 – Taking Ruffs First Look for a short hand ruff before you let defence shorten your trumps Look for a short hand ruff before you let defence shorten your trumps Can you afford to remove any rounds of trumps? Can you afford to remove any rounds of trumps? Or should you concentrate on the ruff(s) first? Or should you concentrate on the ruff(s) first? Do NOT send a Boy to do a Man’s Job! Do NOT send a Boy to do a Man’s Job! Ruffs in the long hand do NOT normally provide extra tricks Ruffs in the long hand do NOT normally provide extra tricks
Reason 4 – Dummy Reversal The 1 time ruffs in the long hand provide extra tricks The 1 time ruffs in the long hand provide extra tricks If you have 5 trumps in 1 hand and 4 in the other If you have 5 trumps in 1 hand and 4 in the other 2 ruffs in the long hand provide an extra trick 2 ruffs in the long hand provide an extra trick You must take enough ruffs so that the long hand becomes the short hand You must take enough ruffs so that the long hand becomes the short hand
AA JJ AA 6 99 TT QQ 99 55 KK QQ KK A 4 AA 22 55 33 QQ Contract 6Lead 3! Contract 6 Lead 3! We can see 11 tricks We could try a finesse But a better way Win in hand, cash A, ruff a Win in hand, cash A, ruff a Lead 5 to K checking split, ruff a Lead 5 to K checking split, ruff a Lead 2 to K ruff a 3 rd Lead 2 to K ruff a 3 rd Draw last trump, cash winners 77 JJ 22 66 44 3 2
Reason 4 – Dummy Reversal Works by ruffing enough cards in the long hand to make it the short hand Works by ruffing enough cards in the long hand to make it the short hand If the split is 5:3 1 ruff in the short hand is an extra trick If the split is 5:3 1 ruff in the short hand is an extra trick But it takes 3 ruffs in the long hand for an extra trick But it takes 3 ruffs in the long hand for an extra trick Make sure your trumps are good enough to be able to ruff high without losing trump control Make sure your trumps are good enough to be able to ruff high without losing trump control Not too frequent but a great play when it occurs Not too frequent but a great play when it occurs
Reason 5 – Cross Ruffing With very shapely hands With very shapely hands A method for making lots of trump tricks A method for making lots of trump tricks Needs a shortage in different outside suits in declarer and dummy hands Needs a shortage in different outside suits in declarer and dummy hands Useful for big contracts Useful for big contracts And scrambling part scores And scrambling part scores
KK QQ AA 4 KK JJ 66 88 AA TT 22 A K AA 99 55 Contract 6Lead Q Contract 6 Lead Q NB we have all the top trumps Classic cross ruff hand Win in hand, cash A & K throwing a, cash A & A Win in hand, cash A & K throwing a , cash A & A Cross ruff 3 ‘s and 2 ‘s Cross ruff 3 ‘s and 2 ‘s Lead a which loses and you have 2 top trumps left Lead a which loses and you have 2 top trumps left 44 55 33 77 66 3 2 77 22 33 TheBigHand
AA JJ AA 4 44 88 KK 33 77 TT A 6 QQ 99 Contract 2Lead Q Contract 2 Lead Q There are 6 top tricks If we draw trumps they run the majors Win the A, lead 7 to A Win the A, lead 7 to A Cross ruff 3 ‘s and 2 ‘s Cross ruff 3 ‘s and 2 ‘s There are 2 top trumps left Making 9 tricks 88 QQ JJ 33 22 3 2 77 ThePartScoreScramble 22 66 55 66
Reason 5 – Cross Ruffing Always remove top winners in non trump suits first – to stop them being ruffed later Always remove top winners in non trump suits first – to stop them being ruffed later Do not cash trumps unless safe to do so Do not cash trumps unless safe to do so Each round of trumps shortens cross ruffing capability Each round of trumps shortens cross ruffing capability Use high cards to ruff if you can Use high cards to ruff if you can If you need to use low trumps use them early on If you need to use low trumps use them early on Remember – useful for slams Remember – useful for slams But also good for part score scrambles But also good for part score scrambles
Summary In suit contracts control of the trump suit is most times the key issue In suit contracts control of the trump suit is most times the key issue We have looked at 5 reasons for not drawing some or all trumps first We have looked at 5 reasons for not drawing some or all trumps first Extra Loser(s) to dispose of Extra Loser(s) to dispose of Insurance in short hand Insurance in short hand Ruff needed in the short hand Ruff needed in the short hand Dummy Reversal Dummy Reversal Cross ruffing Cross ruffing
Health Warning Not drawing trumps first can seriously affect your point score! Not drawing trumps first can seriously affect your point score! We have looked at exceptions to the rule We have looked at exceptions to the rule If in any doubt – draw trumps If in any doubt – draw trumps
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