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1 Bookstore Manager Trainings Presented by: Robbie Halstead Kingdom Retail Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bookstore Manager Trainings Presented by: Robbie Halstead Kingdom Retail Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bookstore Manager Trainings Presented by: Robbie Halstead Kingdom Retail Solutions

2 2 Using Inventory Analysis Tools to Maximize Profits

3 EOI Best Sellers 3

4 4


6 IVT-Inventory Totals

7 Tool to analyze your inventory –Exclude Consignment and No on-hands grouping –Complete Report has two components once printed –Department Totals –Category Totals

8 IVT-Inventory Totals

9 This report gives you 1)the number of items in stock, on order, stock needed, and special orders needed, with the retail value of each. 2) It will display the number of items that are not priced on your inventory, LIFO at Cost, FIFO at Cost, and/or Ave. Cost at Cost, depending upon how you have it set in your SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, number 2003. 2003 3)The report also gives you the retail value of all items in stock in each specific department. This is only for inventory that is in your computer.

10 IVT-Inventory Totals This report gives you 4) Department breakdown will include retail/wholesale dollar amounts on-hand and on-order, model wholesale and needed retail. Model wholesale is the dollar amount of all items, if the on-hand was equal to the min/max settings. Each department is broken down into Model A, B, C and other, as set up in SYS, Config File, Change Misc. Configurations, numbers 2043 and 2044.2043 and 2044 5) Category Breakdown the retail/wholesale dollar amount on hand, the month-to-date sales, quarterly sales and total sales for the year.

11 IVM-Model The entry in this field represents the percentage makeup of inventory by department based on sales dollars. For example: If the "Model" parameters in SYS, Config. File, Change Misc. Configurations, numbers 2043 and 2044 have been set at "80" and "90" consecutively (user determines these percentages), items in inventory which fall into the range of 80% of sales dollars would be "A" items and items which fall into the range of 81% to 90% would be "B" items. The remainder of sold items would be "C" items. Naturally, it would be important to keep an eye on the more profitable "A" and "B" items, as opposed to "C" and "D" items, to make sure there is always an ample supply of primary items in stock. Inventory makeup might look something like the following:2043 and 2044

12 IVM-Model A Represents –10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% B Represents –90% C Represents –100% D Represents –0%

13 IVWO-Creating Work Orders

14 Allows you to examine inventory for re-ordering purposes Using the Model field, is an excellent way to look at your fastest movers and put your dollars there!

15 IVWO-Creating Work Orders 15 Single Vendor Work Order

16 IVWO-Creating Work Orders 16 Multiple Vendor Work Order

17 IVWO-Creating Work Orders 17 Multiple Vendor Work Order

18 IVWO-Creating Work Orders 18 Multiple Vendor Work Order

19 IVWO-Creating Work Orders 19 Multiple Vendor Work Order

20 Training: Inventory Analysis Question and Answer session

21 Kingdom Retail Solutions Your one-stop source for Bookstore Development and Management 508-265-8666 Fb: Kingdom Retail Solutions

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