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1 Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Health Sciences Examination Regulations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Health Sciences Examination Regulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Health Sciences Examination Regulations

2 2 Attendance is Compulsory! Failure to meet 80% attendance DEBARRED from the Sessional Examinations Deemed to have FAILED the module Send attempt of same module Fail at 2nd attempt => Dismissal Debarment for 3 or more modules DISMISSAL from course

3 3 Absence From Classes ALL absences, including occasions covered by MCs, are considered eligible for debarment! Need to make up class You should attempt to make up missed classes at other classes during the week, where possible, even if you are covered by MCs Making up classes are allowed only as an exception for unavoidable reasons Not a route to unofficially or habitually change module groups

4 4 One & Only Semestral Exam Must pass one & only semestral exam No special test allowed!

5 5 Absence From Semestral Exam “F” Grade You will be given an "F" GRADE for that module Dismissal You will be DISMISSED if credit units (cu) obtained is less than 30% for all modules taken in the semester

6 6 Absence From Semestral Exam Absence for whole exam Absence throughout the whole examination without permission will result in DISMISSAL Reasons for Absence Must submit documentary evidence stating reason(s) for any absence(s) from the semestral examination To the Director/HS through General Office (Blk 81 Level 7) Within 48 hours Alarm clock not working is not a reason Read timetable wrongly is not a reason

7 7 Absence From Semestral Exam Absence due to illness Must submit a valid MC (from the Government doctor or registered medical practitioners) within 48 hours If not, MC would not be considered Absence due to hospitalization Must submit valid hospitalization MC within 48 hours after discharge from hospital Please inform the School of your admission to hospital as soon as possible.

8 8 Absence From Semestral Exam Absence due to any emergency or other unavoidable circumstances Must submit within 48 hours a letter with all the relevant circumstances which prevented his attendance; and documentary evidence in support of the explanation in the letter

9 9 Your responsibility Your responsibility as student Refer to Student Intranet for your Individualised Exam Timetable Check Examination Timetable carefully to avoid misreading of date and time of exams

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