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EROS AND PSYCHE By Shannon Steel and Julia Story.

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1 EROS AND PSYCHE By Shannon Steel and Julia Story

2 Myth Summary G Psyche was an extremely beautiful mortal woman and became famous for her beauty. The whole world rushed to see her. She had three sisters who were often envious of her. G Aphrodite became jealous and asked her son Eros to kill men’s desire for Psyche. In the process of doing this, Eros himself fell in love with her. G Psyche remained unmarried and this worried her parents greatly. They became desperate because of their daughters destiny and asked for advice from an oracle. G Psyche was an extremely beautiful mortal woman and became famous for her beauty. The whole world rushed to see her. She had three sisters who were often envious of her. G Aphrodite became jealous and asked her son Eros to kill men’s desire for Psyche. In the process of doing this, Eros himself fell in love with her. G Psyche remained unmarried and this worried her parents greatly. They became desperate because of their daughters destiny and asked for advice from an oracle.

3 Myth Summary  The oracle told them that she would marry an ugly beast whose face she would never be able to see and that the beast would be waiting for her at the top of the mountain.  Despite her parents devastation, they arranged a wedding for their lovely daughter and the beast.  When they were married, Psyche was only able to be with her husband at night time. However, he fulfilled her expectations with the enormous amount of love he showed her.  The oracle told them that she would marry an ugly beast whose face she would never be able to see and that the beast would be waiting for her at the top of the mountain.  Despite her parents devastation, they arranged a wedding for their lovely daughter and the beast.  When they were married, Psyche was only able to be with her husband at night time. However, he fulfilled her expectations with the enormous amount of love he showed her.

4 Myth Summary G Psyche jealous sisters convinced her that her husband was not an ugly beast, but a monster that would someday kill her. So, in order to save herself, she should kill him first. G One night, she was ready for the murder and had an oil lamp and a knife with her. G When she shown the light on her husband, she did not see an ugly beast, but instead the beautiful god Eros. G Psyche jealous sisters convinced her that her husband was not an ugly beast, but a monster that would someday kill her. So, in order to save herself, she should kill him first. G One night, she was ready for the murder and had an oil lamp and a knife with her. G When she shown the light on her husband, she did not see an ugly beast, but instead the beautiful god Eros.

5 Myth Summary G She was completely taken by surprise and accidentally spilled oil from the lamp on Eros’ face. This wakened Eros and told her that this ruined their relationship and told her that they could never be together again, she betrayed him. G After this, Psyche started searching all over for Eros and finally not knowing where else to turn, went to Aphrodite to beg to see him. Aphrodite had imprisoned Eros in the palace. G She was completely taken by surprise and accidentally spilled oil from the lamp on Eros’ face. This wakened Eros and told her that this ruined their relationship and told her that they could never be together again, she betrayed him. G After this, Psyche started searching all over for Eros and finally not knowing where else to turn, went to Aphrodite to beg to see him. Aphrodite had imprisoned Eros in the palace.

6 Myth Summary  Aphrodite made Psyche prove her love for Eros by completing three impossible tasks.  Psyche would do whatever it took to see her lover again,she was fearless.  Aphrodite made Psyche prove her love for Eros by completing three impossible tasks.  Psyche would do whatever it took to see her lover again,she was fearless.

7 Myth Summary G The first task required Psyche to visit Hades in the underworld and bring back the box of magic makeup to Aphrodite. She wasn’t allowed to open the box. However, the curious Psyche indeed opened the box and found Morpheus (the god of sleep and dreams) inside the box instead of magic makeup and was instantly put to sleep.

8 Myth Summary G The next task Psyche was to complete was to separate various seeds that were in a big pile. This put her in despair because she thought it was an impossible task. However a group of ants were passing by and saw her misery. They helped her separate the seeds, something that they were experts at. G When Aphrodite saw that Psyche had completed yet another task, she became angry. G The next task Psyche was to complete was to separate various seeds that were in a big pile. This put her in despair because she thought it was an impossible task. However a group of ants were passing by and saw her misery. They helped her separate the seeds, something that they were experts at. G When Aphrodite saw that Psyche had completed yet another task, she became angry.

9 Myth Summary G The last and final task was very dangerous. She had to fill a bottle with water from the river Estige whose black waters cascaded from a hill. When she reached the waterfall, she saw that the rocks were slippery and wet. The only thing that could approach the awful waters was a winged creature. When an eagle was passing overhead, it swooped down and grabbed the bottle out of her hands with its beak. The eagle filled it with some of the black water and then returned it to her.

10 Myth Summary G Now that all of the tasks were complete, Psyche returned to Aphrodite, who was furious. Aphrodite told her that she would never let her go and that she would always be her servant. G The gods saw all that had happened and sent Hermes(messenger of the gods) to Eros to narrate all of the misfortunes his wife had gone through. Eros was touched and left his room to find Psyche exhausted in his mothers garden. G Now that all of the tasks were complete, Psyche returned to Aphrodite, who was furious. Aphrodite told her that she would never let her go and that she would always be her servant. G The gods saw all that had happened and sent Hermes(messenger of the gods) to Eros to narrate all of the misfortunes his wife had gone through. Eros was touched and left his room to find Psyche exhausted in his mothers garden.

11 Myth Summary G From then on, Eros and Psyche lived happily ever after. G As a wedding girl, Zeus made Psyche immortal and allowed her drink ambrosia. G Even Aphrodite was happy because Psyche was living in the sky with her husband. Men on Earth forgot about her and returned to worshiping the true goddess of beauty. G From then on, Eros and Psyche lived happily ever after. G As a wedding girl, Zeus made Psyche immortal and allowed her drink ambrosia. G Even Aphrodite was happy because Psyche was living in the sky with her husband. Men on Earth forgot about her and returned to worshiping the true goddess of beauty.

12 Symbols G Psyche represents the innocent in this story, whose goal is to simply be happy and in this case live a life with Eros. She never gives up in this myth. G Eros represents the lover who will do absolutely anything to gain Psyche’s love. G Aphrodite represents the ruler because she holds all the power in this situation, and she is sort of running the show. G Psyche represents the innocent in this story, whose goal is to simply be happy and in this case live a life with Eros. She never gives up in this myth. G Eros represents the lover who will do absolutely anything to gain Psyche’s love. G Aphrodite represents the ruler because she holds all the power in this situation, and she is sort of running the show.

13 Symbols G Mountains- Psyche went to the top of the mountain where the oracle said her husband would be waiting G Represent arrogance G Darkness- Psyche open the box with the magic makeup and sees darkness. G Represents- the unknown G Mountains- Psyche went to the top of the mountain where the oracle said her husband would be waiting G Represent arrogance G Darkness- Psyche open the box with the magic makeup and sees darkness. G Represents- the unknown

14 Theme G Love always wins in the end. G This is true in the story because even though Eros and Psyche go through many challenges, their love conquers overpowers in the end. G Love always wins in the end. G This is true in the story because even though Eros and Psyche go through many challenges, their love conquers overpowers in the end.

15 Notes G Great detail – consider highlighting information that students should definitely note down during your presentation G Consider – is Psyche the lover, or is it the other way around? Remember that the innocent often does something terrible by accident. G Great detail – consider highlighting information that students should definitely note down during your presentation G Consider – is Psyche the lover, or is it the other way around? Remember that the innocent often does something terrible by accident.

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