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Vendredi le 7 février

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1 Vendredi le 7 février

2 Feb. 3 rd -7 th 2014 McCage Mon 2/3Tues 2/4Wed 2/5Thurs 2/6Fri 2/7 F 1 Makeup quizzes? Papers back All: W/B last pgs. 74+ All: Oral practice in text H/W: Bor. Words sentences due Wed. F 1 Notes: Unit 4 words Start poem practice Oral practice in text & PP with unit 3 verbs H/W: Bor. Words sents F 1 Borrowed words sentences due Notes: Unit 4 words Prac for quiz & speaking packet H/W: Quiz study F 1 Notes 140-42 for 100% Bor. Words sents for 50 Quiz: verbs (all Eng) Oral prac for spk pkt. Start working on scrapbooks! F 1 Make up quizzes? Rest: See Paris film Don’t forget Scrapbooks are due 2/17. Mon. Prac for spk pkt. Oral grade: Tues/Wed. Wed: Quiz bor. Words D F 2 Makeup quiz Show Review on BB Rough draft-10 sents for 50 Papers back F 2 Notes: new words unit 3 Oral review of present & past Any presentations? H/W: Study F 2 Quiz-present & past tense. Notes: More unit 3 Finish up Joyeux Noel or FFF F 2 Makeup quizzes ? Rough drafts back Notes: Unit 3 Work on final copy, put into powerpoint. Start film No H/W F 2 R Movie: Joyeux Noel Reminder: powerpoint is due 2/17 Test: 2/21 Oral grade: 2/24 pkt. Essay final copy - Mon. 105 Food projects TBA F 2 PreAP Makeup quiz Show review on BB Rough drafts for 50 Finish any FFF presentations Papers back F 2 PreAP Notes: Unit 3 vocab Oral review for quiz H/W: Bor. Words sentences & study Any presentations? F 2 PreAP Quiz-present & past tense Bor. Words sentences due H/W: Notes: More unit 3 Finish Joyeux Noel F 2 PreAP Makeup quizzes ? Rough drafts back Notes: Unit 3 Work on final copy, put into powerpoint. Start film No H/W F 2 PreAP Movie: Joyeux Noel Essay mon. 105 PP due 2/17 Test is 2/21 unit 3 all and unit 4 vocab only Oral grade: 2/24 pkt. Food projects TBA F 3 Late VV presenters? Re-quizzers! Late/ab work in! Fairy tale rough drafts due- 20 min. to finish Oral grade practice-15 min. H/W: Amsco 33-35 & practice for oral grade F 3 Fairy tales RD for 50% 1.Grade amscos 2. Prep for oral grade-with me and in pairs 3. Amsco 33-35 for 100 H/W: Amsco 109-110 & Prep for oral grade F 3 Oral grade 1 st group REST: Amsco 33-35 for 50, 109-110 for 100 Subjunctive review of 5 verbs Start verb book ** H/W: Amsco 114-115 and study for quiz F 3 Quiz-verbs in 5 tenses – moved to Friday Oral grade 2 nd group Fairy tales back Work on verb book or fairy tales H/W: Fairy tales/verb book F 3 Quiz makeups? F 3-work on fairy tale on computer. Due Monday for 105. Tues. for 100, etc. Verb book due 2/19. Finish oral grades!

3 F 3 Fairy Tales back: work on final drafts-due Monday for 105, Tues. for 100, Fairy Tales back: work on final drafts-due Monday for 105, Tues. for 100, Wed. for 50  Wed. for 50  QUIZ on verbs today! QUIZ on verbs today! Finish oral grades today! Finish oral grades today! C’est tout! C’est tout!

4 F 3 L’interro Conjugez: 1. Avoir, 2. Aller, 3. Être, 4. Faire, 5. Venir A. Au présent B. Au passé composé C. À l’imparfait D. Au futur proche E. Au subjonctif

5 F 2 All Makeup quizzes? Makeup quizzes? Essays back on Monday-final draft Tues.105, Wed. 100, Thurs. 50 Essays back on Monday-final draft Tues.105, Wed. 100, Thurs. 50 Finish film: Joyeux Noël Finish film: Joyeux Noël

6 F 1 Makeup quizzes! Makeup quizzes! See: Paris film! See: Paris film! Be working on your Paris scrapbooks this weekend & all next week…. due Monday after this one coming up! Be working on your Paris scrapbooks this weekend & all next week…. due Monday after this one coming up!

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