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High Temperature Natural Antioxidant Improves Soy Oil for Frying Kathleen Warner National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research Agricultural Research.

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Presentation on theme: "High Temperature Natural Antioxidant Improves Soy Oil for Frying Kathleen Warner National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research Agricultural Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Temperature Natural Antioxidant Improves Soy Oil for Frying Kathleen Warner National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Peoria, IL USA Marta Meta Gehring Product Development ELVISEM AG Rotkreuz, Switzerland

2 Objectives  To determine frying stability of soybean oil with EPT- OILShield TM, a natural citric acid-based antioxidant  To determine storage stability of tortilla chips fried in soybean oil with EPT-OILShield TM, a natural citric acid-based antioxidant

3 Materials  EPT-OILShield TM at 0%, 0.05% and 0.5%  specially prepared citric acid  potassium sulphate at adjuvant dose  aluminum silicate at adjuvant dose  formulated by Energy Potential Technology (EPT)  fine white powder  Commercially processed soybean oil (no added antioxidants)  Raw, white corn tortillas

4 Methods  Intermittent batch frying of tortilla chips at 180 o C for a total of 65 hr heating/frying in 2 L fryer; makeup oil added  Frying oil analyses  Free fatty acids (AOCS Ca 5a-40)  Total polar compounds (AOCS Cd 20-91)  Tortilla chips analyses  Trained, experienced, analytical descriptive sensory panel  Hexanal by GC headspace  Tortilla chips aged at 25C for up to 4 months








12 Conclusions  Addition of 0.05% EPT-OILShield TM to soybean oil significantly improved the frying stability compared to a soybean oil control  Addition of 0.05% EPT-OILShield TM to soybean oil significantly improved the storage stability of tortilla chips fried in this oil compared to a soybean oil control  EPT-OILShield TM is high temperature resistant (180C)

13 Contact Information IFT Booth Number: 1100 Marta Meta Gehring Elvisem AG Eurocenter 1, Blegistrasse 1, Rotkreuz Switzerland Tel:(+41 41) 790 6330 Fax: (+41 41) 790 6333 Email:

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