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From the Imperial Period to the Feudal Period Early Japan aHundreds of Clans controlled territories aThe people worshipped their own Gods and Goddesses.

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2 From the Imperial Period to the Feudal Period

3 Early Japan aHundreds of Clans controlled territories aThe people worshipped their own Gods and Goddesses (Shinto) aYamato Clan claims to be relative of Amaterasu (sun Goddess)

4 Yamato Period: 300-710 Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture; CULTURAL BORROWING: aPrince Shotoku studied and promoted Chinese ideas aConfucianism aTaoism aChinese writing system aChinese style art aHe even modeled his government after the Tang Dynasty Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture; CULTURAL BORROWING: aPrince Shotoku studied and promoted Chinese ideas aConfucianism aTaoism aChinese writing system aChinese style art aHe even modeled his government after the Tang Dynasty

5 aIn the year 710, the first permanent Japanese capital was established in Nara, a city modeled after the Chinese capital.Nara aLarge Buddhist monasteries were built in the new capital. The monasteries quickly gained such strong political influence that, in order to protect the position of the emperor and central government, the capital was moved to Nagaoka in 784, and finally to Heian (Kyoto) in 794 where it would remain for over one thousand years.BuddhistKyoto Buddhism in Japan

6 Heian Period: 794-1156 Characteristics: a Growth of large landed estates a Arts & literature of China flourished and then gradually declined to become “Japanized” a Elaborate court life [highly refined]  ETIQUETTE (way of behavior) a Personal diaries e The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon [10c] a Great novel e The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki Shikibu [1000 pgs.+] Characteristics: a Growth of large landed estates a Arts & literature of China flourished and then gradually declined to become “Japanized” a Elaborate court life [highly refined]  ETIQUETTE (way of behavior) a Personal diaries e The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon [10c] a Great novel e The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki Shikibu [1000 pgs.+]

7 Heian Court Dress

8 The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon (diary)


10 Tale of Genji ( first novel)

11 Tale of Genji Scroll (first novel)

12 Lady Murasaki Shikibu She contributed much to the Japanese script known as kana, while men wrote with Chinese characters, kanji.

13 aLand owners will challenge the power of the government aPrivate armies were created aThe countryside was dangerous and people began to sell their land in exchange for protection Transition from Imperial to Feudal

14 Samurai  Rivalry between landlords were common  Each hired a bodyguard of warriors  Samurai: “One who serves”

15 Code of Bushido “The way of the warrior” Code of behavior that included: aCourage aFairness aGenerosity aHonor

16 Seppuku: Ritual Suicide Kaishaku – his “seconds” It is honorable to die in this way.

17 Samurai Sword

18 Kamakura Shogunate  In the Late 1100’s, Japan’s 2 most powerful clan went to war with Minamoto being victorious.  The emperor gave a Minamoto leader the title SHOGUN. This means “supreme general of the emperor’s army.”  The shogun had the powers of a military dictator.  The headquarters of the Shogun was called Kamakura

19 FeudalismFeudalism Japan: A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Japan: Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasant Land - Shoen Protection Loyalty Food

20 Feudal Society The emperor reigned, but did not always rule!

21 European knight Samurai Warrior vs. Medieval Warriors

22 Knight’s Armor Samurai Armor vs. Medieval Warriors

23 FeudalismFeudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Europe: King Lord Knight Peasant Land - Fief Protection Loyalty Food

24 Ashikaga Age: 1338-1573 ► Shoguns fought for power. a Laws are unclear. a Less efficient than the Kamakura. a Armies of samurai protected the country.

25 The Age of the Warring States: ( 1467 - 1568) a Castles built on hills in different provinces. a Power shifts from above to below.  Europeans arrive in Japan bringing firearms & Christianity. a Christianity & foreign trade flourish.

26 Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) a Banishes the last Ashikaga shogun. a Unifies a large part of Japan. a Banishes the last Ashikaga shogun. a Unifies a large part of Japan.

27 Catholic Jesuits in Japan [First Catholic Missionaries in Asia] St. Francis Xavier [First Catholic Missionaries in Asia]

28 Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598) a Becomes suspicious of European territorial ambitions.  Orders all European missionaries expelled from Japan.  a Tries to invade Korea, but fails.

29 Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) Appointed shogun by the Emperor. a Appointed shogun by the Emperor.  Four-class system laid down with marriage restricted to members of the same class!  Four-class system laid down with marriage restricted to members of the same class!   Warriors.  Farmers.  Artisans.  Merchants.

30 Tokugawa Shogunate Period a Japan closed off to all trade [except to the Dutch and Chinese]. a Japanese Christians persecuted and Christianity is forbidden. a The government is centralized with all power in the hands of the shogun. a Towns, esp. castle towns, increase. a Merchant class becomes rich! a New art forms  haiku poetry, kabuki theater.

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