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VIND OFFICER TRAINING April 17, 2011 Beban Park, Nanaimo.

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Presentation on theme: "VIND OFFICER TRAINING April 17, 2011 Beban Park, Nanaimo."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIND OFFICER TRAINING April 17, 2011 Beban Park, Nanaimo

2 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer

3 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved

4 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility

5 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver

6 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership

7 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead

8 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead Delegate

9 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead Delegate Be cost conscious

10 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead Delegate Be cost conscious Be consistent

11 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead Delegate Be cost conscious Be consistent Lead with restraint

12 PROFILE OF AN OFFICER Willing volunteer Get involved Accept responsibility Be a problem solver Give leadership Plan ahead Delegate Be cost conscious Be consistent Lead with restraint Learn to be a leader

13 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings

14 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared

15 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared Don’t relinquish control of meetings

16 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared Don’t relinquish control of meetings Don’t be threatened by questions

17 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared Don’t relinquish control of meetings Don’t be threatened by questions Don’t be a comic

18 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared Don’t relinquish control of meetings Don’t be threatened by questions Don’t be a comic Don’t denigrate anyone

19 SOME DON’TS Don’t dominate meetings Don’t come ill-prepared Don’t relinquish control of meetings Don’t be threatened by questions Don’t be a comic Don’t denigrate anyone Don’t permit interruptions

20 SOME DON’TS How to lose Volunteers.. Do this..

21 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Containing: Operational Manual By-laws Governing Board Regulations Model District Regulations Model Squadron Regulations CPS Handbook Was this: Now this: More on this later

22 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too

23 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too Be part of the team

24 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too Be part of the team Be tolerant, cut some slack

25 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too Be part of the team Be tolerant, cut some slack Radiate enthusiasm

26 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too Be part of the team Be tolerant, cut some slack Radiate enthusiasm Never leave your sense of humour under the pillow in the morning

27 SOME IDEAS Understand your job - the “book” Ensure your successor does too Be part of the team Be tolerant, cut some slack Radiate enthusiasm Never leave your sense of humour under the pillow in the morning Have fun and laugh a lot

28 ANOTHER IDEA We have two ears and one mouth - use them accordingly Listen to understand The art of communication includes listening

29 WE vs. THEY - who are they? Who ARE those folk back east?

30 GOVERNING BOARD Chief Commander National Executive Officer National Training Officer National Administration Officer National Secretary National Treasurer Law Officer Chairs of Committees on Rules and Nominations The Operating Committee Immediate Past Chief Commander All District Commanders (17) Up to 10 General Directors from various areas of Canada

31 GOVERNING BOARD Chief Commander National Executive Officer National Training Officer National Administration Officer National Secretary National Treasurer Law Officer Chairs of Committees on Rules and Nominations The Operating Committee Immediate Past Chief Commander All District Commanders (17) Up to 10 General Directors from various areas of Canada All are volunteers Meet three times a year (+AGM)

32 Many Committees Communications Distance Education Centre Environment Committee ICT Historical/historique MAREP (Hydrographic) Marketing and PR Multimedia

33 National vs HQ “The National” - the elected or appointed volunteers “HQ” - paid staff and where the work gets done Alain Briere - Executive Director John Gullick - Deputy Executive Director Carole Brown - Membership Maintenance, Boating Graduates & New Members Saloni Ramiah - Membership & Bridges Beverly Walters - PCOC and ROCM Lynda Green - Orders, Exams, Advanced Grades,Merit Marks and Ships Stores Liudmila Nikolaeva - French Communications Marie-Paule Missidi - Proof reading and translation Michael (Mike) Bencic Jr. - Publications & Graphic Designer Vanessa Schmidt - Publications & Graphic Designer Alice Hinton - Bookkeeping, Squadron Accounts Bill Spicer - Material Distribution All information available on web site All information available on web site

34 District Structured similarly to Squadrons and National The liaison between Squadrons and National Resource for Squadrons Coordinate activities Elected Bridge Council is Bridge + Commanders

35 Resource:






41 New folk don’t always understand terms CPS-ECP VIND VISD PMD GB Others? Annoying Acronyms Spell it out for them

42 Thank you

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