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Introduction to Potential Changes for UWR #U-5-004 Order (Mountain Goat) Ungulate Winter Range North Island-Central Coast Mid Coast TSA.

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1 Introduction to Potential Changes for UWR #U-5-004 Order (Mountain Goat) Ungulate Winter Range North Island-Central Coast Mid Coast TSA

2 Rationale U-5-004 established in 2007. Included a sunset date of December 31, 2009. At this time, there is no effective order in place for mountain goats for the mid-coast TSA. Since 2007, other goat orders have come into effect with updated wording and additional general wildlife measures (GWM) based on pertinent research and expert panel recommendations. Potential changes to U-5-004 align with established north-coast and sunshine-coast orders

3 First Steps Recognize where changes may be necessary. Initiate discussion and obtain feedback from regional biologists, mountain goat specialists, district staff, licensees.

4 Potential Changes GWM 2 “A person may carry out timber harvesting activities within the boundaries of individual ungulate winter range polygons established by this Order, but may not impact the total area of ungulate winter range in a landscape unit by more than 10%.” -Average size of UWR unit is 137 ha. Average amount of productive forest is 42 ha. 10% = ~1/3 of PF. - Replace with incursion based on amount of productive forest within a UWR unit?

5 Historical Overlap Frequency of harvest activity and UWR boundary intersection since 2007 implementation of mountain goat order is 0.8%. Reminder- 86% of these units are comprised of forest that is completely NC. Future need to utilize incursion is not predicted to be significant as overlap is likely minimal.

6 GWM 8 “If primary forest activities are scheduled between November 1 and April 15, and are situated within 500 meters of a goat winter range during severe winter conditions, an assessment will be carried out by a qualified professional to determine whether the activities should commence, and what conditions should apply, in order that the activities do not result in material adverse disturbance of wintering goats”.

7 Potential Changes GWM 8 “If primary forest activities are scheduled between November 1 and April 15, and are situated within 500 meters of a goat winter range during severe winter conditions, an assessment will be carried out by a qualified professional to determine whether the activities should commence, and what conditions should apply, in order that the activities do not result in material adverse disturbance of wintering goats”. - No provision under the FRPA that allows for the sub- delegation of authority to a QP.

8 Potential Changes GWM 8 “If primary forest activities are scheduled between November 1 and April 15, and are situated within 500 meters of a goat winter range during severe winter conditions, an assessment will be carried out by a qualified professional to determine whether the activities should commence, and what conditions should apply, in order that the activities do not result in material adverse disturbance of wintering goats”. -A professional panel utilized a risk matrix that included considerations for winter severity, distance of harvest operations from mountain goats and the probability of occupancy of winter ranges to determine that goats are detrimentally impacted by helicopter disturbance until later in the spring. -There may be some flexibility in moving the fall deadline back a few weeks.

9 Potential Addition Helicopter Yarding Currently no general wildlife measures specific to helicopter activities during winter. 500m setback for primary forest activity may not be effective at buffering helicopter noise. Research suggests adverse disturbance at distances ≤2000 m. North-coast order includes a 2000 m buffer. Sunshine-coast order = 1500m line-of-sight. Original proposal was 2000 m; deputy minister concluded 1500 m was a reasonable balance. More supporting study in mid-coast area is suggested before a decision can be made on an appropriate setback.

10 Potential Addition Helicopter – Sunshine Coast Helicopter GWM will not apply if the Regional FLNRO office is notified prior to the activity commencing and a written rationale that supports one or more of the conditions listed is made available upon request: distance between the activity and the location of mountain goats within the UWR unit is greater than 1500 m line-of-sight; or, snow accumulation within the area of the UWR unit being used by mountain goats is less than 30 cm between specified dates at start and end of winter closure; or, there is low probability of goat occupancy within the UWR unit.

11 Next Steps Create database using existing information to increase knowledge on goat occupancy in mid-coast UWR units Field surveys this winter to add to database and support rationale for appropriate helicopter buffer distances. Integrate licensee input into strategies. May be necessary to focus on specific areas and/or operating windows.

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